The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2478: Zhongzhou Dungeon

Ye Xuan's small retreat in the past few days has indeed surprised many people.

This guy is really incredible.

I went to the treasure house and chose to retreat.

Everyone doesn't know why Ye Xuan retreats, it is probably only the old emperor.

In the eyes of the old emperor, this fellow Ye Xuan probably went to study the sacred stone at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

There is only one explanation.

If it weren't for studying this sacred stone at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, how could it take a few days of retreat.

The old emperor didn't think much about it.

Ye Xuan walked out refreshingly.

All the aura on his body has converged.

He is now the flesh body of the pinnacle of the lower god, and it is really incredible.

Even if Ye Xuan hasn't cultivated a godhead yet, this combat power is definitely appropriate.

Not everyone can bear it, and if this physical body's aura is not reduced, no one can stand it.

With this convergence, Ye Xuan also became even more sturdy.

Even if he only walks a few steps, he has a strong aura.

"My lord, you finally came out!"

Ye Xuan's butler came over immediately.

However, when he saw Ye Xuan, the whole person took a step back subconsciously.

The flesh trembled slightly.

For some reason, he felt that he had encountered a terrible beast-like existence just like that.

It is totally different from the previous days.

The person is still that person, but this aura is really completely different.

It feels like this one will be wiped out, which is really horrible.

This was the first time he encountered this situation.

Ye Xuan's butler's actions were naturally in his eyes.

Of course he knew that he was in front of the infinite eternal body, but he was the flesh body of the pinnacle of the lower god.

An ordinary physical body will shiver naturally when it sees it.

The steward is nothing but the realm of the God of War level.

Even Jiuxing is the same thing.

"What's the matter?"

Still a simple remark.

But to this steward, it felt like facing your majesty.

Whispered again and again.

"Your Majesty arranged for someone to come over, saying that it was for you to go to the Quartet. Don't come back if you don't have to, just guard it."

Ye Xuan smiled.

Unexpectedly, this old emperor is quite interesting.

It is estimated that I have taken all these divine stones at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and I feel upset.

In a hurry, I let myself go to the Quartet.

The current Quartet Army, after so many years of empty space, the forces there have become even more complicated.

All forces have penetrated in.

Ye Xuan wanted to completely master the four legions, but it was not so easy.

If this passes, it will take a long time.

This is really out of sight and out of mind.

Ye Xuan could still see this thought.

However, before going to the Quartet Army, Ye Xuan had something to do.

"It turns out that I was asked to go to the Sifang Army. There is nothing wrong with it, but I have something to trouble you. Please inform me and see if it works!"

Ye Xuan suddenly came up with an idea.

Then he spoke to the housekeeper.

The butler did not dare to look at Ye Xuan right now.

It's horrible, how can there be such a big change?

Could it be that after becoming the leader, his mentality has changed or his strength has improved.

"Sir, you say, little one listen!"

The butler is respectful.

Ye Xuan said in a hurry, "Aren't I going to the Sifang Army? There are not many people around. I heard that there are many masters in the dungeon in Zhongzhou. Do you know it will work?"

The butler did not expect this adult to have such thoughts.

Actually, he became interested in the murderous guys in the Zhongzhou Dungeon.

This is not his responsibility.

"My lord, I have to report this matter to your Majesty, but you will come back after I go."

Ye Xuan waved his hand, and the butler went out.

Ye Xuan didn't care much about having such an eyeliner around him.

With such a person here, then some things can be said straightforwardly.

But this trip to the Quartet Army would be different.

When it comes to the Sifang Army, it's up to you.

And the butler will not follow.

As for why Ye Xuan would think of the masters in the Zhongzhou Dungeon, it was because there were no people around him now.

When you get there, you might as well take your own people to convince them.

As for whether the murderous guy in the Zhongzhou Dungeon would be honest, Ye Xuan didn't care much.

If you don't be honest, just kill it.

I gave them a chance.

If you don't cherish it, you deserve it if you die.

Ye Xuan's mind is still very active.

After a while.

The butler is back.

"Your Majesty said, you can go to the Zhongzhou Dungeon, but you can only choose five. If there are too many people, you can't do it, but you have to convince these five people!"

The butler started talking cautiously.

Ye Xuan frowned slightly.

"Five, the old emperor is so stingy, how could he give himself ten or eight? What's the use of five?"

Ye Xuan's spit, this cold snort, is absolutely stressful for the housekeeper, the whole blood is almost bursting out, which is really terrifying.

The butler secretly rejoiced that he didn't need to follow Ye Xuan to the Sifang Army this trip, otherwise it would really be too much.

The butler dared not say a word at all.

"Five is only five. Lead the way. I think you should be qualified to take me to the Zhongzhou Dungeon. By the way, tell me about the situation in the Zhongzhou Dungeon!"

"Yes, I will take the adults to the Zhongzhou Dungeon!"

Of course, Ye Xuan knew that in the Zhongzhou Dungeon, many masters were imprisoned in this place, and they were all opposed to the existence of Zhongzhou.

Of course there are some lone rangers, but they all commit a lot of things.

So they were all caught and thrown into the dungeon.

As for how many years it has been closed, it is unknown.

It's definitely a tough day anyway.

Emperor Da Zhou was not surprised that Ye Xuan was going to the Zhongduo dungeon.

This guy has some thoughts, and he actually knows that he will bring a few wicked guys over to act as a confidant.

At any rate, it's not alone.

Regarding such a situation, the Emperor of Zhou would certainly not refuse.

There is also a small test.

That is to let Ye Xuan solve these people by himself, and convince them, otherwise it is impossible to take away.

that's it.

Ye Xuan and the steward came all the way to the Zhongzhou Dungeon.

This small area where the Zhongzhou Dungeon is located is a restricted area.

On weekdays, no one will come in gusts of wind.

Not everyone can eat it.

"My lord, this is the Zhongzhou Dungeon!"

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