The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 549: Too much strength

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Outside the city.

The sound of bursts can't hold the shock inside.

A series of figures appeared on the walls of the Sky City, showing an angry expression, no one dared to shout loudly here.

"Who is that kid!"

"What a arrogant guy!"

"It's just a great master, dare to arrogant in Tiancheng, and I will regret watching it later!"

"Our Tiancheng formation, but it is a congenital formation, even if the kid wants to break in, it's really a forehead!"


The warriors in the heavenly city really didn't take the guys outside the city seriously, nor did they look at where is this place, and anyone wanted to come to wanton.

"Heavenly Army is here!"

"Hahaha, I will be shot into Ma Honeycomb soon!"

In the sky city, a large army appeared, the number was about a thousand people, all armored, exuding a cold breath, they quickly climbed the city wall, manipulated large crossbows, and arrows flew all over the sky.

"How brave, let you taste the power of the crossbow first!"

Under the large crossbow, the world and earth seemed to be enveloped by arrows. Under such an attack, no one could escape into the sky.

An elder in charge of the heavenly army ordered the launch of a large crossbow.

The arrows of the sky struck, like a strong wind, suddenly covering the location of Ye Xuan, under the tremendous power blessing, leaving only a black shadow.

"Oh, it seems that you don't see the coffin and you can't cry!" Ye Xuan strode forward, and the arrows burst out. Near a few meters from Ye Xuan, they encountered powerful forces and fell from the sky. .

Step by step, Ye Xuan came to the outside of the city, less than fifty meters from the city wall, and he could see the expression changes of these people on the city wall, all in a daze.

Under such an attack, it is easy to stop the unprecedented things.

"This ~~ How is this possible!"

The elder of the team leader took a breath and couldn't believe the scene before him was real.

The same is true of everyone on the city wall. They have all seen it with their own eyes. I do n’t know how many people were shot under such a large crossbow. The situation at the moment has subverted the impression.

Ye Xuan stretched out his hand, and the endless heaven and earth aura came together, and the whole world began to change color.

"A large array, can you stop my footsteps!" Ye Xuan grabbed a long sword condensed by the aura of heaven and earth, and cut it straight across the sword.

"A sword in heaven and earth!"

After the heaven and earth spirits turned into a long sword, everyone was shocked again. With this method, the innate strongman may not be able to do it ...



Everyone's face changed drastically, and they panic evacuated from the city walls.

There was a loud bang.

A huge sky city was shocked. Many warriors were slammed down on the ground. They looked at each other face to face. The power of a sword was so powerful.

"so horrible!"

Everyone murmured to himself, and their faces were full of fear. It ’s a congenital array.


When Ye Xuan shot for the second time, a loud drink came from the sky city, and a figure turned into a streamer.

Unfortunately, Ye Xuan didn't pay attention, and the second sword was cut again.

A congenital array method is exactly the same thing in Ye Xuan's eyes. The first sword shook the array, and the second sword was cut through the entire large array.

The eyes of the large array collapsed.

The barrier shrouded in the sky city completely disappeared.

Ye Xuan once again cut out the sword, and the sword light was like a long dragon, rolling over from the buildings of the heavenly city, rumbling loudly, and the buildings turned into ruins.

Under the sword light, many martial arts were swept across, and there was blood on the spot.

Ye Xuan stepped forward.

"You want to stop me!" Ye Xuan stabs with a sword, and the spirit of the world penetrates the eyebrows of the person, leaving a blood hole, falling from the sky and hitting the ruins, dust flying.

"Elder Wang is dead!"

On the ruins, everyone exclaimed.

Ye Xuan didn't pay attention to the little miscellaneous fish. The real master was on the Tianshan Mountain.

At this time, a group of senior elders on the Tianshan Mountain turned pale, and several of them were trembling slightly. They still underestimated the strength of this person.

Strong mess!

"Follow me to face the battle together!" Tianxinzi, the lord of the heavenly city, also had a dignified face at this time. "Even if he was born, he would never take advantage of it!"


Ye Xuan had nothing to hinder and climbed to the Tianshan.

The warriors of Tianshan are hiding.

A sword kills the elders and grandmasters, and these people are also in vain, only the innate strong can suppress the other side.

Ye Xuan came to a palace in the highest part of Tianshan, and this palace had a name called Tiangong.

"Your Excellency, the people who killed us in the city of heaven are so serious that we take the people in the city of heaven seriously!"

At the gate of the palace, Tian Xinzi brought people out, everyone glared at each other, if not for the powerful means, then come up early at this time.

"Is Tiancheng awesome?" Ye Xuan said with a smile, "I just came here to find something, and everyone is here. That's better, just solved you together!"

Ignoring the seniors present so much that they all vomit blood!


It's crazy!

"Okay, okay!" Tian Xinzi was equally angry, "No one has dared to ignore our sky city so much, and everyone who ran wild in the sky city was finally killed by us!"

Ye Xuan arbitrarily said, "Really, then I really want to see!"

Tian Xinzi snorted coldly, "Relax, wait for you to see, no matter who is behind you, our Tiancheng will give them a profound lesson, because no one can ever leave after the wild in Tiancheng!"


Tian Xinzi suddenly shouted, and at the same time took out an item on his body, as if something had started.

Wow! ! !

As the treasure lifted off, the Tianshan Mountain changed.

A majestic force shrouded in an instant, covering the entire Tianshan.

Enveloped in mysterious power, Ye Xuan's face changed slightly, originally turned to the ground on the sky, and his body sank slightly.

"Hahaha, ignorant child, now you know the power of the heavenly city!" Tianxinzi laughed, "Is the true energy in the body sealed, and my body is like the top of the mountain? Forgot to tell you, this power comes from Tianshan, Tianshan is a Special treasures can seal the true energy and create gravity, even the innate strong can't bear it! "

Everyone behind Tianxinzi smiled.

"You are really cunning. You didn't deliberately try to attract me to the mountain!" Ye Xuan looked suddenly realized.

"Boy, now you have the strength seal, you can't move, see if you can be crazy or not!" A strong man with thick eyebrows and big eyes standing behind Tian Xinzi shouted, ran up, and punched Yellow dragon.

With a bang.

The crowd hadn't recovered yet, a cloud of blood mist exploded on the spot, and a large part of them spattered on them.

"Oh, I'm so embarrassed, I have too much strength!"

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