Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

The brother who helped Li Meiqi solve the Hehuan Sect, in Ye Xuan's view, it was simple and could not be simpler.

With the arrangement left by Ye Xuan and the wisdom of Li Meiqi, there should not be much danger. When the other party wins the championship, I believe that at that time, the other party's face will be very beautiful.

At noon the next day, Ye Xuanyou Zao Zai woke up.

"Her husband, have lunch!"

Li Meiqi was in a very good mood and took the initiative to make a sumptuous lunch.

Ye Xuan didn't go to eat the tofu of the other party when he was eating.

"Let's go out recently!"

When leaving, Ye Xuan said to Li Meiqi that it was a reminder.

The person in charge of Tianmen planted a big heel in Ye Xuan's hands. If Tianmen didn't move, it would be abnormal.

"I know my husband!"


Get out of Li Meiqi's room.

Ye Xuan pinched a recipe for escape and grew old to an alley nearby.

This is a dead corner, few people will pay attention to this place, when to go in and out.

Ye Xuan swaggered out, and did not rush back to Sijiqing Hotel and walked casually.

The appearance of Xingyue Stone has not affected Hong Kong, and it is in fact no different from Hong Kong in the past.

Walking on the busy and crowded street, the turbid breath in the air made Ye Xuan very uncomfortable.


Ye Xuan frowned inadvertently when passing the traffic lights.

"This is the demon's breath!"

Just now, a wicked spirit passed by.

The other party's breath was well sealed, and after all, Ye Xuan noticed it.

In the city, Ye Xuan was shocked by the appearance of a demon race.

"Xingyue Stone was born, the spirit of heaven and earth seemed to recover, and practitioners began to enter the world. Now that the demon tribes are here, this world has become more and more interesting!

Ye Xuan did not catch up and check, a little demon, if the big demon is still interested.


Ye Xuan originally planned to return to the Four Seasons Hotel.

Because I met a little demon on the road, I immediately had another idea.

This world seems to be changing.

In response to this incident, Ye Xuan felt that he seemed to be prepared for the rain, so be prepared first so as not to be in great danger when he got it, and was beaten by surprise.

Although the strength of Ningdan Realm is very powerful, who knows the future.

Ye Xuan must be prepared.

In case there is a strong golden dan in those secret realms, it is not easy to clean up.

Ye Xuan himself can't guarantee that this will happen, but in the subconscious, this kind of thing is very likely, maybe about 70% to 80%.

"My universe has risen to the next level, that is the Jindan-level body, who was afraid of who at that time!"

Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes.

In the world of cultivation of immortals that year, it was the most practicable to practice morale, because it was easy, but another body trainer was difficult.

They need to constantly use self-mutilation methods, plus a lot of immortality medicine to enhance the physical strength.

This is a long road.

But once grown up, that strength cannot be ignored.

Usually a martial arts strong man, dealing with two or three Jindan strong men, that is a breeze.

Therefore, in the world of cultivation of immortals, anyone can offend, but not those who offend the martial arts Jindan strong, or the martial arts solidarity.

Those are martial madmen.


Ye Xuan found a quiet cafe.

At noon, the cafe is empty.

This cafe has a literary atmosphere, with Western music, and the melodious voice echoes in the cafe.

Ye Xuan asked for a cup of ordinary coffee, and found a sunny place, where he was able to see the situation outside.

Drinking coffee, opened the prestige assist system.

Look inside the prestige exchange.

In order to improve the cosmic-level Gong / Fa, in addition to the task, Ye Xuan thought of prestige exchange, maybe he can start from here.

Since the system binds itself, I really haven't learned much about it, especially the things exchanged in the mall. Except for the first glance, I haven't paid attention to it.

If it weren't for the little demon, realizing that the earth was about to start chaos, Ye Xuan would not think of the mall.

Find it!

Ye Xuan was lucky, and quickly found what he wanted.

"Elementary Experience Dan!"

"Intermediate Experience Dan!"

"Senior Experience Dan!"

"Top experience Dan!"

Ye Xuan's eyes lit up with the appearance of these four immortals.

This experience Dan can be used on skills.

For example, Ye Xuan's body is actually a skill. Taking this experience can improve your physical progress.

"A junior experience dan requires 200,000 prestige, a middle-level experience dan needs 500,000, a senior experience dan needs 2 million, and a top-level experience dan needs 10 million, the price ~~~"

Ye Xuan secretly took a breath, and then looked at his prestige.

9.6 million prestige!

This number really makes Ye Xuan very helpless.

After coming to Hong Kong recently, I really did n’t get much prestige, so that the prestige stayed at about 9.6 million. If you use it to exchange for the junior experience Dan, you can only exchange 96. Intermediate words are less, 20 are not. To senior, even worse.

"I don't know how much experience Dan can gain!"

After Ye Xuan searched again, he really found an attribute bar.

Name: Ye Xuan (Ning Dan)

Prestige: 9.6 million.

Skill: Cosmic Level 2

Treasure: Flying Sword (Normal)


What a simple attribute.

Ye Xuan was speechless when he saw it.

This attribute bar is worse than the online games, I really doubt if it is from the cottage.

"No matter, try before you talk!"

Redeemed ten junior experience Dan.

Two million prestige was removed.

"Use Junior Experience Dan to gain 2 experience!"

"Use Junior Experience Dan to gain 2 experience!"


Ye Xuan has been observing the property bar.

After taking the primary experience pill, the second level of the universe has finally started to improve.

Behind the second level of the universe, there are brackets (20%)

"Really improved, ha ha ha!"

Ye Xuan was 100 satisfied with this effect.

"Isn't you picking it up, and forty more, can I be promoted to the third / level of the universe? Budo Jindan?"

Ye Xuan felt like he was dreaming, "This Nima's too easy!"

Can't help vomiting.

As Xuan Emperor at that time, Ye Xuan tried to practice martial arts. He thought it was a very simple matter. It was only after he had practiced that he knew that the path of martial arts was more difficult than he thought.

too difficult!

The resources consumed are not generally large.

Without the support of a large sect, Xiu wanted to go far on the path of martial arts practitioners. Even with the support, that is not something ordinary people can afford.

Later, Ye Xuan gave up the attempt of martial arts practitioners.

It was a completely inhuman road, and whoever dared to touch it was unlucky.

But now, this cosmic-level body-building exercise / practice has been lifted up easily, and a slight change from the flesh is not generally clear under Ye Xuan's consciousness.

This feeling is really wonderful.

Ye Xuan was intoxicated for a while.

"Let's rise, we must rise!"

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