The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2404: One person breaks the branch

There is a death palace deep underground in the desert of death.

This is a branch of Promise Gate.

I was not here before, but they discovered that there is a palace here.

It is suitable to be used as a branch.

This death palace is still protected by formations, so after their blessing, it becomes as solid as a mountain.

Not many people know the Promise Gate Department.

This place is an alternative news gathering point.

Anyone who wants to deal with Zongmen or others can come to this Promise Gate branch.

Because they are also good at doing this kind of thing.

For them, it's just black and black, or it's just revenge. All of this is fine, it's not a problem, and it's their sideline.

There are a total of three Seven-Star War Gods in this palace of death and they sit here.

As long as they don't leave here, coupled with the formation, even if the Eight-Star War God comes, they will never want to break this palace of death.

This is also something they are proud of.

"It seems that no one has come here recently, don't these guys have anything to do?"

In the backyard of the palace of death.

The three seven-star war gods are sitting together drinking tea.

The three seven-star war gods are all in their forties, but they are actually more than that.

One by one leisurely drinking tea.

"By the way, when will the headquarters deal with this Slaughter Gate? I heard that the Slaughter Gate has now become the lord of one side. What a hell."

"Who knows, that killing gate is quite mysterious, and no one can hold them until now."

As the upper echelons of the Promise Gate plundering force, of course they knew this Slaughter Gate.

I heard that Zongmen had broken hands several times on the killing gate.

Lost a lot of strong God of War.

They are a little upset.

I think it was their predatory forces dealing with other people, and no one could make them suffer.

If this were replaced by their past, this killing gate would have been destroyed long ago.

I just don't understand why the six-star war **** or the seven-star war **** is not dispatched.

Now when everyone talks about this killing gate, they feel quite powerful.

As for their Wujimen predatory forces, they were directly pulled down.

It doesn't feel so scary anymore.

This is a very bad situation. After a long time, no one knows that their Promise Gate is powerful, and they feel that the Slaughter Gate will be even more powerful than their Promise Gate.

There was a loud bang.

A figure rushed in.

This is a master who is responsible for guarding the palace outside.

But his face was pale at this time, and he quickly reported as soon as he came in.

"The big thing is not good, the big thing is not good, someone from outside is fighting in, and we brothers can't stop it, the adults quickly shot."

At this time, the three seven-star powerhouses all changed slightly and stood up.

Of course, I can feel the sound just now, and someone hit in. It's almost lifeless.

"Do you know who came in?"

"It's still said that this branch of ours has been known and besieged by the sect."

The three didn't do it for the first time, they just asked about it.

Was it a group of people besieging or what kind of situation?

"Not from the sect, but a single-handed man. We don't even know this person. He just hit in directly!"

There were a few loud rumblings again.

Even the earth shook.

The three Seven-Star War Gods glanced at each other, then went out with a swish.

It depends on who is so bold.

They have nothing to do at their leisure, and some people dare to fight alone.

I really thought I was a super strong, and I dared to break into their branch alone.

A lot of people have fallen at the gate of the death palace, and no one is an opponent at all.

So let a young man walk in step by step.

Everywhere they passed, the silhouettes fell down.

"It's terrible, terrible!"

"This person is totally unbeatable, too strong, how can there be such a strong person!"

"When can adults come out? People like us can't stop them!"

The people in the Palace of Death kept moving back, and no one dared to step forward.

It's really terrible, no matter what realm you are, you will be dead if you go up.

Everyone's pupils began to shrink.

The only hope now is that the three Gods of War will come forward and kill this guy.

"You dare to be presumptuous here in the Palace of Death!"

A round of bright moon came out with a whistling sound, directly turned into a thousand rays of light, and blasted at this figure.

This is a group attack, very scary.

I saw that the location was instantly penetrated by this light, and the whole void became tattered.

The other people who were retiring were relieved at once.

I also recognized that it was the Dark Moon God of War among the Seven Star God of War.

This is the most famous move of the Dark Moon God of War.

After this trick.

The three Gods of War came out, and looked at the collapsed void together.

"I thought how strong I was. I couldn't even handle this trick. I am embarrassed to come here to presumptuously. It's a pity that my warm-up exercise is not over yet!

Dark Moon War God laughed, full of regrets.

He just gave it a try, but he didn't expect to kill people directly.

"This is your warm-up exercise, it disappointed me too much, my warm-up exercise hasn't started yet."

A figure walked out of the void.

It was Ye Xuan.

Suddenly a punch came straight.

The space they were in collapsed with a crash.

The power of the turbulence came up in a distorted manner, and in a blink of an eye, Ye Xuan came to the nearest God of War.

A punch fell on the opponent.

It's fast.

This punch Changhong pierced the sun, and it penetrated the body of the Dark Moon War God.

Let him vomit blood for three liters, followed by a smooth flow.

It was the infinite sword technique, and the infinite sword technique at this time also contained a trace of turbulent power.

The Dark Moon War God didn't have any resistance at all and was directly beheaded.

The pupils of the remaining two Seven-Star War Gods shrank suddenly.

"Open the formation quickly, open the formation quickly, this guy is most likely the Eight-Star War God."

After a meeting, they realized that this young man was not the weak at all, but the top strong.

Ye Xuan grabbed both hands directly.

It would never give them a chance to open the formation.

The palms of the left and the right were twisted when they grasped the void.

This is the power of infinite turbulence.

The two people instantly left cracks all over their bodies.

Followed by a dazzling knife light.

It is the infinite knife technique.

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