The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2420: The forces in the 100,000 mountains

Ye Xuan finally heard good news.

After all, isn't it because of my hard work that I want to know the news about the Shenshi in the early Yuan Dynasty?

Now the news of the news period is finally known.

I also know where these divine stones were found in the early Yuan Dynasty, that is, the Refining Sect.

The most important thing is that after half a year, the Refining Sect seems to be holding a disciple-receiving ceremony, which means that if you can become a disciple of the Refining Sect, then it is very likely that you will be closer to these early Yuan divine stones.

Ye Xuan didn't believe that these divine stones at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty would be placed casually.

It is definitely in the treasure house.

And this refining sect seems to be very powerful, just look at your performance.

If there is no accident, it should be that the Refining Sect can refine invincible weapons.

The importance of invincible weapons can be imagined.

So they will be very serious about guarding these sacred stones at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and will never let anyone look at them.

Besides, this refining sect is definitely a master.

This is definitely a big challenge for Ye Xuan.

Originally, Ye Xuan was planning to go to Nanyun State, but now it seems that this Nanyun State doesn't have to go.

You can go directly to this refining sect.

The Abyss God of War they said very detailed, they dare not omit any.

Even some rumors are very clever.

I hope Ye Xuan can let them go.

Seniors like this, they really can't afford to offend.

Even Bailang was killed, let alone them.

Ye Xuan didn't kill these people, just controlled them.

It's pretty good for these masters to stay here, at least for the entire Promise Gate.

Completely control them.

Called Bai Wuhen again.

Bai Wuhen is respectful now.

When I heard that there were three more masters, I was naturally very happy.

Moreover, these three masters are actually the masters of the alliance, and their faces are full of smiles following him.

Ye Xuan confessed and left the Promise Gate.

Everything has to be fast for him.

He has to find out what the situation is like first.

After all, knowing the Divine Stone at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, then Ye Xuan would not be idle.

I missed this opportunity, and I don't know when it happened.

The location of Refining Tool Sect is in the continuous mountains.

This mountain is also famous, called Shiwan Dashan.

It is really not an easy task to be able to establish a refining sect in these 100,000 mountains.

I heard that there are still powerful monsters in these 100,000 mountains.

Now these strength monsters have become the guardian monsters of the Refining Sect.

The status and status have been greatly improved.

So if you want to go to the Refining Sect, you have to enter the 100,000 mountains.

And honestly in the hundred thousand mountains.

If there are any small movements, it will be troublesome.

So no one has ever dared to make trouble in the Refining Sect.

Because once they make trouble, it is very likely that they will not be able to leave the hundred thousand mountains.

In a word from the other party, one hundred thousand mountains, those high-level monsters and powerful monsters will do it.

This is not a joke, it is true.

It took Ye Xuan half a month to get to the Refining Sect.

It is beyond the 100,000 Dashan Mountain.

You can feel the masters in the one hundred thousand mountains before entering the one hundred thousand mountains.

No wonder everyone is honest.

There is really no right to say anything in this hundred thousand mountains.

Even outside the hundred thousand mountains, Ye Xuan could still see many figures appearing.

Not surprisingly, it was all directed at the Refining Sect.

Ye Xuan gathered his strength, and this was a small place.

There is a small town here.

Ye Xuan had also heard a lot of news.

One of the most is about the refining of disciples once.

Ten disciples will be collected this time, so the competition is very fierce.

I heard that there are almost hundreds of the proud of heaven who have entered it.

Hundreds of people competed for ten, which is cruel.

And this is just the beginning, after all, there is still half a year away.

There will be at least thousands of people by then.

Who makes Refining Artifact Sect a holy land?

Joined, it was really a step forward.

I heard that this refining sect will not only build invincible weapons, but also refine supreme puppets.

As for how many powerful puppets in the Refining Sect.

Nobody knows.

Because all the forces that had ideas about the refining sect were basically razed to the ground.

No one has ever survived from the hands of Refining Artifact Sect.

I heard that the Refining Sect controlled an army of puppets.

Of course, this news doesn't know whether it's true or not. No one has ever seen a refining weapon sect.

But after the shot, no one can survive.

This is their impression.

Ye Xuan was not surprised by this or that.

After inquiring about the situation, he immediately entered the Shiwan Dashan Mountain.

The more the one hundred thousand mountains went in, the more powerful the aura of a monster beast.

At the same time, I also admired that this refining sect was able to subdue all the monsters in the hundred thousand mountains.

It has become a natural barrier of strength.

Don't dare to make trouble even if it is making trouble.

Because you simply don't have time to leave these 100,000 mountains.

In these hundred thousand mountains, Ye Xuan felt even more powerful formations.

These formations are all traces to follow.

Once activated at a critical time, it would really turn the 100,000 mountains into a huge prison.

Anyone who wants to leave will have a headache.

Be honest when you go in, and be honest when you come out.

This is the only thing they can think of.

The Shiwanda Mountain reaches the depths, which is the center.

Ye Xuancai saw a huge city.

These cities are all built on the mountains, no need to guess, this is the refining sect.

It is indeed quite famous.

Ye Xuan did not feel any strong aura.

The more this happened, the more he believed that this refining sect had very strong strength.

A lot of people have already arrived in the outer circle, and they have all set up camp here.

Ye Xuan came down casually, and found a place to inquire a little.

I knew it was such a thing.

I wanted to participate in the apprenticeship this time.

You have to participate in the assessment of each level.

Absolutely fair and just.

It will still be very intense.

These people come here in advance to prepare to cultivate their body and mind, and mention their own strength by the way.

In this way, you will be able to participate in this selection.

With so many people, just scan it, there are nearly a thousand people here.

And this is just the beginning, but there will be tens of thousands of people.

Sure enough, this refining sect is still very popular.

Ye Xuan can be regarded as a long-time knowledge.

Think about it, too, can refine powerful puppets, and can refine invincible weapons.

No matter which one of them has been learned, they are all capable.

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