The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 439: Welcome to revenge

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

As soon as Ning Xin saw this young man appearing, she subconsciously reminded the other party to run immediately, she didn't want the other party to have an accident.

Speaking of this matter, she brought it out, Ning Xin naturally does not want this comfortable young man to be injured.

If it weren't for her to catch the thief at the airport, it wouldn't hurt the other party.

"Run, you can't run here!"

Zheng Kaibao looked at each other with a smile.

Seven or eight strong men rushed up, bare hands, and a sturdy breath all over them. Everyone couldn't help but look in silence for this young man.

Another guy who reads a lot of books.

Heroes save the beauty? Don't look at this place.

None of the onlookers dared to go up. You, a little white-faced guy, dared to go up. I really thought he had the domineering spirit. He could scare them to kneel on the ground and worship.

This little white face will soon be unlucky.

Offended the Kowloon Pavilion but there is nothing to end.


Ye Xuan was in a bad mood because of Bai Feifei, and finally recovered, and when he saw this scene, there was a chill in his heart.

It can only be said that Zheng Kai did not appear at the right time.

If it appears one day later, Ye Xuan will not have a killing intention.

This Zheng Kai is going to be unlucky.

The strongest man who rushed up quickly hit Ye Xuan's face with a punch. If it hits, it will definitely blossom.

Ye Xuan chuckled, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the opponent's fist directly. The strong man only felt bound by the iron hoop, and the whole fist was broken.

"Let go!"

Ye Xuan flew up and kicked on the chest of the strong man.

With a loud bang, the strong man flew out like a cannonball, and the two strong men behind him flew out with them, flying a full dozen meters away.

Going down this foot can scare everyone, so much strength.

The remaining five strong men, look at me and I look at you, and my heart is chilling, even if they can't do it to this degree, three kicks and fly, or a dozen meters away, how much effort is needed what.

The most terrible thing is that the other party can't see a little breath of the warrior, but he is amazingly powerful.

Ye Xuan rushed up like a ghost, flying this with a palm, kicking this with a kick. In front of Ye Xuan, the five strong men only felt a flower in front of them, all flew out, and hit the hard / hard ground.

"Wow, it's amazing!"

A stewardess next to Ning Xin exclaimed, "Friendly manly, this strength is really great."

After this exclamation, everyone came back to their heads and the battle seemed to be over.

The eight strong men were all lying on the ground, and they seemed to be falling hard.

Ye Xuan walked towards Zheng Kai.

"For these rubbish, it's the same for another hundred, don't you want to interrupt my limbs!"

Ye Xuan's eyes became cold.

"Why are you standing still, don't give it to me, stop him!"

The remaining six strong men were actually scared. I saw such a strong guy there, slapped and kicked by their people like a sandbag.

They do n’t dare not listen to Zheng Kai ’s words.

He slammed it.

Zheng Kai turned and ran back, and the six strong men could at least delay, he could run away tonight, and he would definitely get revenge.

Before he turned around and ran out of five meters, a roar came from his ear.

Zheng Kai looked back subconsciously and saw a strong man smashed. He suddenly scared the Six Gods without a master. With a bang, he was hit by the strong man on the ground and his bones were broken.

"I know I ran!"

Ye Xuan came to Zheng Kai in a hurry.

As for the six strong men lying on the ground, the second layer of the universe, the power of one finger can poke the dead.

Zheng Kai panicked, his face pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

"You dare to move me, the Kowloon Pavilion will not let you go!" Zheng Kai Seli Nei said, "You'd better let me leave now, I can never happen tonight!"

Zheng Kai is also cunning.

As long as he is safe tonight, the Kowloon Pavilion behind Zheng Kai will definitely retaliate back. His father is the owner of this generation of Kowloon Pavilion, and his grandfather is a master.

Others don't know how powerful the master is, Zheng Kai knows that master is the existence of another world.

Why did the Kowloon Pavilion have such a great influence in Sanlitun? Everyone dare not say anything, because the Kowloon Pavilion has masters and powerful people sitting in town.

Ye Xuan stepped on Zheng Kai's left leg knee, and with a click, the left leg knee shattered.

"Oh, the Kowloon Pavilion is very majestic!"

Ye Xuan stepped on it, Zheng Kai was about to fly, his face became snow-white and his face twitched.

"Ah, my leg, I'm going to kill you ~~~ You are dead, the Kowloon Pavilion will kill you ~~~ my leg!" Zheng Kai screamed.

"Kill me? Okay!"

Ye Xuan's voice fell and stepped on the other leg. With a click, his knee shattered.

Zheng Kai shouted again.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" Zheng Kai's face was so fierce, so grown, when did he suffer from this kind of suffering.

Ye Xuan said lightly, "Yes!"



The left arm was also trampled.

The infinite pain spread throughout the body, Zheng Kai looked at each other, and finally showed fear, he could not think of it, he would step on his two legs and one arm.

"Don't step on it, I'm wrong, I shouldn't be in trouble ~~~"

Zheng Kai changed his mind. He was afraid that the last arm would not be saved. The guy in front of him was a demon, but he was the young master of the Kowloon Pavilion.

"It's wrong to know now, but it's too late. Don't you like to interrupt other people's limbs, and now you have a good taste of this experience yourself!"

"No!" Zheng Kai shouted.

Ye Xuan's eyelids didn't lift up, and he went down with another foot. The other arm was also broken. This time it really broke his limbs.

The onlookers also took a breath.

This person is terrible.

The young man of the Kowloon Pavilion was actually trampled on his limbs.

What a big deal!

No matter what the origin of this person is, he will soon be retaliated against by the Kowloon Pavilion.

"I'm waiting for you to retaliate at any time, but if you dare to move them, I don't need you to retaliate. I will flatten you up and down the Kowloon Pavilion. You can try it. Do I have this ability!"

Zheng Kai didn't faint, and stared at the other party.

"The Kowloon Pavilion will not let you go!"

"Come at any time, I'm waiting!"

Ye Xuan did not go to see Zheng Kai, and came to the three stewardesses.

"Come on, this is not a good place!" Ye Xuandao, "I will send you back!"

Ning Xin, as a good girl, had seen this kind of scene there, but looked at Ye Xuansheng and couldn't afford a trace of annoyance.

"Okay!" A short-haired stewardess happily said.

Ye Xuan left Sanlitun with the three flight attendants.

Those brought by Zheng Kai struggled to get up, "Send Zheng Shao to the hospital!"

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