The high-level meeting of Promise Gate is about to begin.

But the sect master has not been traced.

I heard it is still in retreat.

Of course, everyone has also heard some turmoil.

Especially the members of the elders group have received a lot of news.

This time I am afraid that the inside of the Infinity Gate has changed.

Because they all got a piece of news, that is, people from the alliance are here.

It is still a master.

The most important thing is that this big master supports Grand Young Master Bai Wufeng.

One can imagine what kind of situation it is, maybe the sky of the Promise Gate will change.

As for the other candidates, their faces are very ugly.

After receiving the news, they gave up.

At least they couldn't fight anymore.

Especially with the intervention of the Alliance, the situation is completely different.

Few people are active now.

Especially after the third son came back, there was no movement, as if he had given up.

No one knows whether to give up or not.

Big things are bound to happen at high-level meetings.

No one can tell what the final situation will look like in the end.

Anyway, there is something for the high-level meeting.

Time flickered and came to the day of the high-level meeting.

Compared with other conferences, today's high-level conference is particularly concerned.

The members of the elders came first.

You know the twenty-eight elders, those who have great rights in the Promise Gate.

All of them are masters.

This is the powerful force of Promise Gate.

When the elders came over, they greeted them one after another.

It's just not the same as usual.

The people of these elders sat together one after another.

It didn't take long.

The third elder also came, that is, Bai Qianjun.

Next to him was the third son Bai Wuhen.

Of course Ye Xuan came here too.

Why should we look at something so interesting this time?

He is very sure about one thing now.

That is, the great young man Bai Wufeng really found a helper, and he was still a great backer.

The sect master who took down this Promise Gate seemed to be confident.

He wants to see what this guy will look like when he changes his face.

After the three young men came, many members of the elders group stood up, laughed and greeted.

This also made the complexion of the other young men change slightly.

This situation seems to be different. When did the elders and San Gongzi become so enthusiastic.

Ye Xuan casually found a place to sit down.

The good show hasn't started yet.

The brothers and sisters who came to San Gongzi surrounded him.

As for what to say, only they know.

Everyone knows that today's matter is not so easy to solve.

"Second Young Master is here!"

The second son is also quite capable.

The young one is also a master.

He got everyone's attention when he came over.

But when they saw the person behind them, they were a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, these two young men would not know how to do it, and there are actually two masters behind them.

These two masters are actually the realm of the Eight-Star God of War.

It's a pity that they won't be able to recognize the origins for a while, but they also know that this time the competition might be fierce.

Now it seems that the only people who are most qualified to be the master of the sect are the second son and the third son.

As for the rest, everyone can step aside.

Ye Xuan was also a little surprised after seeing the two Eight-Star War Gods coming over.

It seems that these two young men are still quite capable without meeting.

Actually also found two masters of the eight-star War God level.

They all have some treasures, I'm afraid they can be worth the level of the Nine Star War God.

Sure enough, it is generous.

After Bai Wuhui came over, he glanced at Bai Wuhen, and then closed his gaze back.

Feel free to find a place to sit down.

After Bai Wuhui came, the old man also came.

Relative to others.

This eldest son is a little more famous when he comes.

There was the eldest son, and there was also a middle-aged man in a black robe, but everyone could see that this was the man from the alliance called Wang De, a guy with a very background.

People who can be admired by this Wang De have some origins.

There is also some potential.

His vision has always been very accurate.

At this time, the eldest son was able to contact this Wang De's person to cooperate with them, and he was afraid that what kind of deal had been reached.

Everyone's heart is not very stable.

Who knows what will happen next?

After the old man came in, he also glanced at Bai Wuhui, and then Bai Wuhen, and then took his gaze back.

The Great Elder walked directly to the front desk.

After all, this matter was also presided over by his great elder.

"In half a little time, the conference will begin!"

This seems to remind everyone.

The members of the elders were all here soon.

As soon as these members of the elder group arrived, the senior elder spoke up.

Laughed at everyone.

"The semi-annual conference has begun again. Anything you can say can be brought out and it will be solved. Of course, there is still a major issue after the conference, and we need to discuss it together!"

With these words, everyone is energetic.

After all, there are many high-level elders besides the elders.

They are also some of the backbone members of the Promise Gate, and they are naturally qualified to know.

The first half was naturally calm, and it was all things inside the door.

Large or small, the processing is completed quickly.

Ye Xuan also sat on the side and listened slowly.

Of course, it can be seen that the strength of Promise Gate is still very strong.

The matter was resolved internally, and it did quite well.

This great elder still has some means, wait until everything is resolved.

The elder coughed and began to speak.

"Everyone knows that our sect master is now closed, can he come out? It is still unknown, but we can't live without a sect master for a day. I suggest letting Da Gongzi, but the acting sect master temporarily manages the entire Promise Sect. "

The Great Elder is relatively straightforward.

I laughed at everyone, with a face of victory in hand.

The words of the Great Elder should have fallen to Bai Wuhui and stood up, and said coldly.

"Elder, I don't agree with this matter. Why should the eldest brother be the acting sect master? The position of the acting sect master does not recognize the eldest brother. I think whoever has the strongest ability is qualified for this position."

Bai Wuhui glanced at Bai Wuhen when he said this.

After all, neither of them wanted their eldest brother Bai Wufeng to sit in this position.

So obviously, there must be a trouble.

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