The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2641: Finally showed up

The big demon behind Ye Xuan's escape immediately caught up.

After all, this is the long river of life and their base camp.

These people don't know Ye Xuan's thoughts.

So after they caught up, they quietly went out.

Following Ye Xuan, he also escaped into the void.

To him, getting into the void is even more of nothing.

Although the void is divided into layers, now Ye Xuan's body can naturally enter the deepest inner layer.

This time, I used the treasure to isolate myself from layers.

Even if you have an idea to swipe from here, you may not be able to realize yourself.

No advantage was seen on the scene.

On the contrary, the strength of the little beast's struggle was getting stronger and stronger.

It seems that it won't take long to run out of it.

"It seems that the fighting power of the big demon and the human race is still about the same. They can't hold each other for a while, but it seems that there will be results soon."

Ye Xuan didn't get too close.

Because he knew he was too close.

It may be discovered by them.

There are also the strong hidden in the void.

He didn't even go to clean, because he was afraid that he would startled the other party.

At that time, it was separated from the original development.

It won't be so easy to get this little beast at that time.


A powerful thought swept past him directly.

It came very abruptly, and I didn't notice it at all.

Fortunately, Ye Xuan was ready at this time and knew that this would be the case.

That person was definitely hiding in the void, and he also used a very powerful treasure.

If you hadn't used such a treasure, you wouldn't have swept this place with your thoughts at this time.

I'm just worried that someone will show up here.

Because this scene is considered to be the innermost layer in the void.

"If there is no accident, it should be this guy, and he will do it soon!"

In response to the thought just now, Ye Xuan knew that the opponent's strength was quite strong.

At least it has reached the peak of Dzogchen.

And it is only possible that half of the foot has reached the eternal level.

Only in this way can I dared to rush out to grab this little beast.

If there is no strength, let him give him a hundred courage.

I didn't dare to rush out.


The little beast finally rushed out of the formation.

Even if a few treasures are suppressed by the Fa-rectification, this little beast can't be suppressed at all.

It rushed out with a crash.

Then rushed outside.

The speed is as fast as the streamer, and he can't even grasp his whereabouts.

Little Beast really gave them a big surprise.

It's also more pleasantly surprised than imagined.

They have been staring at the action just now, but when they did it, they found that they still underestimated this guy.

Possess vanity means.

It was out of their reach in a blink of an eye.

Then he fled to a distance.

And at this moment.

A big net fell directly from the void.

As soon as this big net appears shiny, it turns into a space.

Although the little beast is quite fast.

But at this time, one end plunged in, and the space kept shrinking and entangled with it.

Even if it is Skyfire, the destructive power, there is no way at this time.

Little Beast showed a helpless look.

Following a figure, he can walk out like this.

The two equations that I was working on first stopped immediately, and some people even exclaimed.

"God Lord Guanghai, you are not dead, and you are still hiding. You are really hiding so deeply. I am afraid that you have been waiting for this day for a long, long time!"

After this figure came out, someone recognized it.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Even the monster beast is the same.

At this time, they also recognized that this guy was actually an old monster.

The kind of person who is extremely famous, but it is rumored that this guy is already dead.

"Death, the old man doesn't want to die so soon, but the old man doesn't want to be active. Otherwise, how can I deceive you? Thank you for letting me catch this little beast. I have spent more than two hundred years planning for this guy. It’s time, and it’s even more specially formulated to make such a treasure."

The God Lord Guanghai laughed loudly.

With a wave of his hand, a large swath of cold light directly covered them.

Every piece of Hanguang is actually his strength.

Every power burst out, unexpectedly half a step of eternal power burst out.

They suppressed them in an instant.

Mentioned on hand.

The little beast was immediately taken away, and then escaped into the void.

Then people like them have to face these half-eternal powers that burst out directly.

After they carried it down, they found that the **** master Guanghai had left.

They couldn't even notice where they were going.

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