Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

"If there is no doubt, I think, can I do it?" Ye Xuan looked at both of them.

"Ye Xuan, how dare you." Gong Sun Yang would be considered a plant.

He did not expect that Ye Xuan prepared so well.

The things that had been nailed on the board have become like this.

"Don't I dare?" Ye Xuan lightly came over with a smile.

"Master, why dirty your hands?" Jin Bu whispered aside.

"Gold doesn't change, daring." Gongsun Yang said, looking at Jin, he gritted his teeth.

"Gongsun Yang has become a eunuch. You are still so rampant. It seems that you still have no long memory." Jin Buchang said, and walked over directly.

Suddenly, Lin Feng, the fast knife hand next to him, blocked Jin Buchang.

"Boss King." Lin Feng, the quick knife player, said lightly.

"Don't worry, it's your turn in a moment." Jin Buchang narrowed his eyes.

"Stop me," Gongsun Yang said coldly.

The sharp knife Lin Feng heard this, turned his head to look at Gong Sun Yang, and said coldly in his mouth: "Shut up."

"You." What Gongsun Yang said, as if he had thought of something, shut up.

"Boss Jin, I will meet you later." Quick knife hand said in a deep voice.

"Alright, I'll solve you first." Jin Buchang didn't care.

The two glanced at each other, and suddenly they all moved.

Ye Xuan knew the strength of Jin Buchang, and he was not worried at all.

"Do you want me to shoot?" Li Yaoya asked softly.

"No, just stop it, and leave the rest to me." Ye Xuan lightly smiled.

With that said, Ye Xuan also went out.

The ten wicked people over there looked at it, and they knew that they were facing Ye Xuan.

For Ye Xuan, they also heard about it, slashing twenty innate masters with a sword, this record, even they can not be so neat.

Coupled with the sword spirit in the token now, they are particularly concerned.

"Do you want to go?" Ye Xuan looked at Gongsun Yang and Murong Cong over there.

At this moment, the two were ready to leave first, but the guards were still there.

It's also hard to think about this level.

The top ten wicked people have already surrounded Ye Xuan, and it seems that they are the two of them.

"I really don't know what benefits the two of them gave you, actually came to block my way." Ye Xuan said with a smile.

"City Lord Ye, this matter is a misunderstanding today. Please also give us a thin noodle. We will remember it from ten of us."

"Give you face? Is your face worth money?" Ye Xuan mocked.

"Ye Xuan, don't give your face a shame. Our boss has talked to you like this. You go out and ask. When did our ten wicked people talk so well."

"I'm going, let's avoid it."

The lively people over there retreated again, and kept retreating for more than one hundred meters, and then stopped.

"Sin Zhongxian is pure death, Ye Xuan will not keep his hand."

"Not necessarily, the ten wicked men have become famous for a long time, and their strength cannot be underestimated."

"The top ten wicked people should be clear. The greedy ghosts inside actually eat children. As for the fairy, they don't know how many spoiled women have been ruined.

"Yes, I support Lord Ye."

"These people should be resolved, they are all scum."

"It's hard to say that five of the ten wicked people have already broken through Ningdan, and Ye Chengzhu is really in trouble."

Everyone's opinions are not uniform, and there are many discussions.

Seeing this, Tianjizi shook his head involuntarily.

Just now he also touched those tokens. The sword energy in it alone is not something that the ten wicked men can solve.

"It's said that it's better to be famous than to meet, but I want to learn your high skills." Ye Xuan said lightly.

"City Lord Ye, do you have to shoot?" Greedy Ghost said coldly.

"Noisy tongue!" Ye Xuan said, his figure had moved.

The top ten wicked people did not keep their hands.

Ye Xuan watched their movements and stretched out his hand.

"Sword is coming."

The broken blade flew directly from a distance, and landed firmly in Ye Xuan's hands.

Ye Xuan holding the broken blade, the whole person's momentum has changed.

The vastness before was directly turned into raging waves.

This situation shocked the ten wicked people.

That sense of crisis made their hairs stand upright.

"Since it's here, don't leave today." Ye Xuan said, the sword in his hand split against several people.

Especially the immortals in the color over there, they just couldn't stop when they got in touch.

After Ye Xuanxing passed by, a bright red thin line appeared around his neck.

Immediately after, his head fell to the ground.

"so smart?"

"Yecheng Lord's swordsmanship is magical."

"It's good to kill, it's time to kill him."

"The top ten wicked ones have been eliminated, and the remaining nine people will not live long."

"It's a pleasure, it's refreshing."

"The top ten villains kicked the iron plate this time, and it is still the kind of iron plate that will eat people."


The people watching over there were very excited, as if they had just dispatched it by hand.

"Old Seven." The greedy roared.

"Don't worry, it's your turn next." Ye Xuan looked at the nine people in front of him, and a slight bend in the corner of his mouth.

"Jianfen." The voice was backward, and I saw Ye Xuan's sword directly divided into nine handles, and quickly rushed to the nine people in the air.

Seeing this, Gongsun Yang over there immediately grabbed his teeth and took out a small bottle from his arms and handed it over to Murong.

"Eat it, otherwise we will not be able to get out." Gongsun Yang eagerly said.

"Is this blood coagulation pill?" Murong recognized this pill.

"Good, eat it quickly, otherwise, just wait for death." Gongsun Yang swallowed the panacea in his hand.

Coagulation Pill, this is a kind of self-mutilation panacea.

After taking it, how much the skill increases, but there is a disadvantage, that is, after taking, the lower body blood will coagulate, thus losing the qualification to be a man.

Murong hesitated for a moment, but still did not make up his mind.

When the guards came up, Murong swallowed it.

No way, he secretly came out this time, Murong Batian didn't even know he would do such a thing.

If it is dead now, it is completely over.

Although taking blood coagulation Dan has sequelae, compared with death, Murong never cares about these.

Solved the guards standing in front of them, the two quickly ran towards the outside.

"No one can go, so are you." Ye Xuan finished, pointing at the token over there.

The tokens flew directly and shot at the two over there.

"It's just a token." Gong Sun Yang whispered coldly.

Faced with the token flying in front of him, Gongsun Yang greeted him directly.

Looking at his movements, Ye Xuan smiled lightly.

When the Gongsun Yanggang contacted there, dozens of sword qi burst out of the token.

Jian Qi passed through Gongsun Yang's body, leaving many small holes in the ground.

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