These people stopped here, which really surprised Ye Xuan.

Unexpectedly, such an island would be occupied in advance.

It seems that they are also ready to hunt for treasures on the island.

This is not a good thing for Ye Xuan.



A ray of light swept over them directly.

Bang bang bang bang.

They immediately lost their breath.

Ye Xuan didn't give them any chance at all.

Since you are in the way, you have to have the consciousness to be in the way.

But after annihilating them, there was another formation in front of them.

Ye Xuan's face sank slightly again, but he underestimated these guys.

I don't know such a place yet.

Sure enough, the background is huge.

The loud rumbling noise broke through directly.

Ye Xuan didn't care much.

The purpose of his coming is very simple, that is, to break this formation.

Sign in inside.

Of course, the check-in time is not short.

At least three to five days.

With so many formations here, and this formation requires relevant means to be unlocked.

Ye Xuan who has that time.

What's more, the formation of this person is not simple, there is actually a half-step eternal level.

The power that broke out was fierce.

This kind of formation is not so easy to untie.

Ye Xuan himself is not an expert in this area.

Then the only thing he can do is simpler.

Then it will be broken directly.

Loud rumbling noise.

The sound passed all the way.


The people on the island also heard the movement.

They are in the palace.

Inside is a palace, a little big.

These people are trying to crack it.

But now I heard the sound of the rumbling formation inexplicably.

There was no movement even when contacting people outside.

They knew it was such a thing.

This is someone coming.

This is definitely not a good thing.

"Someone is coming outside. Who is so courageous? People from Shenlong Valley are here. They dare to break in. A few people will kill me. They must not be allowed to come here. We spent a lot of money. It took a lot of hard work to come to this island, and it couldn't help others.

Whoosh whoosh!

The three figures rushed out directly.

The figures of these three realms are extremely strong, and they are all half-step eternal.

It is used to fight against outsiders.

The three of them can use the formation method to burst out the eternal level of combat effectiveness.

Although it's just the right kind.

But it can also hold people back.

Don't come in.

When it was halfway through, Ye Xuan finally saw someone coming.

Three masters have arrived.

Three and a half-step eternal level.

As soon as they came out and saw Ye Xuan, they didn't show any mercy at all, and directly displayed the treasure.

Streams of light flew directly.

It turned out to be a handful of flying swords.

These flying swords are very powerful, full of sharp aura.

The void was cut open directly, without mercy at all.

"This is the place of our Shenlong Valley. If you don't want to die, get out of here."

The three of them did it, but they also left a sense of measure.

If the other party can take the initiative to leave, then there is no problem.

But if you really want to force yourself into it, it will be different.

It is definitely mortal.

Ye Xuan had heard of Shenlong Valley, but it sounded different.

In other words, their background should be quite large.

It is naturally different for such people to come to this island.

"You said I would come here for a stroll. Believe it or not, I guess you don't believe it anymore, that's why I did it."

Ye Xuan laughed and fisted.

Every punch made Void sink slightly.

It directly affected their attack route.

Even Ye Xuan didn't use eternal treasures.

This method can easily suppress the opponent's attack.

With such a hand, they can feel different.

The three of them did feel a certain amount of pressure.

Their attack just now has an eternal level of attack power.

Although it's just the kind of barely in place.

Not everyone can resist it.

But the other party cracked it so easily.

Doesn't it mean that the other party is also a half-step eternity.


At the very least, it is also an eternal level powerhouse.

Such a person is indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

"Do you still continue to make moves now? If you continue to make a move, then I will make a killer move. Once I make a killer move, you will definitely die."

Ye Xuan glanced over lightly.

The three of them sank.

There is no doubt about what the other party said.

This person really has such a means.

If you really do it, you might really be killed.

"This is the place of our Shenlong Valley. Your Excellency rushes in like this. Then the three of us have tried our best to kill you here."

In an instant, the power of the three of them became one.

A magical method was used.

It was relatively scattered just now.

But now it's different, very vigorous.

It's as if three people are one person.

A big palm covered the sky and sun directly and swung it down.

There are brilliance all over the big palm.

Just like a golden palm, directly directed at Ye Xuan.

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