Here, Ye Xuan really knew a lot of things in the Master Tongtian.

Let him have a deeper understanding of this cosmic world.

Although the Master Tongtian didn't say a lot from beginning to end, he could see that there were still many dangers in this world.

Not to mention the Holy Land.

It's the same for that day, it's a unique killer organization.

Even the holy land must give face, it must have a strong background.

Of course, even the Master Tongtian in front of him is the same.

"If I were you, then I should go to the Twilight of the Gods. The place is quite different. When I go there, I think you can practice with peace of mind. Your potential is very good, if you give you time. I can definitely find a new height."

At the end, Lord Tongtian made a suggestion.

"This place has one thing you most look forward to. It is a treasure of time. There is a treasure of time, which can accelerate the passage of time, and it is the number one in the universe, so that place is called the Twilight of the Gods, even if it is a holy land. If you’re able to go there, you don’t dare to be too presumptuous. For you, only there is the safest place in the entire universe."

As soon as the voice of the Lord Tongtian fell, there was a voice outside.

The voice was not very loud, but it made the Lord Tongtian smile.

"Look at me just now, there is an elder here in the Holy Land. If no accident, it should be one of the ten elders. I don't know which one it is!"

"You certainly don’t know what the ten elders mean. The ten elders are the most powerful ten elders in the Holy Land, because there is no so-called sect master in the whole Holy Land. They are the holy land controlled by the ten elders, so the ten elders are the most powerful. of!"

Ye Xuan wasn't very clear about this. Just now, he also noticed that something was coming from outside.

There was a little surprise at the beginning.

After that, he understood. It turned out that it was the master of the Holy Land who had come, and the speed was much faster than expected.

In a blink of an eye, he came to this side, which really surprised Ye Xuan himself.

How long has it been since I came to this Tongtian Gate, unexpectedly the elders of the Holy Land have come over.

And he is one of the famous Ten Elders.

This makes people feel extremely shocked, it is conceivable that the ability of this holy place is extremely powerful.

It should be a so-called means, and this means should also be a so-called spatial means.

I'm really good at this aspect, otherwise I wouldn't come over so soon.

"You watch here first, I'll go out and see, which elder is here, of course, you can also go behind me first, I will help you delay it, anyway, he also wants to show me the Master Tongtian. of!"

The Lord Tongtian went out like this.

Ye Xuan has no ideas yet!

Now that even the ten elders of this holy land had come over, Ye Xuan also had thoughts.

The words of Master Tongtian just now made him feel very useful.

Especially the twilight of the gods, this place can speed up time especially, which is different.

For Ye Xuan, he didn't like anything else, and the acceleration of this time was the most favorite, so that he could check in for this Wanxian Monument non-stop.

Otherwise, if you put it outside, every day is a day, and it will take a long time.

In the evening of the gods, then his own strength can be quickly achieved.

At this time, there was indeed a figure outside, and besides one figure, there were six men in black.

After they reported the situation, an elder came over immediately, and the elder directly transmitted the voice as soon as he came over.

Did not dare to do it.

After all, the Master Tongtian is quite capable.

Although their Holy Land didn't regard this Tongtian Guru as the same thing, it would be quite terrifying if this Tongtian Guru really started.

Especially this guy has cultivated the supreme kendo technique, this is the most shocking, and if he starts his hands, it really does not have much advantage, and he was taken directly without seeing the six men in black. Is it down?

If it were to start, apart from their ten elders in the Holy Land, no one really could stand the Master Tongtian's move.

I heard that the Master Tongtian will make big kills, and even the Ten Elders have to be careful.

So they naturally wouldn't offend the Master Tongtian too much.

The figure of Master Tongtian came out.

"Unexpectedly, it was not easy for you to come. It seems that we haven't seen each other for a hundred or two hundred years."

Master Tongtian looked at the elder in front of him and smiled.

Juejun Eternal also laughed, "Yes, it's almost a hundred or two hundred years. If it weren't for something, I wouldn't be out. I heard that the kid is here, so I don't plan to say anything more. Now, as long as he is asked to hand over this ten thousand immortal monument, then I will keep him alive. For your face, most people don’t have this qualification."

Juejun Eternal indeed gave the Master Tongtian's face.

This person didn't plan to hand it over, but also planned to burn jade and stone. Such a person has always been directly destroyed for eternity.

Taking the Thousand Immortal Monument like the previous darkness and eternity is not qualified to survive, so now it is natural to give him a bit of face in the face of the Lord Tongtian.

So I plan to let this person go, as long as the Wanxian monument is handed over.

This can be regarded as quite a face to the Lord Tongtian, if there is another person, there will be no such treatment at all.

But this one's words are there, because he has enough combat effectiveness, it's such a simple thing.

"How do you deal with this person has nothing to do with me. Anyway, what I mean is quite simple. If you want to deal with it, deal with it. As long as it's not at the Tongtian Gate of mine, it's just like seeing each other. Yes, it's his business when he left, you say I'm right."

Master Tongtian smiled.

Juejun's eternal face changed slightly, and this was actually what he expected.

This Master Tongtian was deliberate, as long as he showed up, naturally everything became a little complicated.

No wonder they would say such things.

Juejun Eternal did not say anything more.

A few figures disappeared in a blink of an eye, especially the six men in black directly sitting cross-legged in the nearby space.

Staring at the entire Tongtian Gate.

"Then I don't mind going in and meet this little brother, after all, it is incredible that he took this Wanxian monument."

The Master Tongtian also knew that this eternal emperor did not dare to do anything here.

"Okay, you'll see you if you want, after all you are a guest."

In this way, the Lord Tongtian came back.

And this absolute monarch is eternal, Ye Xuan of this meeting has not left, and he can feel that he is coming in. This person's strength is indeed quite strong, and he is not inferior to this Tongtian cult leader.

In other words, the strength is extremely powerful, but it is quite a face to the Lord Tongtian, even if he hasn't done it.

Even Ye Xuan could still feel that there were six figures outside, the six figures who had chased him down before, and he was actually outside like this at this time.

"This is Ye Xuan, right? You are quite amazing. You can take away this Wanxian monument, and even burn it with jade and stone. You are considered unique."

As soon as Juejun Eternal came over, he saw a young man.

You don't need to guess that this young man is the so-called Ye Xuan.

This young man caused one of their six masters in the Holy Land to suffer a loss.

He was severely slapped on the face, and he had no other choice but to show up, but I didn't expect to be slapped by the Master Tongtian."

"This is the eternal emperor of the Holy Land, one of the ten elders, they are not ranked."

Master Tongtian sat down beside him and gave a brief introduction.

This also let Ye Xuan know what this person came from.

Ye Xuan also smiled, "No way. I looked at this thing as pleasing to the eye, so I got it back. I expected something that someone was interested in, but it was quite surprising to me. If it was the original thing, It belongs to you, so naturally I have nothing to say, but this thing does not seem to belong to you, but is left behind by others, so your holy land is rather overbearing."

Ye Xuan's words made Juejun Eternally frowned. He knew that he was the Ten Elder of the Holy Land, but he still said such words, his tone was not small.

No wonder this method of burning jade and stone is really interesting.

"This thing is indeed not our holy land, but we are interested in the holy land, it is naturally our holy land, what you can do now is quite simple, and that is to hand over this Wanxian monument, as long as you are willing to hand it over If you do, we are willing to give you a life and even give you a treasure, knowing that not everyone can be treated like this."

Juejun Eternal still wants to get this Wanxian Monument as soon as possible.

A day’s delay will lead to a day’s trouble. Who knows if anyone else will come down to take this Wanxian Monument?

It's best to get it now.

At this time, the Lord Tongtian was sitting here again. If the Lord Tongtian hadn't sat here, Juejun Eternal would have already started.

Let's take down this kid first, and even if it's your little thoughts, it's not a matter of a word to know how you want to be.

The Lord Tongtian was drinking tea with a smile.

"Forget that. I'm quite interested in this Wanxian Monument. Maybe I can use this Wanxian Monument to realize some powerful methods. If this happens, my strength will be greatly improved. I'm afraid that time will come. It’s your holy land that has a headache, don’t you? So don’t let your thoughts come out. I don’t like it!"

Juejun's eternal face trembled.

It was really an accident, and I would say something like this.

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