The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2486: Two hundred thousand barbarians

The two hundred thousand barbarians are still quite large.

Control a large area.

He even took a small city nearby, and the entire city's resources were looted.

"His Royal Highness has news, that Ye Xuan's commander is bringing a large army toward us!"

Inside a makeshift mansion, a barbarian in animal skins rushed in.

And here is a barbarian like a hill sitting there.

There are people on both sides.

Feed him fruit.

Lazily and very comfortable, this is the leader of the two hundred thousand barbarians this time, the third prince Kuhai.

Kuhai has an excellent appetite, and it is not so easy to know that they want to eat fresh fruit over there.

But it's different here.

You can plunder and enjoy.

"That useless Ye Xuan has come out. It's good to come. This time, this king will slap this guy in the face, let him know how powerful my barbarian is, and notify everyone to gather!"

Of course Kuhai knew what he did when he came out with the army this time.

It was used to clean up Ye Xuan's chief.

The previous commander was also very powerful, and it was not solved by their means.

This also allowed their barbarians to relax for a long time.

Recently, another commander came, but this commander did not seem to have much capacity, and the Four Sides Army has not completely mastered it.

I heard that the old emperor was very optimistic about this person, whether it was true or not, it didn't matter much. As long as they come out this time and can plunder back a lot of resources, that is victory.

In fact.

They did capture a few cities this trip, plundered a lot of resources, and returned with satisfaction.

It would be great if he could slap his face again.

He also established prestige among those brothers and sisters.

He really wants to thank those guys, if it weren't for them, their 200,000 barbarians wouldn't be so easy to get in.


Ye Xuan came out with the 500,000 square army.

As soon as the news from the outpost came, I naturally knew the location of these barbaric places.

When Ye Xuan came over, he found that they were already waiting.

As if it had been expected, the complexion of many people in the Quartet changed slightly.

Originally wanted to fight a sneak attack, but now it seems impossible, but now these savages lined up directly.

Captured a city and transformed the entire city, and the Kuhai can be seen on that city.

Ku Hai's gaze also looked over and fell directly on Ye Xuan's body.

"I heard that you are the leader of Ye Xuan, thin-skinned, I don't think you look good, I can eat you like you in one bite!"

Kuhai's words undoubtedly changed the faces of the people of the Four Sides Army again, and this guy's words were too arrogant, this was ignoring their commander.

"It doesn't look good at you. It turns out that you are a big fat man with all flesh, and I am embarrassed to say that he is a prince. This is to put gold on your face. See if you look like a prince. You really don’t look like it. It's quite right like a big stomach king!"

Ye Xuan also laughed loudly.

I originally thought this barbarian prince would look like, but I didn't expect to be a fat man.

This fat is too fat, just like a hill.

If it weren't for that strength, Ye Xuan would have felt that it would be difficult for this guy to walk.

The six little leaders on the side were all smiling inside.

Ku Hai, who they all know, hates someone saying that he is a big fat man. If anyone dares to say these three words, it can be said to be a **** hatred.

Even if they weren't going to say this big fat man in front of this Ku Hai.

"Ye Xuan, you are dead, dare you say that I am a fat man, when I take you down, I will definitely treat you as if you shed eight pieces, and eat each piece!"

Ku Hai roared, aiming at endless killing intent.

Even these people in the Quartet can feel it.

"What are you talking about, you really like the three words "big fat man," I will let everyone call you to cheer you up!"

Ye Xuan said seriously.

"Do you understand? The prince wants to cheer up, so he shouts to me!"

Ye Xuan laughed and commanded the members of the Four Legions below.

"Big fat man, big fat man, big fat man!"

The shout of the 500,000 monks really spread more and more widely.

Originally, Ku Hai's face was cold and cold. At this time, it had turned into an iron blue. He had never thought that Ye Xuan's guy would be so hateful, and openly let so many people shout Fatty.

The barbarians around Kuhai were all angry, and he knew that his Highness was already in a state of rage, and wanted to kill.

"Hit me hard!"

The original defensive barbarian suddenly opened the formation.

Two hundred thousand barbarians rushed out directly.

That prestige is really mighty, even the cultivators of the Quartet Legion raised a sigh of relief.

They all received the news, this time without the order of their little commander, no one could do anything, let alone start a formation.

Today is the time for this leader Ye Xuan to perform.

Even if two hundred thousand barbarians rushed over, there was still no movement from the Quartet.

"Grand Commander, those of us in the Quartet Legion have always wanted to see the mighty power of the Commander, and hope that the Commander can teach the members of the Legion a good lesson, and let them know what is meant by the heavens and the heavens, and the people outside the world!"

The six little commanders all spoke in unison.

Ye Xuan smiled faintly.

Finally entered the subject, thinking that you wouldn't say it, or you would be blatantly disobeying.

"Even if you don't tell me, today I will let these barbarians experience what despair is!"

Ye Xuan laughed loudly, stepped out in one step, and appeared in front of the Sifang Army.

"Everyone is optimistic. To clean up these savages, they must be given ruthless means. Don't be merciful."

Everyone in the legion knew that the commander was very powerful. It's unclear to what extent, but one thing is certain. It is not comparable to ordinary strength to be able to sit in this position.

Now there are two hundred thousand barbarians, so naturally they can perform well.

The two hundred thousand barbarians instantly expanded their formation, turned into a figure, and flew out.

The power of two hundred thousand barbarians turned into a figure.

As soon as this figure came over, it shot through the air, very terrifying.

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