When Ye Xuan's voice came out at this time, the face of God Lord Ruofei changed.

After all, the most invisible to the three of them now is the young man in front of them.

The most important thing is that this is a guy who practiced physique.

It doesn't matter if it is someone else.

But once this guy stepped forward, it was a little troublesome.

Who knows what this guy has.

If you can really get these treasures, it would be a bit bad.

"What are you worried about? I haven't passed yet!"

God Lord Ruofei snorted and decided to try it himself.

It is impossible for this guy to pick up a cheap one.

After all, these god-level treasures are still quite valuable.

It can also be exchanged for a lot of cosmic sacred stones.

In a single small world, treasures like this are very powerful.

Very powerful.

It's definitely overwhelming to show it for a while.

Ruofei pushed a treasure among the gods.

This is a tower-shaped treasure, with streams of light hanging down and protected.

It turned out to be a defensive treasure.

The whole person flew over.

The starlight that flew past the sky directly bombarded it.

His treasure is still very defensive.

He took care of the nearest treasure.

Even so, he didn't dare to stay too much and just came back.

This time he looked a little pale.

But it quickly returned to normal.

Only the Lord Ruofei knew how powerful the moment was just now.

Those sky-filled stars continuously bombarded it down.

If it weren't for a powerful treasure, it would really be unbearable.

Unfortunately only got one piece.

Even so, God Lord Ruofei had a slight light on his face.

At the very least, having treasures in front of you is better than not being able to get them.

He wanted to see how this guy got it.

"It seems that you are only taking a treasure. I have to pack the rest. You should have no opinion?"

Ye Xuan's words made Divine Master Ruofei very angry.

The whole person also walked in.

The starlight in the sky came directly.

Behind Ye Xuan, a black hole emerged.

Most of all attacks were sucked by this black hole.

The three of them were shocked instantly.

This method, they hadn't noticed it before.

At this moment, they felt the terrible black hole.

What methods has this guy cultivated?

Even such a black hole can be cultivated.

The most frightening thing is that this black hole can swallow the surrounding forces.

Most of the power of the starlight in the sky was absorbed.

On the contrary, it was the remaining part, and it seemed that it was no different from tickling the opponent.

Ye Xuan had already picked up the first one, and then picked up the second one.

Follow the third one.

He picked up all the five treasures left on the scene in one breath.

"Our luck is not bad, we have harvested five treasures when we came in!"

These treasures are not very valuable.

But in Ye Xuan's opinion, it's okay, and it's pretty good to give it away.

Ju Xingchen was also particularly happy.

Ye Daoyou was indeed more powerful than he had imagined.

This body is very strong.

Even a black hole can be cultivated.

It seems that there should be no problem getting those treasures by yourself.

The faces of God Lord Ruofei were a little ugly.

Going forward again, he didn't dare to fall behind Ye Xuan and the others.

In any case, they are one step ahead.

If there is something good, it will definitely not be cheap to this guy.

Come all the way.

Indeed, I saw a lot of treasures.

However, some of these treasures are damaged, and some are not easy to handle.

Ye Xuan took them all down.

God Lord Ruofei's expressions were all green all the way.

In any case, I couldn't think of this guy in such a violent mess.

What they couldn't get, this guy easily got it.

The body is incredible.

This also makes them more aware that the situation is a bit bad.

I didn't get a few treasures along the way.

Does this guy have to take away all the good things this time?

"I think this place is so big, you might as well find it separately. After all, it's a place to try your luck, don't you think?"

After the Lord Ruofei returned without success, he said something very interesting.

These words were clearly directed at Ye Xuan.

If you walk together, you won't get any treasures at all.

"It's good to be separated and move freely. Anyway, this thing is also based on luck. You really can't find anything next to me. Separate!"

The three of them did not spew out a mouthful of blood.

This is really annoying, but they didn't say much.

Go straight in one direction.

"Ye Daoyou is still amazing. I didn't expect to get rid of them all at once. I thought they could take the most part this time. It seems that the good things are in our hands.

Ju Xingchen is the happiest person.

Nothing makes him more happy than this.

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