After coming here.

Ye Xuan could discover that this place is indeed quite different from what he imagined.

This layer is really dangerous.

There are some monsters everywhere.

The strength of these monsters seems to be very powerful.

One by one kept falling on Ye Xuan's body.

So Ye Xuan could hardly see these guys all this way.

And these guys seem rather unfriendly.

Fortunately, none of these guys attacked, as long as Ye Xuan didn't mess around.

They won't mess around.

After a long time, I saw a tribe ahead.

That's right.

What Ye Xuan saw was a tribe.

This tribe is not very big.

The number of monsters is really quite a lot.

Every monster looked very powerful.

Although it has not reached the level of eternity.

But all of them are at the level of God Lord.

As for the remaining strength, they are not weak.

If there is no certain strength in this place, it is really impossible to come over.

It can be killed directly when it comes.

In the end, Ye Xuan came to a place.

The site is not big.

And it's still a stone house.

In this stone room, Ye Xuan finally saw a dozen big monsters.

These big monster beasts are actually human heads and the bodies of monster beasts look very strange.

In other words, their evolution is not complete.

The more they can show their powerful strength.

After all, some are transformed.

The strength of these monsters is so powerful that they are not completely transformed.

After Ye Xuan swept the circle, he found that their strength basically reached the so-called eternal level.

In other words, the worst at this level are the eternal level big monsters.

It's not so easy to get involved with them.

And their bodies are also exceptionally strong.

Most people will die if they come in.

"Someone has come again after so many years, and you seem to be quite courageous."

One of the big demon stared at Ye Xuan like this.

The eyes kept shining.

It seems that Ye Xuan is a delicious food.

As for many monsters, it seems the same.

They haven't seen anyone come in for a long time.

They basically hunted other monsters to fill their stomachs.

But as far as people are concerned, there are fewer.

Although there are some people in these eighteen layers of hell.

But wanting to eat them is not so easy.

If you are not careful, you can easily knock your teeth.

They don't know much about it until they see the details.

In front of Ye Xuan, it was naturally different.

They think Ye Xuan is quite bullying.

"Yes, the first time I came down here was to come and see what the eighteenth-layer **** looks like. Now it seems that the eighteen-layer **** is quite different. I didn't expect that there are so many big monsters. I think You all look a little different. It seems that you are quite thoughtful. Are you ready to eat me? If you are here to eat me, then you can come and do it."

Ye Xuan looked around, then said with a smile.

This surprised everyone around them.

I don't know what this guy thinks.

Actually said such a thing in front of this.

Such a situation is really quite rare.

One of the big demon stood up.

This is clearly a monster of a horse.

With a horse face, he just stared at Ye Xuan.

"For what you said, I think I am doing it now. Everyone shouldn't think that there is no opinion. Just let me see how strong this guy is."


This monster came directly.

This monster beast attacked differently from other monsters.

It is definitely a means of close combat.

It's just that before it got closer, the void began to collapse with a splash.

Following the large swaths of toxins, it came over directly.

This big demon can actually use toxins.

And this poison is quite different.

The others laughed loudly.

"This kid doesn't know how good the old horse is."

"Old Ma can't do anything else, but poisoning is the number one in the world. This kid probably will have to suffer a lot later."

These people do not know the details of Lao Ma.

The most powerful thing about Lao Ma is the means of poisoning.

No one can stop it.

It is estimated that this kid will have to suffer a big loss later.

Now that Ye Xuan had cultivated Pangu Open Celestial Body, it was naturally different.

Although the other party's methods are quite powerful.

But these toxins collapsed as soon as they approached the surroundings.

He couldn't get close to Ye Xuan at all.

This also surprised Lao Ma a little bit.

After that, I saw the other hand raised up and took a photo.

Lao Ma raised his hand to block, and the match between the two was decided in a blink of an eye.

The old horse just hit and flew out.

He slammed into a distant pillar.

Although the power is not great, only Lao Ma knows that great power in his heart.

It exploded directly in my heart.

One after another, it almost broke him.

I don't know how much blood I vomited.

The strength has dropped a lot.

Ye Xuan chuckled, "This is your strength. It seems that you want to eat me. It's not that easy. I don't know who else wants to try it. I am happy with a hundred people."

Ye Xuan's words were not very loud.

But for people like them, it's really different.

At the very least, Ma is no longer an opponent.

This also made some other big monsters interested.

"Laughing, Lao Ma looks like you slept a lot yesterday, but you can't do it today. It's better for me to come. Our two brothers can't do anything else. The master of dealing with such a human race is still a master."

They rushed down without any hesitation.

The one on the left and the right is the gesture of opening and closing.

And the claws will bring cold wind.

This cold seal was so sharp that it broke the void in an instant.

It was really a mess.

However, these two people are the same, there is no difference from the old horse.

Ye Xuan slapped him as soon as he came up.

The two guys fell directly and heavily not far away.

I can't get up for a while.

Even they can't even see how to do it.

He flew out directly.

It can be clearly seen that this guy's strength does not seem to be affected.

No wonder you dare to come here.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that a great guy really came here, you guys are all ready together, let him see, we are great here."

After the top golden tiger demon laughed loudly.

With a bang of these big monsters around, they directly flew up.

A dozen big monsters have all come down.

Regardless of before and after, it seems to be ready to swarm.

For the monster beast, this is quite normal.

You have to do it fiercely.

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