The Promise Gate became famous all at once.

As a predatory force, everyone hates this Promise Gate very much.

Unexpectedly, the predatory force of Wujimen suffered a big loss this time.

I suffered a huge loss here at Beidoumen.

This made many people couldn't believe it for a while.

The Promise Gate, a predatory force, could still suffer, especially after the loss of two one-star War Gods, it made everyone a little bit unbelievable for a while.

This is a one-star God of War.

One death is the death of two one-star war gods. This is definitely the biggest news.

There is no explanation for the Infinite Gate.

Everyone believed the news released by Beidoumen.

This time I really suffered a big loss.

At least many people were afraid of this Promise Gate before, but now they are completely relieved.

It seems that this Promise Gate is not so terrible either, it has been destroyed by two one-star war gods.

Many people are more curious about this Beidoumen, and they are more interested in that magical elder.

What is the extent of this strength?

No wonder it can become a second-rate sect.

People really have this strength.

This also allowed Beidoumen to gain a lot of disciples at a time.

Of course, some people are still on the sidelines.

After all, the predatory power of Promise Gate is still very influential.

Master is like a cloud!

Maybe a stronger master will be sent to assassinate it.

At this time, it's better to wait and see. In case the mysterious elder can't hold it anymore and is destroyed, then the Beidoumen will completely become a powerless force.

I don't know when it was destroyed.

Everyone's vision is still very harsh.

There won't be any trouble because of this.

The Beidou sect master was naturally happy.

After the news spread, the influence of Beidoumen immediately came up.

The number of masters who came to join Beidoumen also increased.

For these experts who joined, after a round of investigation, they felt that there was no problem and put them away.

In a short time, the disciples of Beidoumen increased by about one-third.

The Beidou sect master smiled all day long.

In my heart, I am no longer grateful for this great worship. I really did a great thing.

Two one-star war gods, even he does not necessarily say that they can break through to the realm of war gods.

As a result, two one-star war gods died at Beidoumen.

This kind of thing can happen, as if you are dreaming.

Ye Xuan didn't pay much attention to the movement outside.

He is still practicing.

Fortunately, he finally broke this infinite divine body to twenty.

Yes, it's breaking through to the 20th.

After all, it has an infinite sacred pool and time treasures. It is not a simple matter to break through to the twenty-fold.

It was a bit troublesome before.

Now finally broke.

Of course, this is half a year after killing two one-star war gods last time.

In the past six months, Ye Xuan was almost indistinguishable from Transparent Man.

In addition to cultivation, it is cultivation.

Fortunately, this infinite divine body finally broke through to twenty.

By the twentieth level, Ye Xuan felt different.

At least this body has undergone a qualitative change.

With the loud rumbling noise, the void was blown up continuously, reaching the depths directly.

This was difficult to do before.

This also caused Ye Xuan's physical body to rise, a real absolute surge.

Now even if he didn't use any infinite swordsmanship or the like, just relying on the power of the flesh could make the One Star War God experience despair.

The one that was beaten to death.

"The nineteenth layer should be a threshold. This has doubled the strength of the physical body. If it is thirty, forty, or fifty, it would be hard to imagine."

With this speed of improvement, Ye Xuan was also very satisfied.

After discovering that after these twenty weights, the subsequent improvement seemed to be a lot faster.

So Ye Xuan decided to continue to retreat and improve his Infinite Divine Body.

Called the Beidou Sect Master again.

The Beidou sect master was honest in front of Ye Xuan.

This great worship is really quite leisurely.

When I heard that it was going to be closed again, Beidoumen was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Don't worry about the big offerings. If nothing happens, we won't bother you. If something happens, I will notify you in advance!"

For the non-stop retreat, the Beidou sect master is not surprised at all.

In fact, he also wanted to retreat, but there was no way he couldn't walk away at all.

But now the Beidoumen is much better than before.

There are also more disciples. Except for the masters who haven't come up much, the others have changed a lot.

Ye Xuan took out a piece of jade talisman and handed it to the Beidou Sect Master.

"If there is no accident, it is estimated that my retreat this time will take a hundred years. This jade talisman is for you. If there is any movement, you can crush it again. Then I will know. It is not necessary. You can't use it at all, do you know?"

Beidou nodded in contentment.

"Remember, remember, I won't use this jade talisman for nothing important, I will treat it as a treasure of the sect."

Ye Xuan couldn't laugh or cry at this.

I won't be here for a lifetime.

In this thousand years of time, I will cultivate for a few hundred years.

As for when the predatory power of the Promise Gate will come again, Ye Xuan has nothing to worry about.

Now even if he came to a strong man of the two-star war god, he would still be killed by himself.

What's more, when he keeps retreating, the power of his body will only get stronger and stronger.

It is estimated that the predatory force of Wujimen really needs to have ideas.

They will regret it then.

Ye Xuan will let them realize what regret is.

In this way, Ye Xuan began to retreat.

No one knew about this retreat.

After all, Ye Xuan was already low-key.

This time, the two one-star war gods of the Promise Gate were destroyed again, and everyone had no idea.

In a blink of an eye, ten years, twenty years and thirty years have passed.

During the period, the Promise Gate started again, and a two-star God of War was dispatched.

Want to test how strong this Ye Xuan is.

As a result, the two-star War God's head was completely gone after sneaking in.

Until the life orb is broken.

They were shocked again.

Since then, Wujimen no longer dared to do it easily.

Even the two-star War God is over, doesn't it mean that Ye Xuan's guy has reached the level of the three-star War God.

Or higher.

This is what makes them feel scared the most.

So they simply stayed honest, and temporarily suppressed the fire.

Otherwise, when did Ye Xuan come to them?

Then their Promise Gate will be greatly injured and cannot afford any loss.

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