Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Master Bai and Master Huang did not intervene in this matter.

For them, this kind of trivial matter will not be taken care of, it is really not necessary, especially Master Huang is one step away from the master, maybe when it will break through, it is impossible to ignore.

Young people.

Everyone has never been younger, and it is normal to do something stupid.


"All right!"

Ye Xuan wrote Lanting Xu very neatly.

Ten minutes before and after can make everyone blind.

"Ten minutes, laugh!"

"Who are these people!"

"Even if it is a famous teacher present, it will take more than half an hour and ten minutes to copy the Lanting Pavilion!"

"This kind of person should get out of here!"


Ye Xuan put down his pen, and some people counted it for a total of ten minutes.

Who would believe that Lanting Xu could be written in ten minutes.

"Your speed is so fast, you don't know what garbage you wrote!" Xiao Tianzhen is not afraid of what the other party writes, ten minutes? What can you write?

Writing Lan Ting Xu sounds simple, and it is nothing more than those words, but for them it is completely different, and the words must be brought into the charm.

This has become a more exhausting thing.

It consumes the power of the mind and looks very fantasy, but in the eyes of some people, it can be easily seen.

"Is my stuff rubbish, you said that you are not qualified, let your teacher come to appraise, I believe he will give a fair answer, Master Huang, you say it!" Ye Xuan smiled at Master Huang with a narrow smile .

The masters who can make Ye Xuan a little square-eyed on the spot include Master Bai and Master Huang.

Master Huang's face was calm, with a faint smile, nothing changed because of this, "I don't need it, Xiaotian will do!"

Although Master Huang's face looks calm, it doesn't mean that he will come to evaluate.

Just an unknown junior.

Xiao Tian sneered with a cold face, "Who do you think you are, Lan Ting Xu who wrote in ten minutes, so that my teacher can comment, I'll help you to see, your face is light!"

Shake came over, thinking about it, how to give this guy a little color.

Xiao Yuxin, who was standing next to it, was attracted by Lanting Xu above.

Real master paintings.

With just one glance, Xiao Yuxin can see the level of this adverb.

Master Lan's Lanting Preface can be described as fake, but when compared with this Lanting Preface, it is a matter of clear comparison between the villain and the adult.

"Brother Ye!"

Xiao Yuxin admired Ye Xuan even more. She knew that Ye Xuan was very powerful. She didn't expect to write a masterpiece in ten minutes. She still saw it with her own eyes.

Xiao Tian walked over, "Miss Xiao, your friend is better to go back and learn more about how to write brush characters. You can't grasp the brush well. It's easy to be a joke after being read!"

When it comes to ridicule, Xiao Tian is the best.

Even a thick-skinned guy, there is also a way, in the end, it will definitely be the other party without complacency.

But Xiao Tian glanced at Lan Tingxu casually, with a sardonic smile on his face, but in the next second, the whole person looked like hell, his eyes wide open, staring deadly.

This scene also surprised everyone. Is there anything wrong?

It's really that Xiao Tian's expression changed too much.

Before and after it is completely different. Everyone thinks it's hard to pay attention. It makes everyone's heart tickle. What does the Lanting sequence above look like?

"Impossible, how could he write such a Lanting order, absolutely fake, cheating!" Xiao Tian looked at it, his heart rumbled and screamed.

What he saw.

I saw Lan Tingxu, which was better than what his teacher wrote, exactly the same as Wang Xizhi's back then, even, he felt still above that one.

This is definitely the most funny thing.

Master Bai can't do this, let alone an unknown junior.

Xiao Tian didn't believe it when he was killed. It was too unbelievable. He wanted to enter this circle. He was talented and got the help of his teacher. With a thousand miles a day, half of his feet reached the level of masters. At this age, there are only a handful of people in China who have this ability.

Well now, a guru appears at once, no matter who it is, it will be a hell.

Xiao Yuxin found a place where he was angry, "Mr. Xiao, would n’t you write without grabbing a brush? People are good at it, okay. Your heart moves with you, without any form. Do you think you can write it, no? Just shut your mouth at that ability, because you are really annoying! "

Xiao Tian couldn't find any words to refute.

Everyone at the scene saw it clearly. It was a blank piece of paper, and it was impossible to falsify. If it could be falsified, this method would be very powerful.

"Teacher, come and see!"

When Xiao Yuxin saw Xiao Tian's appearance, he finally let out a bad breath and greeted the teacher.

Actually, Teacher Bai is also looking forward to this. Xiao Tian's reaction is conceivable, and it would not work if he didn't expect it. For the reason of his identity, he was really bad. I couldn't help my disciples calling out to see me.

If it is really better than Master Huang, it is a master.

Young Master.

In his early twenties, he is not a young guru, but what can it be.

Master Bai came over in a hurry, and his eyes fell on the paper for the first time. The fonts that jumped into the eyes immediately released an endless charm.

For a time, Master Bai became fascinated.

"Good word, really good word!"

Master Bai almost bent down, looking at the past word by word, concentrated on it, and stayed within a moment.


"Teacher, that guy ~~" Xiao Tian lost his soul.

This is the first time Master Huang has seen such a look on his nephew, and there is a deep sense of powerlessness on his face. This is something that hasn't appeared in a long time.

"what happened!"

"What he wrote, I can't surpass it in my life ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This scene shocked everyone.

What the **** happened.

Master Xiao's closed disciples even cried.

This is too evil.

Isn't it a Lanting preface? Is there any magic?

Too unexpected.

Xiao Yuxin smiled humorously, "It's really interesting. The affordability is so poor, Brother Ye, you are too powerful!"

Ye Xuan knew why the guy was crying. Because Lan Tingxu put too much pressure on him and couldn't surpass it in a lifetime, this would be a big mountain for him with high spirits and arrogance.

"It is indeed poorly bearable. People like this are actually the best at home. The outside world is too dangerous!"

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