The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2533: The three highest voices

Down the road, Ye Xuan knew a lot of things.

I also know that the Sifang Temple is a very powerful force in this universe.

If the master of any star field hadn't joined a force, he couldn't control a small world at all.

Not to mention a star field.

You must know that the star fields on one side are huge.

There are countless large and small star fields.

The star field where Ye Xuan was located was relatively small.

So even if you succeeded in becoming the master of the star field at this time, you still need to find a big backer.

Only in this way can we persist and sit for a long time.

After half a month.

They came to the branch hall of the so-called Sifang Hall.

This square hall is in a small world.

Of course, it can also be said to be a medium-sized world.

This medium-sized world was much larger than the world Ye Xuan had been in before.

As soon as I came here, I felt a strong breath.

Feel a lot of powerful aura here.

I didn't feel it in the previous place.

It can also prove the power of this square hall.

Because this is just a branch hall.

This is where the competition for the Star Territory took place.

This star field belongs to the scope of the Sifang Temple.

If you want to win this star field, you have to do it here.

After proceeding, they basically joined the Sifang Hall.

That way, sit back and relax.

Of course, there are also some outsiders competing for this small star field.

At that time they will join the forces of the other side.

Such things happen from time to time.

Sifangdian didn't pay much attention to this.

As long as you hand in enough cosmic divine stones every year.

If there is no cosmic sacred stone, then this star field must be surrendered.

After waiting here, Ye Xuan already knew a lot of things.

Putting away the flying treasure, a few people flew in together.

In a big city.

Ye Xuan finally felt the dangerous aura here.

More than any place, especially this god-master level.

A little sense, at least there are about ten dao, and there are a few very powerful, very mysterious.

Even if Ye Xuan wanted to sense it, he couldn't feel it.

Just vaguely know that there is definitely a strong person here.

Should be the top master of the Sifang Palace.

Ye Xuan also moved into the reception area of ​​the Sifang Hall.

There are still many people who come to participate in the Star Territory Competition.

So there is a unified place to live.

Ye Xuan moved in after registering.

The same goes for a few of them.

After entering, I saw some gods.

The strength of these gods are strong and weak.

The strong ones are about three-star or four-star gods.

The weak is one star and two stars.

Of course, the most common ones are one-star and two-star.

Because this realm has the most divine masters, the distance to the latter realm will gradually be opened.

Three-star to four-star, four-star to five-star, not everyone can break through.

Ye Xuan estimated that his strength was around three stars or even four stars.

As for the five-star, there is no guarantee.

Because Ye Xuan hasn't played against such a person yet.

This stay is a few days.

Ye Xuan was also wandering around in this big city.

Also know a lot of things.

For example, this competition is in a small circle.

There are a few louder voices, and they are competitors this time.

And this competitor has only three.

These three are the strongest, one is a five-star divine lord, and the other two are four-star divine lord.

Both of these are in their peak state.

It can also be said that the strength is indeed relatively strong.

So the three of them are the most qualified to get this star field.

Because of this star field, you can earn a lot of cosmic divine stones a year.

This is the most important thing, because this universe **** stone is the most practical thing in this universe.

There are so many large and small star fields in this universe.

Therefore, the currency of the transaction is the cosmic **** stone.

The cosmic **** stone is a very mysterious stone, very strong.

It can only be excavated from a specific place.

Always in strong hands.

Without a certain level of strength, it can't be used at all.

So these cosmic losses are very valuable.

And each star field in the star field will have a specific place, more or less of this cosmic **** stone.

That's why everyone will appreciate it.

Even a small star field can produce a lot of cosmic sacred stones in a year.

For example, the cosmic sacred stone produced in some places can reach hundreds of thousands of square meters.

The tallest can reach one million cubic meters.

Of course, a place like that can't be defended by anyone. It must have a big power.

If you are not a big power, you can only stand aside.

No one can get it.

And just like Ye Xuan's star field, only 20,000 to 30,000 square meters of cosmic divine stone is produced in one year.

Say no more, say less, but it's also a lot of value.

In a hundred years, you can get two or three million, and you can get a lot of things.

This is why everyone is so interested.

"It's finally starting. I don't know who will this star field belong to?"

"I heard that this time the judge was a six-star divine lord in the square hall."

"It seems to be the palace master over here."

Ye Xuan and Minghai Divine Master heard a lot of discussions as soon as they came over.

Those who can talk about here are all powerhouses at the level of gods.

Strength is high or low.

Everyone looked at each other fairly calmly.

Because once you reach this state, you won't offend people easily.

There will be big troubles after offending people.

When you reach this realm, what everyone has to do most is to practice non-stop.

The stronger the better, so I won't waste too much time on small things.

In their view, wasting time is tantamount to wasting cultivation.

This is absolutely impossible.

Ye Xuan could also feel the powerful aura here.

These strengths are strong, and of course some are weak.

Not far away, the three of them are obviously the strongest.

Everyone is surrounded by a lot of people, which are very different.

Even people who are not paying attention can tell at a glance.

They should be the three most vocal people.

And he is also the person he is most qualified to get this time.

No one else can compare.

"It turns out that the three people are the ones most qualified to get it this time."

God Lord Xu Lang also looked over, full of envy.

Most of them are here to take a look.

I know, but those three talents are the protagonists of today.

"Registrants can come here!"

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