A group of several people are chasing and killing several masters of the magic way.

The masters of these magic roads are all seriously injured, and masters are constantly being killed.

The remaining few stopped suddenly.

With a roar, he chose to fight back.

It looks like the jade is burnt.

Whoosh whoosh!

Streamer came over.

All their methods were quickly suppressed.

"You people still want to resist. You definitely think too much."

"People like you are the remnants of the magic way, and everyone can kill them."

Those demon masters who chased them were young masters.

For them, every time they kill a master of the magic path is an experience.

The more experience like this, the better.

As long as you kill the magic masters, you can get their treasures.

Although they have to hand over part of it, it is also a huge gain for them.

As the so-called good thing about a double eagle.

The last magic master blew himself up.

However, the threat caused can be ignored.

The few young masters present were all disdainful.

Searched the rings on them.

"It's a pity that all the masters of the Blood Sea Sect were almost killed this time. We can catch such a few masters of the magic way, and it is not a waste of time!"

"It really didn't run in vain, but unfortunately I can't find it again. As for the next time, I don't know when it will be!"

The Demon Dragon Mountain Range is huge, and these masters of Demon Dao sprinted inside, and it was not so easy to find out for a while.

It takes luck.

It's pretty good to catch so many.

"You kill the masters of Demon Dao, it seems that you are very active, so don't blame me for being impolite!"

A figure suddenly appeared.

No one else is that Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan was going to kill in this Devil Dragon Mountain Range, so naturally he had to find these young masters.

These few people were originally disappointed masters, and there was joy in their eyes, and there were even magic masters.

I don't know what it is, I dare to face them alone.

This is definitely a brain drain.

"Hahahaha, there is another one here, kill him!"

The strength of these young masters is not weak, but they just did it.

A series of blade lights came out of the void.

Enveloping them, they were killed in an instant, and they couldn't be prevented.

The ring in his hand also fell on Ye Xuan's hand.

"This is the first batch. See how many batches can be killed here?"

Ye Xuan started looking for the next batch without saying a word.

Scenes like this happened continuously.

The masters in the Devil Dragon Mountain Range simply couldn't hold Ye Xuan's shots.

As soon as the infinite sword technique came out, it instantly turned into a hell-like world.

No matter how strong it is, it won't last long.

At the same time.

There are many great masters in the Devil Dragon Mountain Range outside.

Their goal is simple, to prevent the emergence of great masters.

Because the appearance of big masters will easily affect the safety of these arrogants.

Once these big masters appear, they will chase them down immediately.

The masters of the Blood Sea Gate were all swept away by them, and the rest were ignored.

Regardless of whether it is two-star strength or three-star or four-star and five-star, it looks good.

But in front of Tianjiao, it still seemed a little inadequate.

So they just ignored it.

Let them experience it.

A few people besieged one, can't it be solved.

I am embarrassed to say that I am a arrogant one.

Suddenly one of the masters who was sitting in town frowned slightly.

"No, the few young masters I brought were destroyed in an instant. There are still big masters in the Devil Dragon Mountain Range!"

As soon as this master said, the other masters frowned slightly, which seemed impossible.

After all, they all started.

Then there will be no masters in the Demon Dragon Mountain Range.

As soon as the voice here fell off, another master who was sitting on the floor exclaimed.

"I also feel that the people who brought me have disappeared. They died almost in an instant. It seems that there are masters here, and this is hitting us in the face."

"No, the people I brought here have also lost their breath sensitivity, have they also been killed!"

A few masters in town, at this moment finally can't sit still.

Without a word, he started rushing into the Demon Dragon Mountain Range.

If you don't solve this guy, it won't work.

Ye Xuan was almost unimpeded in the Devil Dragon Mountain Range, and no one could stop him.

Those Tianjiao were killed one by one.

But Ye Xuan saved a few masters of the magic way.

These demon masters were so scared that their faces were pale, all with scars.

If it hadn't been for Ye Xuan to arrive in time, he would have been dead.

So I was full of gratitude to Ye Xuan, and of course I was also full of shock to Ye Xuan's strength.

Those Tianjiao who were indispensable in their eyes, in Ye Xuan's hands, they were like ants, they were easily killed.

They are much tougher than the big masters in the door.

"This fellow Taoist, thank you for saving us, but you should leave as soon as possible. If you don't leave, the big masters will come in!"

"Now if you don't leave now, it won't be too late. Those big masters are quick to respond, and we people can't escape this magic dragon mountain range anyway, but it won't make life easier for those geniuses!"

"Our magic masters are never afraid of things!"

These people are really fierce.

The one who was killed was seriously injured, but hated the people outside even more.

"Are you a master? In fact, they have already chased it over. If nothing else happens, they will appear soon. Do you say I'm going or not?"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly.

In the next instant someone really came in.

No, it should be said that a master has come.

It was those big masters, the loud rumbling noise, instantly this place set off a storm.

An invisible force swept over directly.

Turn this piece into a ten thousand death zone.

The masters behind these magic roads were completely desperate one by one.

This is where the big master comes out!

An absolute master.

That is also the strength of the nine-star gods and ten-star gods, otherwise it would not be called a master.

Destroying them, these four or five star gods, is really like pinching an ant to death, it's easy and simple.

Just when they felt desperate, an invisible knife light instantly unfolded and turned into a huge cage.

All attacks fell on it.

It was fierce for a while, but it didn't break the huge cage.

On the contrary, it made the people who did it feel a little bit of pressure.

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