A place like Shengxiantai really surprised Ye Xuan.

Unexpectedly, this place is actually a place to test the potential.

Passing ten levels is the realm of the invincible pinnacle God of War.

Passing fifteen levels is the potential of a demigod.

In the circle around, Ye Xuan felt a strong aura, all of them were young talents.

There are many people around these arrogances.

You can imagine their potential.

It's just that they are full of thoughts when they look at this rising Sendai.

In other words, these Tianjiao people want to go up and down.

Of course, there is no certain potential, and there is no qualification to leave this ranking on Sendai.

Ye Xuan could even hear that those who were called Xiao Wang should be some powerful top talents.

They are qualified to be called Xiao Wang.

Otherwise, there is no qualification at all.

The man on the Shengxiantai has passed ten levels and failed when he reached the eleventh level.

Came out from inside embarrassed.

Even so, countless people went up.

After all, the realm of Invincible Peak God of War is still qualified to attack the demigod.

Even though this opportunity is very slim, some arrogances have continued to follow.

The biggest has the realm of the invincible peak God of War.

It made Ye Xuan another understanding of the Tianjiao in Zhongzhou.

Sure enough, Zhongzhou is different from other places.

The real masters are like clouds, and the young people have reached the realm of the invincible peak God of War.

Not to mention reaching a demigod.

Ye Xuan originally thought that his strength was strong enough.

It seems that there is still a certain degree of difficulty in fighting for the commanding position this time.

Of course, this difficulty is not very difficult for Ye Xuan, but rather easy.

After all, his demigod is not comparable to ordinary demigods.

Even if the pride of these days can reach the realm of a demigod, it is estimated that there are only a few.

Want to compete with yourself is still a big gap.

Ye Xuan left after watching here for a while.

I don't even have any thoughts on this Shengsentai.

If you go up to Shengxiantai and leave a message, you will naturally be on guard.

In case of calculation, it is definitely a big trouble to think about a large set of methods.

So Ye Xuan did not go to Sendai.

Instead, I watched it quietly, just to understand it secretly.

What is the strength of these arrogances this time?

If there are one or two powerful ones, Ye Xuan will still be able to count them.

They still have a great advantage in Zhongzhou.

A dozen Tianjiao who went up in a row all stayed at the tenth level, but they also showed extraordinary potential.

It's just that it's even more powerful, the demigod level powerhouse did not appear at all.

Ye Xuan was a little disappointed.

He just wanted to see how powerful these demigod level arrogances were.

How far is it from yourself.

Ye Xuan didn't think that their physical bodies could be as strong as his own.

You must know that Ye Xuan's most powerful body is the flesh now.

It's really terrifying to reach a 100-weight physical body.

So far, Ye Xuan has not gone all out to break out.

The more so, the more Ye Xuan wanted to know the strength of other powerhouses at the demigod level.

Until noon, no strong demigod appeared.

Ye Xuan was also happy for nothing.

Without thinking too much, he turned around and went back.

Since you can't meet a demigod-level powerhouse, then wait until the beginning.

At that time, I could always know who these demigod level powerhouses were.

Once back in the palace.

Ye Xuan discovered that the four people had actually returned.

They seemed to be in a good mood, and they all took the initiative when they saw Ye Xuan come back.

"You Daoyou Ye, the envoy came just now, saying that you went to his mansion after you came back, and he has something to look for you."

One of the young people said.

The envoy wants to see himself?

Ye Xuan was a little surprised.

Thinking that this was Zhongzhou, Ye Xuan seemed to understand what was going on.

"If nothing else, the envoy should have seen the four of you."

The four of them didn't dare to put on airs in front of Ye Xuan.

When Ye Xuan asked, they said, honestly.

People who didn't know thought something happened.

Ye Xuan did not expect that the envoy would want to see himself at this time.

I didn't think too much, since the envoy wants to see himself, then go see him.

Anyway, I'm here in Zhongzhou, I have to learn more about it.

Following the address, Ye Xuan came to the special envoy's residence.

This is a mansion, which looks very luxurious.

After all, the ability to become a special envoy is not bad.

There must also be status and status.

"Your Excellency should be Ye Xuan, my master is waiting inside, please come with me."

When Ye Xuan arrived at the door, someone came to greet him.

It seemed that Ye Xuan would come over long ago.

Ye Xuan nodded slightly and followed the other person in.

Upon entering, Ye Xuan could feel that this mansion was indeed quite luxurious.

Even many herbs of heaven and earth have been planted, and the air is filled with a trace of medicinal fragrance.

After a while, Ye Xuan came to the hall.

Ye Xuan saw several young people in the hall.

These young people are not weak, they are all in the realm of God of War.

The realm of the Eight-Star God of War.

You can't see it in other places, but here, the younger generation can still see the Eight-Star God of War.

"Ye Xuan, you are here!"

The envoy is talking to someone.

Seeing Ye Xuan coming over, he stopped talking.

And the other person's eyes can also see.

This is a relatively mature middle-aged man, but his strength is quite good, because it is because of the powerhouse of the Nine Star God of War.

"I heard that the envoy was looking for me, so I came over."


The special envoy greeted Ye Xuan to sit down and brought tea.

"In fact, there is nothing wrong. This time the rare arrogances have gathered. Of course there are masters from outside the mainland in Zhongzhou. I don't know if you are interested in joining the forces in Zhongzhou."

Ye Xuan actually had this idea when he came.

After all, people like them will not invite themselves over rashly.

Don't even think about it or know that something is going on.

The most likely is to join these forces.

Now it can be considered early.

When they become the leader, it will be completely different.

"Friend Daoist Ye, you should know that there are ten major powers in Zhongzhou? Although it is not as good as the four big families and not as good as the royal family, it is also considered top."

The middle-aged man stood up and smiled.

"I am the Profound Sky Sect among the top ten forces!"

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