The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2743: Incognito killer

Mingtang Eternal is a rather inconspicuous peddler in Ragnarok.

Yes, there are some killers in this dusk of the gods.

But these vendors sell some news, that is, gossip, and there are actually all kinds of news, big and small.

After processing, it becomes very real.

Mingtang Eternal is the expert here, but he has another identity, that is, a killer.

No one has ever known that he is a top killer, because he comes from heaven.

It has been almost ten years since I came to this dusk of the gods.

Sold one by one news.

Mingtang Eternal has returned to his room again.

In a dim room, when I first came to the dim room, a statue on the table reacted.

The eternal spirit of Mingtang, which had seemed a bit tired, came to life in an instant, and the whole person was shining, and he became extraordinarily cold.

Pick up this statue.

A line of words appeared following this statue.

This line of words passed away in a blink of an eye.

"Assassination of the gods at dusk newly enshrine Ye Xuan."

"Ten years, and ten years have finally come to the task. I can finally take action. As long as I kill this new worshiper Ye Xuan, then I will leave here. I don't have to say any more news. I I'm tired of it!"

As a killer of Tianli, he naturally possesses powerful skills.

It's just that the average killer has to do one thing that makes them feel uncomfortable the most.

That is to dormant in one place, and then dormant again.

You can leave only after receiving the task. The stronger the place, the longer this task will take.

You never know when you can receive the task.

Mingtang Eternal Jing has been waiting for almost ten years.

Now finally received a task, that is to assassinate the new elder Ye Xuan.

Of course he had heard of Ye Xuan's limelight.

I heard that I went straight to the tenth floor with an invincible posture.

And it showed terrible melee methods.

I defeated the other two newcomers with a punch, and even went to retreat inside for a month.

After Mingtang eternally went out for a circle, he knew that Ye Xuan had come out of retreat.

How much improvement can generally be achieved in a month?

Mingtang Eternal is not very clear, but he knows that this month is equivalent to ten years.

For anyone, there is a certain improvement in strength.

Of course, the stronger the strength, the slower the speed of improvement.

"It is not so easy to assassinate this Ye Xuan. This guy's body is extremely powerful. Then I can only use another one to commit a crime. It is poisonous, and I can kill it quietly!"

Mingtang's eternal strength is extremely strong, but it doesn't mean that his brain is stupid.

As a killer, **** the opponent is the ultimate goal.

It doesn't matter what method you poisoned or not.

As long as the target can be killed, it is a victory.

The killers of Tianli are very flexible, and they are not as stupid as imagined. They will look for loopholes one by one.

Then the most powerful thing about Ye Xuan is the strength of the body.

It’s the so-called close combat.

So trying to assassinate him is really not a good way.

So it can only be done in another way, and the other way will definitely kill him.

Mingtang Yongheng is also a master of pharmacy.

After going out, I got a lot of things back.

After blending it by myself, and adding some unique things, I made a top-notch poison that made people panic.

Only a little bit of this poison can kill people from the inside out.

This kind of poison was used once before Mingtang Eternal, but he never used it again later.

"Now wait for Ye Xuan to eat this poison, then you're done!"

Mingtang Eternal has confidence in his own poison.

The rest is how to make Ye Xuan eat this poison.

It is impossible for him to eat it himself, but there is a way for Mingtang Eternal.

Ye Xuan has been waiting for the assassin to strike.

It just made him a little disappointed, half a month has passed, and there is no killer coming.

It really made him feel quite surprised, which proved that these assassins were far more terrifying than imagined.

Their methods should be very sharp, no hands-on, that means they did not face the methods of resisting themselves directly, it is estimated that they will change the way.

So Ye Xuan walked outside again after half a month.

He wants to let those people know that he will give them the opportunity to do it anytime and anywhere, as long as they do it, it will be different.

After this came out, Ye Xuan found that many people were heading towards one place.

It's a bit unexpected. Is there anything new in this place?

After a casual inquiries.

Ye Xuan knew what was going on.

It turns out that there has been one more delicious here recently.


Even those practitioners who eat it will be of great help.

The strength can be improved in a short period of time.

It was really mysterious, Ye Xuan came over and wanted to take a look.

After coming here, Ye Xuan found that there were a lot of people outside.

All came for that peerless delicacy, and even some people were not qualified to go in, because there was a black puppet standing at the door.

The black puppet king formed the strongest guard at the station.

Anyone who wants to get in has to defeat him.

Even Ye Xuan could feel the delicious taste here.

This makes him feel a little interesting, after all, Ye Xuan still likes delicious food.

At this time, there was such a delicious dish, so I naturally wanted to take a look.

If you can taste it, that would be great.

"If you want to taste the peerless delicacy inside, you have to defeat the strongest puppet, otherwise everyone can only watch it outside!"

A person in charge seemed to be telling everyone, but everyone shook their heads.

The power of this puppet is too strong, and they haven't seen it before.

No matter how strong it is, it seems that it is impossible to fight against it.

At this time, some people's eyes fell.

Ye Xuan recognized it at a glance.

This is the famous Ye Xuan.

"Elder Ye, you are here, why don't you try this puppet, are you strong or he is strong?"

"That must be Elder Ye's strength, what is this puppet?"

People can blast him away with one punch, and many people's eyes are coming."

Ye Xuan could also see that this puppet was quite powerful.

"I haven't eaten anything good for a long time, so I can just go in and have a try, and help you to explore it by the way."

Ye Xuan smiled.

Pointed directly on this puppet.

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