The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2797: Really convinced

The three brothers really look down on this young man.

What kind of means do you think this young man will have.

It can only be said that the strength of this young man should be average.

But if you dare to come here, then the three brothers must teach this person a profound lesson.

Let him know what the gap is.

Loud rumbling noise.

The three brothers directly launched a fierce offensive this time.

Such a fierce attack method really surprised everyone.

The three brothers actually broke out with all their strength, which is really a bit unbelievable.

It's like hell.

It's completely different from what they thought before.

It's really an all-out shot.

Is this guy really that strong?

At least they really haven't seen it yet.

It just looks younger.

Ye Xuan waited for the three of them to do something.

The three of them actually started quite fiercely.

The three people went all out.

It's not like there was such a match at the beginning.

Now three people are attacking three directions separately.

Top, middle and bottom.

In this way, not everyone can resist it.

They are quite good at this.

Ye Xuan is also direct.

Just open it up and follow them to meet each other.

That scene instantly made everyone squeeze cold.

"It's crazy. This guy doesn't even defend defense anymore. He just chooses to go head-to-head. Isn't this trying to kill himself?"

"No, right? His methods are a bit different. Didn't you notice that he just carried it like this, and it seemed to be all right. It is definitely a powerful method for cultivation."

"Who can tell me what methods this guy has cultivated, I can't recognize it at all."

People like them really can't see what kind of ability this guy has.

In a blink of an eye.

Someone exclaimed.

"I see! This seems a bit familiar, is it the legendary King Kong indestructible body? It seems to be such a thing, not to mention that he seems to have practiced boxing, which is the so-called Diamond Boxing, otherwise absolutely It won't be so fierce, it's actually head-on."

The man exclaimed, uncertain.

It also made many people suddenly realize.

This is the legendary King Kong indestructible body.

Really or not.

The three brothers and the three of them were fierce at first.

In a blink of an eye, they realized the strength of each other.

A punch followed by a punch, really hit Huanglong.

They all know what incredible is.

It's totally unbearable.

z is completely close combat.

The three brothers are also strong in close combat.

Today they have realized what is terrible.

There is no chance of winning at all.

A few steps back in succession.

After that, the whole person was churning with blood.

My hands and feet hurt.

Ye Xuan on this side also recognized.

"The three of you brothers are really messed up, and most people really can't stand it, but I am different. I was warming up just now, and now I am going to go all out."

Ye Xuan rushed forward again.

This time is different from before.

Really went all out.

That powerful means.

Once again, the three brothers had to go straight up again.

There is no chance to catch a breath.

Bang bang bang bang.

A loud noise directly shook them all.

It was indeed too violent for the other party to move his hand off.

Suddenly, they all suspected that they had made a mistake.

It's really too fierce.

Now they believe one thing even more.

In other words, what the other party is really practical is the so-called King Kong indestructible body.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so fierce.

Basically, they choose a positive way without resistance.

No one can resist such a method.

It's too fierce.

It was a complete mess.

One punch, two punches and three punches.

One hundred punches!

Three hundred punches!

Their methods are getting more and more fierce.

I don't know how many punches were used.

There is really no comparison.

I saw this young man keep shooting, punches and punches, really fierce and invincible.

On the contrary, everyone present felt what was called a nightmare.

It's really fierce and messed up.

If they came with such strength, I would like to ask who can resist it.

It's totally unstoppable, it's really horrible.

Only the three brothers can stand it.

Even some people can't keep up with the speed of this punch.

Ye Xuan's punching speed is too fast.

So quickly they can't keep up.

The shadows were moving incessantly.

Following the three figures, they directly hit the ground.

After hitting the ground, everyone vomited blood.

I don't know how much blood I vomited.

They can see it anyway.

This method will definitely be irresistible for a while.

"Do you think you can still fight with me now? If you think you can fight with me, it doesn't matter. Let's continue. What I like most is to convince people with morals."

The three brothers were shaking all over their bodies now.

This tremor is different from the tremors of other people.

People's trembling is just overshooting.

Their trembling was the tremor that came from inside their bodies.

It's really terrifying.

Who can imagine.

This person is so strong.

The three brothers finally got up.

He who was gasping for breath also took the pill.

"I want to know if you are cultivating the legendary King Kong Immortal Body, and the so-called King Kong Boxing, which has been lost for nearly a hundred years."

They didn't say anything else at this time.

There is no plan to continue to do it.

They all want to know what this is.

Ye Xuan smiled, "You know, do you still have to ask? Is it because you are not convinced? If you are not convinced, you can still continue to do it, I can do as you wish."

Although everyone around me thinks so.

They don't even recognize that such a unique knowledge will be cultivated by one person.

This incorruptible body of King Kong has reached a very high level.

You must know that the impervious body of Diamond Boxing is more difficult to practice than Diamond Boxing.

Not everyone can cultivate, but now it seems that someone has already cultivated it.

And it showed terrible combat effectiveness.

There is no harm if there is no contrast.

Now that they heard the other party's confession, it naturally surprised them.

Of course, it is more shocking, is there a new top powerhouse.

You must know that the powerhouse of the indestructible King Kong body of that year was very famous.

The combat effectiveness is also exceptionally strong. In comparison, you can now stand aside in horizontal training.

"We are convinced. You are qualified to lead our cottage further. No one else is qualified. I think everyone has no opinion."


The words of the three brothers also changed.

It's completely different from before.

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