This one who stands up is the second master and still has a lot of influence.

After he stood up, many people seemed to want to hear what the situation was like.

It's really different here.

And in the master, only this one dared to speak to the master.

The words of other people are not so daring at all.

This second master is also a very strong person, and his strength has reached the peak of innate.

I heard that it was not far from the master, otherwise it would not be the way it is now.

Ye Xuan didn't worry anymore, and was going to take a look at the specific situation again to see what it was like.

He also thought that it would be best for the two of them to play a match, so that everything would be gone, no trouble at all, it would be really easy.

As soon as the second boss said, everyone else became quiet.

The others are the same, they all listened quietly.

The big master’s gaze fell directly on the second master’s hand. "I know you have some ideas. Now that the royal family personally collects us, do you think such a thing is not a good thing? Like we need an identity, there is such a thing. An identity does not have to worry about someone coming to encircle us."

The words of the master are still very loud, as if they want everyone to hear the same.

The second master said, "Anyway, I am not very optimistic about the royal family. You know that there are indeed some experts on the court, but there are not many powerful ones. In addition to them, besides the top powerhouses, they are still real. No need to bet so early."

This second master is also very concerned about the current situation.

I also know what to do at this time. As for early betting, it is absolutely impossible. The difference is too far.

"If the master doesn't do it alone, then I will choose to leave Montenegro. I don't want to take my brothers and die at the hands of those princes."

The tone of the second master was also exceptionally cold, and Ye Xuan felt very interesting after listening to it for a while.

It seems that this second master is obviously unhappy with this big master.

At this time, it is natural to stand up and fight hard.

The others dare not say anything, but these two are the strongest among them.

It was the same for Xu Bai sitting next to him, but he was inexplicably happy in his heart. If the two of them were fighting back and forth, it would be really interesting.

At least there is no need to worry about anything. This adult is completely determined to win. If he doesn't win, he will be embarrassed.

The big master suddenly laughed, "I know you really have some thoughts. It seems that you are going to take away some of the people in Black Mountain. I knew you wanted to go to Ghost Mountain, but I couldn't take it. It’s just a person. Today, you actually made a direct shot like this. It really surprised me. If that's the case, you can lead someone. You can beat me first. Otherwise, you don't have to think about it. "

The boss is smashing.

So I grabbed a copper hammer, this copper hammer is very dazzling, it is really very big.

The others stood up and chose to back off.

Knowing that a fight is about to start at this moment, if two people fight, it will not be over in a short while, it must be a fierce fight.

The second master laughed loudly. "That's the intention, then let's go outside and have a discussion. I have long wanted to learn about the true strength of the master."

Two people came to the training ground outside one after the other.

Many people are here. At first they were curious, but now they are all shocked.

Who can be quite like the big boss and the Erdang family are about to fight.

Especially in such a thing, it really made them feel quite surprised.

Ye Xuan also followed out and saw these masters.

The master is standing around, but he knows one thing better than anyone else, that is, it is very likely that someone is instigating discord.

Otherwise, it would never break out at this time.

It seems that the interior of Montenegro is not peaceful.

Xu Bai said next to him, "In the past, the big boss didn't like the second boss very much, because the two of them are the leaders of the former cottage, and they have been together until now, so their competition is still very big."

Now Ziye Xuan smiled, this is indeed good news, no matter how they fight.

There is no difference at all for him.

Calling back and forth will make it cheaper for yourself in the end.

Besides, these two people are not a good thing in this cottage, on the contrary, they are still a bad thing.

As long as the two people can tell the winner, then it will be much simpler.

Just pick a ready-made cheap one. Where can I find such a good thing? There is really nowhere to find it.

The master's house is a big copper hammer.

The second master's words are different, and he actually uses a two-handed knife.

The two-handed knives turned into a hob hand in an instant.

Wherever the knife light passed, only a cold wind was left, and everyone standing in the distance could feel the horror of the other's knife skills.

It's really the same as a series of cuts with one knife.

Not everyone can stand it.

The strength is indeed quite strong.

There was a collision between the two directly.

When you come and go, the scene is really intense.

At the same time, it was actually able to withstand the attack.

This is the most surprising thing.

It was completely different from what they had imagined. When did the second master's strength improve like this.

The two fought dozens of moves at this moment.

After dozens of strokes, the two once again opened up the distance.

After pulling apart, the face of the master has changed a lot.

It seems quite unexpected, "I didn't expect your strength to increase, and you have reached the realm of the so-called Congenital Grandmaster. It seems that I still underestimated you."

As soon as the words of the master came out, many people's expressions changed slightly.

Erdang's family rushed to such a high level without knowing it.

It's really hard for people to be confident, this strength is really quite powerful.

If the two innate masters fight, it will be completely different.

It is not possible for a while to tell the victory or defeat.

"I have just made a breakthrough recently, otherwise, I would not have the guts to challenge the master."

The second master came up again after a big laugh.

The knife light in his hand became more fierce, and he truly turned into a hob hand.

Moreover, this sword technique was made with two-handed swords, and it was much more powerful.

Like a violent storm almost all the time.

If it is not extremely strong, it can't be resisted at all. This is the difference.

"If there is no accident, your master will not be able to withstand it. Maybe he will kill him later!"

Ye Xuan suddenly faintly came.

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