In an instant, three days passed.

When it came time to select a small leader, this time the monks including the entire Quartet Army were moved by the wind.

Everyone wants to compete for this little leader.

There are only two positions tonight, but everyone feels that they have this opportunity to have this ability.

How do you know if you don't try it?

The four little commanders also notified people that they would have to take these two positions this time, which is a good thing for them.

Many of their subordinates can do it.

Originally, they thought the prince would have any ideas, but the big and small things on the four sides of the army are handled by the big commander himself, and basically they don't care about it.

What's more, it's about the little things like the little leader.

They can only solve it with their own methods.

Several temporary arenas were set up in the middle of the open field of the Quartet.

The selection begins here.

All the monks of the Quartet Army below stood upright.

No one expects this fair selection more than they do.

"I know that everyone cherishes this opportunity very much this time, so I gave you such a fair chance. Due to the large number of people, I will perform the first level and eliminate some of the less powerful ones. I think Everyone should have no opinion!"

Everyone spoke in unison, of course there was no objection.

Many cultivators also knew that this competition was for the top group, and they were just joining in the fun.

"After a while, I will let go of the coercion. Those who can hold on to my coercion to the last 100 will carry out this competition."

Ye Xuan smiled softly and suddenly let go of all the pressure on his body.

As soon as the coercion came out, it was crushed, and the original 500,000 cultivators of the Quartet Army collapsed in an instant.

These fallen monks left their positions immediately.

When they left the scope of this coercion, they found that there was nothing wrong with them.

It's just that the blood is a bit turbulent, and I admire the commander's ability. A coercion can crush them half a million cultivators, no wonder they can destroy 200,000 barbarian legions with one palm.

The four little commanders all glanced at each other and realized that Ye Xuan was difficult to deal with.

Even if they didn't personally experience it, they could still feel that this kind of pressure is really very powerful and terrifying.

When fighting, it can have a certain impact on their strength, at least it can consume 10% or 20% of their strength.

Although they don't believe it very much in their hearts, they are in fact so.

This Ye Xuan's coercion is very powerful, with such an effect, if they really start their hands, they have no chance of winning.

The year before.

They are still majestic, but now they really don't have any thoughts to think that Ye Xuan can clean up.

If it were not for their respective princes standing behind them, I am afraid that the position of the little commander would be a bit unsettled.

In the past, they thought they could take Ye Xuan to the air.

At that time, he would be able to seize the position of the great leader in Ye Xuan's hand.

What a ridiculous thing it seems now, people's ideas are much more terrifying than theirs, and the silence of the drizzle made them feel unprecedented despair.

I can't calculate, but I can't beat it.

This little leader is really miserable.

If it's not for the prince, they need them here.

They all wanted to apply to leave, and they didn't want to fight Ye Xuan at all. They were the only ones who suffered.

They even suspected that Ye Xuan did the other two little leaders.

There is also such a possibility.

As for a half-god killer, could he still assassinate Ye Xuan?


Heavy coercion passed continuously, one breath, two breaths, three breaths, and ten breaths.

There were only a hundred people left in the quadrilateral army of 500,000.

Still reluctantly persisted.

Just like the wind, the coercion disappeared, and the remaining hundred people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The strength of these one hundred people is basically the level of the Nine Star War God.

Without this level, you can't hold it at all, and of course there are some profound things.

"Congratulations for passing the first level. The second level is one-to-one. There is only one chance. Those who win can enter the next game!"

These monks looked at each other and instantly turned into rivals.

The four little leaders in the distance suddenly changed their expressions slightly.

They actually saw five figures here, the five guys wearing masks and armor.

They didn't expect Ye Xuan to let the five of them participate in the fight for this little commander.

Although there was such an idea before, it was really after seeing these five guys participating.

They were very upset in their hearts, and they all felt that they couldn't handle it this time. Both positions were taken away by the black armored man.

Since these five people came, they have checked by their own means, but no matter how they checked, they could not get any clues.

These five people seem to come out of thin air, and their strength is unfathomable.

It is really not good for these five people to participate in this.

But they couldn't say anything. After all, they were brought by Ye Xuan, and they didn't personally make them a small leader, which was worthy of everyone.

Now stand up and take the initiative to fight, then naturally the other monks have been recognized.

Whoever is strong, who can become a small leader is such a simple thing.

The five ring will begin.

"The man in black is too powerful, he seems to be the leader!"

"I knew they were great, but I didn't expect them to be so strong!"

"So strong, so strong, all five of them came here!"

The five arenas continued to compete, but the most attractive were the five men in black.

Their strength is definitely very powerful, and a shot is a thunder strike, which is some of the most normal methods.

It also made everyone sigh with emotion.

They knew that this little commander was very intense, but it was far more intense than imagined.

The most important thing is that they see a lot of these five men in black.

It has been vague, but I didn't expect to be a master.

Now, who would dare to say that the leader of Ye Xuan has no background.

Just look at these five men in black.

The face of this little leader collapsed, and the people they sent up were all driven down without exception. They weren't opponents at all.

"It's completely useless now, the position of this little commander should belong to them."

"It seems that Ye Xuan can't fight it!"

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