The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2497: Warning from senior

Just now, the Barbarian King realized what despair is.

It can't be beaten at all.

His physical combat effectiveness is extremely strong, but the opponent's strength is stronger than him.

Especially the divine power in the opponent's body seemed to far exceed his imagination.

Every move is filled with the boundlessness of vigorous sprints, it is directly crushed, and it is not an opponent at all.

Even Zhou Wushuang is the same.

He also knew that he was really in big trouble, and there was such a top master in Zhongzhou.

I don't know it, so it shouldn't be.

The Barbarian King was directly hit on the ground.

A big hole appeared, almost two to thirty feet deep.

"If you intend to continue to do it, then I will not be polite after a while, and I will kill you directly, although your strength is pretty good!"

Ye Xuan smiled faintly.

The voice was very hoarse, but it was a very unpleasant voice in the ears of the Barbarian King.

He knew he was in a terrible trouble.

"Let’s do it together. We will talk about this guy first. If we don’t kill him, we will all be in trouble."

Whoosh whoosh!

The other two breaths also followed.

It turned out to be a powerhouse with the peak of the other two lower gods.

The three barbarians instantly formed a subtle connection, forming a three-person formation.

The strength of the three seemed to be improved at this moment.

Attacking from three directions at the same time was a means of close combat.

Dou Da's fist, with a certain degree of penetration, directly smashed over.

The power suddenly increased compared to the time before.

Even Zhou Wushuang raised a glimmer of hope.

No matter what, this guy will be hit hard.

Otherwise, it will definitely be a huge trouble to spread today's events.

After all, he is the prince, and the prince has some contact with the barbarian king. If there is cooperation, the father will definitely deprive him of his prince status.

The status of the prince, this is absolutely unacceptable to everyone.

This time, I went to the Quartet Army for a visit with the famous and justifiable reasons.

Then take the opportunity to talk about cooperation with the barbarian king.

But I never expected to meet such a top master.

If it's another master.

But this guy is so strong that even the barbarian king's melee methods can't control the opponent.

The masters of the three lower gods kept besieging Ye Xuan.

It's just that every time Ye Xuan raised his hand by one block, they easily resolved their offensive.

Although their power is extremely strong, especially the means of close combat, compared with Ye Xuan, their power is still too weak.

Even his physical body didn't feel any harm.

This is the power of the infinite eternal body.

"I told you that even if the three of you join forces, it is not my opponent. It seems that you don't take my words as the same thing. Then I can only let you experience what despair is and what is true. power!"

Ye Xuan shook his head lightly.


After a cold snort.

Ye Xuan's power directly impacted on the three barbarians.

The three of them had expected it.

Divine light also appeared all over his body.

It collapsed in one meeting.

It hit them.

The three of them flew out and crashed through the palace.

This is the power of Ye Xuan Infinite Eternal Body.

This is because he didn't explode with all his strength, otherwise the three of them simply couldn't bear it.

Zhou Wushuang was completely dumbfounded.

He knew that from now on, Zhongzhou had another great master.

I don't know if his father can deal with this person in front of him.

This person actually knew his origin.

"Are you disappointed? The person who asked you to calculate secretly here, you didn't have anything honest, but unfortunately your prince's mind is too mixed!"

Zhou Wushuang's face turned pale with a splash.

Backed back, there was no idea of ​​doing it at all.

Even if it is done, it is not an opponent of others.

Zhou Wushuang is very clear about this.

"Senior, this matter really doesn't have much to do with me. I just want to calculate the casual cultivator. You just need to let me go, but wherever you appear, I won't appear again!"

Zhou Wushuang is what Yi can do.

The barbarian king is very powerful, it can be said to be a top-notch powerful body.

Even his own father may not be able to easily break his melee methods.

It can be the first body in Zhongzhou.

But still not as good as people.

"The old man likes to live a quiet and quiet life. You have lived in this area for a long time. You'd better not make any noise here. Otherwise, the old man will shoot you to death if you don't mind, just like you. The same is true for eight, even if your old emperor comes!"

Zhou Wushuang bleeds directly, and the blood is greatly impacted.

"Senior don't worry, I will definitely not make trouble here, I will leave now and do nothing!"

Where did Zhou Wushuang dare to think.


Turned around and left.

At this time, people can go as far as they can.

Otherwise, you might not be able to leave later.

Ye Xuan didn't stop Zhou Wushuang from leaving at all.

This guy is probably frightened.

And the other side.

The barbarian king's three low-level **** peak powerhouses were also embarrassed.

They were seriously injured just now by the blow.

This is just a meeting time.

They couldn't imagine how strong this person was.

I only know that this senior is very likely to be the strength of the lower middle god.

It is the body that reaches the level of the Zhongwei God, which is the most terrifying.

An old emperor is enough to make them feel the pressure.

Unexpectedly, another one appeared.

The only good thing is that they were not killed by this man.

By the time they returned to the palace, they would no longer see the person.

Even Zhou Wushuang left, as if nothing had happened.

But the surrounding traces tell them that something has indeed happened.

It's just that they are lucky.

"Zhongzhou is still much more dangerous than we thought!"

The Barbarian King said in a deep voice, "For the next period of time, we will be the Barbarian Legion, so please don't make any movement, and be honest and self-cultivation."

This is also the only thing that can be done.

Of course he knew the reason why the senior didn't kill them.

I'm afraid this is a small warning.

It's just that this warning made them feel like they were facing a big mountain.

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