Ye Xuan's sign-in went smoothly.

No one will come to this place for a while.

It took two days to sign in smoothly.

But in the evening the next day, Ye Xuan felt different.

Loud rumbling noise.

I saw that the means outside was actually triggered by someone.

Needless to think about it, someone should have come to this palace.

The sign-in at this place was indeed much richer than Ye Xuan had imagined.

But as soon as the movement came out, several figures rushed in.

"There must be someone in this place, search for me."

People came menacingly and searched everywhere.

They broke people outside.

Ye Xuan was in this palace and couldn't find a good hiding place.

It's the same everywhere for him.

It takes time anyway.

In a blink of an eye, they discovered that five young people had entered.

These five young people are quite fierce.

All are ten-star combat effectiveness.

Although it is still far from Half Step Eternity, the strength is also extremely strong.

Any one can sweep the Quartet.

At this time, five are indeed very good lineups.

"If you don't want to die, just walk with us honestly, otherwise you won't be able to survive later."

All five people stared at the young man in front of them.

As long as the young man feels a little unhappy, they will do it directly.

For them, the only way to be obedient is to suffer less.

If you are not obedient, you will suffer more.

Ye Xuan was speechless.

I checked in here well, but some people actually broke in.

It seemed that they wanted to follow them.

In other words, they will never kill themselves.

I also feel that it is still very correct.

The more this happened, the more Ye Xuan felt that there seemed to be something wrong with this palace.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in walking with you, so you should stay ashamed." Ye Xuan laughed and punched directly.

The punch swept past, and the five of them were shining brightly, and they were extinguished in an instant, and they turned into fragments.

A certain treasure was left behind.

Since they came here, Ye Xuan never planned to show mercy to his men.

Let's talk about it first, destroy as many as you come.

We have to see how much cannon fodder can come to die here.

Ye Xuan didn't even plan to continue arranging any means at the door.

Too lazy to trouble.

He closed the gate of the palace directly.

Once again, I waited slowly.

In front of another big palace.

A white-haired young man suddenly changed his face.

He actually felt that the five auras disappeared in an instant.

"The three of you go over and take a look. It's in the southeast."

The white-haired young man beckoned to several people.

Those few people left in an instant.

The few people present showed no expression at all.

Keep closing his eyes like this.

And there were a lot of people standing not far away.

All of these are very worried.

He was immediately thrown at the door of this hall.

The sword flashed past, leaving behind a corpse.

"It seems that they are aware of it, and they came so close, it should be in the first palace here."

Ye Xuan was slightly surprised in his heart.

Understand some things.

as predicted.

In a blink of an eye, three figures came over.

When these three figures came over, they showed a half-step eternal level of strength.

Here they smelled the breath of death.

"He died here. That person should be hiding in this palace. Search all for me. Search slowly. Never let him escape. Such a person is definitely useful."

The three of them are very close to each other.

He also knew that if he could wipe out five ten-star powerhouses in a blink of an eye, his own strength would be extremely strong.

Such people are best suited to be cannon fodder.

It should be more suitable to be used as a sacrifice.

They caught a lot of people and most of their strength was not good.

The person in front of him is absolutely powerful.

It is very likely to be a strong one at the half-step eternal level.

It's not so easy to catch a half-step eternal level strong here.

So they are extra serious.

"Great use! It seems that they have indeed started arresting people in this area, no wonder they heard so much movement."

Ye Xuan didn't quite understand it before, but now he understood it all at once.

These people are just grabbing cannon fodder.

"If you come, you don't have to go."

Three and a half-step eternal level powerhouses arrived, Ye Xuan did not even intend to let them leave.

Yuanshen walked out and directly used the Yuanshen array.

Just kill these three half-step eternal level powerhouses.

There is no mercy at all.

Today's Ye Xuan killing half a step of eternity is really too easy.

I didn't think much about it at all.

One thought can kill them completely.

The white-haired young man here suddenly left a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

The three and a half-step eternal subordinates were destroyed in an instant.

The remaining methods could not be displayed at all, and they were directly obliterated.

There are also eternal level powerhouses here.

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