The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2386: Kill the Eight Star God of War

As soon as Heishui City Lord came over, everyone's gaze stopped, and the communication stopped.

I also wanted to see what the Blackwater City Master had to say.

After all, everyone is quite interested in the map of the Nether God area.

If you can get a map, it would be best.

At that time, they were easy to enter the Nether God Zone, and how to get in and out, there was absolutely no great danger.

Compared to just going in recklessly, the death rate can reach ninety-nine percent, which is a very terrible thing.

The Blackwater City Master is a skinny old man, very thin, as if a gust of wind can blow him away, but no one dares to question the strength of the Blackwater City Master.

The strength of the Seven-Star God of War instantly gave people a great sense of oppression.

Even Ye Xuan could feel the dangerous aura on the opponent's body.

The Seven-Star God of War is really different.

On the opponent's body, Ye Xuan did feel a trace of death.

This slight breath of death is indeed very rare, which means that the life span of the other party is indeed not long.

Maybe there will be no show in one or two hundred years.

That's why someone mentioned the life span just now.

"I'm very glad that everyone can come to this Blackwater Marsh all the way, and to come to my hall even more. The old man has to thank you for being so supportive, otherwise it will be a joke if it spreads out."

City Lord Heishui's voice was very hoarse, and looked a little under-sufficient.

This may be because of the problem of longevity.

At the very least, everyone felt that there was something wrong with City Lord Heishui, but it was unclear whether it was a major problem.

No one asked about this kind of thing.

"Heishui City Lord invites us to definitely come!"

"It's not very far, so it only takes so little time to go back and forth!"

"Hei Shui City Lord heard that the map of the Nether God area is in your hands, and you don't know what the price will be, so you are willing to take out the map of the Nether God area."

There are also some war gods who are interested in the map of the nether **** area.

He didn't have any interest in Heishui City Lord, so he asked directly.

It was a Six-Star God of War.

The eyes of the other war gods also lit up slightly, and they didn't care much about other things in the past.

I still care about the map of the Nether God area.

Heishui City Lord laughed hahaha, "Everyone is refreshing, so let me just say it. I do have a map of the **** zone, and it's still very complete!"

There is still a big difference between a complete map and a broken map.

So everyone's eyes brightened even more.

Ye Xuan was the same, but he could clearly feel that the words of City Lord Heishui had a different meaning.

In other words, it is not easy to get the map of the Nether God area.

Maybe you have to follow this Blackwater City Master if you don't make it right.

As soon as this thought came out, even Ye Xuan himself was a little surprised.

He thinks that such an idea is also possible.

This Blackwater City Master is not so easy to deal with.

It can be seen from this aspect, not to mention that there is a problem with the life span, and there is a trace of lifelessness on the body.

Anyway, after this trip, Ye Xuan was interested in the map of the Nether God Zone.

If you can get it, then it's best, if you can't get it, then use another method.

If you followed into the Nether God Zone, it was not impossible.

After all, Ye Xuan's body is very powerful now, and if he is in danger, the probability of surviving is much greater than at the very least.

Ye Xuan may not have an accident if they die.

"City Lord Heishui, what do you mean by this? Don't you plan to bring out the map of the Nether God District?"

"Doesn't that mean we all ran for nothing?"

The Six-Star War God spoke less politely and directly.

They came so far, isn't it just for the map of the Nether God Zone?

If you can't get it, wouldn't it be for nothing.

"A few of you are misunderstood. Of course, the old man of the Netherworld map will come out, but this time the old man’s request is also very simple, that is, to accompany the old man into the Nether God zone, and I will make the Nether map public to you. And the only thing you need to do is to help me hunt down an eight-star war-god-level beast!"

The faces of everyone suddenly changed slightly.

Regardless of whether it is a six-star God of War or a two-star God of War, the Samsung God of War is the same, somewhat unexpected.

Heishui City mainly invites them to kill an eight-star war **** level beast.

This is not a small matter, but a big one.

There will be some fierce beasts in any **** zone.

Some of these fierce beasts are powerful, and some are of average strength.

When encountering those powerful fierce beasts, there is really no return.

This is why the God Zone is so dangerous.

Fortunately, these fierce beasts couldn't get out of it.

And now it was no small matter for them to kill a beast of the Eight-Star War God.

Ye Xuan knew that it would be such a thing. It turned out that he really wanted to enter the Nether God Zone and had to kill an eight-star War God level beast.

This is definitely a desperate thing.

If there is no accident, it should be Heishui City Lord who found something good in it.

That's why they have the idea to unite so many Gods of War.

"Everyone, stay calm, I know that everyone is naturally afraid of the Eight-Star God of War, and besides, it is still a fierce beast. These fierce beasts are powerful, scary and invincible, but this time I have I have prepared a powerful treasure. As long as you help me contain this Eight-Star War God, it will naturally be killed. After the kill, I don’t want the murderer of this Eight-Star War God. I will give it all to everyone!"

Heishui City Lord spoke again.

Everyone has an idea instantly.

A fierce beast with eight stars fighting, it is really a huge treasure.

No matter what part it is, it can be used.

Such a corpse of the Eight-Star God of War is indeed a treasure, and it is no wonder that everyone is moved.

Heishui City Lord didn't stop, and continued to talk.

"In addition to the fierce beast of the Eight-Star War God, I will personally give you three thousand square Yuan Jing!"

Yuan Jing is a rare thing.

Now when I heard that one person had three thousand square meters, it naturally moved everyone again.

You don't need to care about other things, but these three thousand directions plus the corpse of the eight-star war **** and fierce beast.

It's worth a try.

Moreover, after this Nether God area has a map, it can naturally avoid countless levels of danger.

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