Just come in so easily.

Ye Xuan was really surprised, it seemed that this thing was really easy to use.

Unexpectedly, the external means were so powerful that they reached the level of eight stars, and he still came in so easily.

Now let's see what is in this box.


Ye Xuan did not rush to open it, but checked it up and down.

There is no danger.

There isn't even a means of prohibition inside, even think about it.

There are no eight-star methods outside. If there are still methods here, isn't this a cheating?

Definitely cheating.

But what made Ye Xuan feel the most curious was, since there is such a place, why those eight-star and nine-star monsters didn't come in.

This is a problem.

Ye Xuan couldn't figure it out, and didn't think too much.

Decided to open it first.


The box opens.

After the box was opened, there was only such a jade charm inside.

This jade talisman looks quite ordinary, but Ye Xiaolong knew that everything in it was inside.

He picked it up and urged it.

After this urge, a lot of information flooded in.

Entered Ye Xuan's mind.

The content of this information is very large, Ye Xuan just started to be surprised, and immediately became extremely excited.

Because he knows what's in here.

The thing that I have always wanted is the Three Thousand Yuanshen Method.

He never thought that there would be three thousand souls here.

It's just a part of it.

The front three floors.

In other words, one thousand souls can be cultivated.

"Unexpectedly, I was so lucky that I could actually get the upper part of the Three Thousand Yuanshen here."

Ye Xuan never thought that he had actually obtained the cultivation method of three thousand yuanshen here.

Although it was only the first part, for Ye Xuan, this was an opportunity to improve his strength.

Hahaha laughed loudly.

"It's really God who helped me. No wonder there is such a means outside. It turns out that there are three thousand Yuanshens here, but why there are only three floors? I have to take a look."

When Ye Xuan was there, he knew that these three thousand Yuanshen belonged to a unique cultivation method.

It is difficult to practice successfully.

There is called Three Thousand Yuanshen, but why is there only the first three floors here?

It is very likely that it will be different.

So Ye Xuan began to look at it.

After looking at it along the way, he seemed to understand what was going on.

It turned out that the three thousand Yuanshen circulated outside were simplified versions.

And this is true.

This three-thousand Yuanshen can truly cultivate three thousand Yuanshens.

And the others can only cultivate a few hundred souls at most.

No wonder such a price.

No wonder everyone can't get started right away.

Ye Xuan knew that he had hit the right opportunity.

And the eight-star method here was left here by the strong man who had cultivated three thousand yuan gods.

More left the means.

Eight-star and nine-star people can't get in at all.

Only people in the following realms can enter, otherwise it will trigger the means he left behind.

At that time, even if the eight stars and nine stars came over, they would be wiped out.

This is the confidence of others.

Ye Xuan recovered for a while, and was completely relieved, and his entire mind was invested here.

Let's talk about the cultivation of the three thousand yuan gods first.

He wanted to see how long the guys outside could hold on.

I can now learn this three thousand souls.

As for whether you can get started, it shouldn't be too difficult to think about.

The most important thing is that Ye Xuan still has good luck to exist.

So this entry should not be difficult.

Wow, wow.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the blessing of luck within half an hour was getting faster and faster.


A soul came out.

After this clone came out, it was the so-called primordial spirit.

It's exactly the same as Ye Xuan.

The most important thing is that the combat power brought is about 70% to 80%.

This is very powerful, and when paired with treasures, it can burst out about 90% of the power.

Ye Xuan didn't feel too much difficulty at all.

It seems easy.

At the same time, I also knew that the three thousand Yuanshen really needed a strong body to cultivate well.

With the first soul, there will be a second soul.

There were ten primordial spirits in a blink of an eye.

Every soul really made Ye Xuan feel very satisfied.

Then began to practice again.

After half an hour passed, this blessing of luck also disappeared.

Ye Xuan has successfully mastered the cultivation method of the soul.

Of course there is still a certain degree of difficulty.

Because it's not so smooth.

Every time you practice a soul will increase the pressure.

Ye Xuan gritted his teeth, preparing to practice for a month.

By the way, sign in here for one month.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Xuan cultivated here for three months.

These three months are neither long nor short.

For the five big monsters outside, they were a little puzzled.

Did that guy die in it? It's a pity that such a great tonic died in it.

But they can't enter this place.

They all knew it, it was arranged by a great master of soul.

If the Eight Stars and Nine Stars break in, they will be obliterated.

Once there was a big monster beast entering, but as soon as he entered, he was bombarded and killed.

No one can guarantee how many more such methods exist.

So everyone can only be honest.

"Do you think that kid will die in it? If it's dying in it, then our three months will be spent in vain."

"It's really hard to say, but let's wait."

"Wait for another month if we don't come out again, let's leave. It's a pity that Old Tie has been killed, otherwise."

All five of them sighed with emotion.

It was such a young man who actually killed the old iron.

To be honest, they themselves were very surprised.

I can't believe it.


As soon as they finished speaking, they felt something movement in this place.

It seems to be out.

They couldn't help laughing.

"That guy must be out."

"In three months' time, the injury should have recovered. Let's just wait for a brutal attack. We must not let him run away."


The frost spread all over this area.

Let's talk about it first.

They have all seen this young man's power.

It's really better than ordinary people, and the more you do this, the more you want to eat them firmly.

This time if he was run out by this kid again.

Then their old faces were completely lost.

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