The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 429: Broken golden bell

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Anli is indeed a natural divine power, and its strength is no weaker than that of Guan Meiren, and even stronger.

In addition, that defense is also terrible.

"Beauty, you can't win me like this!"

An Li kept pressing Guan Meiren, "By the way, I also learned how to practice the golden bell. No one can break my golden bell. You are the same!"

Guan Meiren is very difficult to swim / walk.

"Senior, the situation is not good!"

Guan Changtian also worried, looking at Ye Xuan with help.

"All the golden bells!" Ye Xuan shook his head. "It's as easy as breaking him!"

This safety is indeed stronger in the coach, even if it is shot by the dark force, it is very difficult to beat.

But in Ye Xuan's eyes, this guy was covered with flaws.

"Husband, help me!"

Guan Meiren also began to gasp, and the strong man in front of him was too difficult to deal with.

"No problem!" Ye Xuan said with a smile, "Now you listen to me, I will let you fight wherever you want. Believe in yourself, yes!"

An Li's fierce gaze came over, "Huh, a furry kid, I really think you are very powerful, and you want to beat me!"

For his golden bell cover, he is a hundred confident, but not everyone can break, even if it is the dark warrior here.

"Ye Xuan, you are so loud!" Liu Zhen smirked. "Aren't you here to smash the scene, then let me see, what is your skill!"

Although I can't do anything to Ye Xuan, it's okay to have a bit of addiction, at least I can be refreshed.

"Tap a place three inches above his wrist!"

With a faint smile on Ye Xuan's face, he pointed to Guan Meiren who was at a disadvantage.

Guan Meiren's speed is above Anli. Although he is at a disadvantage, he still has the ease and quickly hits a three-inch wrist, while Anli is only a little numb, and there is no big feeling.

"Hahaha, Ye Xuan, is this your way!"

Liu Zhen laughed again.

An Li didn't bother. He was originally worried about the golden bell. Now it seems that there is nothing to worry about at all. This little white face is purely chaotic.

"Attack the place in front of you, hurry!"

"At twelve o'clock!"

"The position at three o'clock!"

Ye Xuan keeps reporting the positions one by one, and Guan Meiren can successfully play the position he says every time, every time he is at ease.

"It's useless!"

Anli finally forced Guan Meiren to a corner and hugged a bear directly. This was Anli's favorite move, which could ruin all the enemies.

"Front ahead, three inches!"

Ye Xuan spoke again.

At this time, Guan Meiren, who was forced into a corner, looked like she was about to lose, but in her eyes, there was no panic, she was calm, and her man was a super grandmaster who could fly.


Guan Meiren hit the position with one finger.

An Li does not take the other party seriously, and those positions are not acupuncture points, nor does it affect the display of the golden bell. Now, he wants to enjoy this nephrite.

Liu Zhen didn't stop it, since Guan Meiren, a cheap person, came to Ye Xuan and humiliated each other in this way, that would be a great thing.

"Ye Xuan, aren't you awesome, don't shoot yet!" Liu Zhen said with a smile on his face, "Your woman is going to suffer a big loss, Xiong Huo taught by An Li, that is very cruel, if, you Please beg me now, maybe I will speak or not! "

It was also a joy to make Ye Xuan kneel in front of him.

Even if Cai Mei knew, she would not say anything.

Ye Xuan shook his head gently, "123, down!"

An Li was about to hug Guan Meiren. Suddenly, in the position of his lower abdomen, a sudden pain broke out without warning, and suddenly swept the whole body. The whole person was shaken like an electric shock, and his face was pale. .

"Ah, my body!"

After a tremor, An Li screamed, collapsed to the ground, trembling unceasingly, and even curled into something like shrimp.

"It's so uncomfortable, why is this so!"

Guan Meiren was also dripping with sweat, breathing heavily, coming up and kicking on Anli.

"I want you to take advantage of me and kick you asshole!"

"I kick, I kick!"

Guan Meiren kicked An Li with one foot.

The powerful golden bell before seemed to disappear without a trace, and he kept rolling.

"Don't fight, I'm serving, I'm serving!"

An Li was blank, and the whole person was frightened.

His golden bell was broken, and he didn't feel anything at all. It was too difficult to accept. Looking at Ye Xuan was full of fear.

This little white face is terrible.

Guan Meiren didn't stop, every time he went down, the male students who watched sucked in the air, and they approached the key place for several times, sweating coldly.

"Liu Zhen, your coach is not good!"

Guan Meiren slowed down, staring at Liu Zhen.

Liu Zhen's hair was looked at by Guan Meiren, and he took a subconscious step. The gold coach An Li was defeated by Guan Meiren. He couldn't believe it.

That's the master of the Golden Bell, the top five in the world martial arts museum.

But now it is defeated, and now it seems very painful.

"Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan again!"

Liu Zhen looked at Ye Xuan with resentment. If it weren't for him, how could coach An Li fail.

"Liu Zhen, it's your turn now!"

Guan Meiren walked vigorously, and punched him with a punch.

Liu Zhen was restless and the reaction was slow. He saw that he was going to be blown out with a punch. A figure stood in front of him and flicked the fist of Guan Meiren. The whole Guan Meiren flew out. Be gentle, don't be so angry! "

It was Liu Aoren who shot.

Guan Meiren's fist numb, and the man flew out. Ye Xuan came to Guan Meiren's back in a few steps, reached out, and Guan Meiren reached Ye Xuan's arms.

"I'm not his opponent. Husband, you're going to be angry with me!"

Now Guan Meiren no longer calls her husband Xuan Xuan no more pressure.

"No problem!" Ye Xuan said with a smile. "Why don't you draw him a hundred slaps first?"

"Okay, okay!" Guan Meiren smiled, there was the violence that smashed the scene before, at this time it was a good girl.

Ye Xuan hugged Guan Meiren just in a blink of an eye.

Everyone was shocked in the past.

"It's so fast!"

"I feel a flower in front of me, master, this is a master!"

"I don't know if the owner can stop it!"

The trainees were not irritated. It was conceivable there that this guy who looked like a pure white face turned out to be a master.

Especially the dialogue is even more shocking.

Draw a hundred slaps from the owner?

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