Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Everyone drank a cup of tea for half an hour. They couldn't bear to drink too fast!

Whether it ’s Wang Zhongzheng or Director Bai ’s drunk ‘careful’ drink, I ’m afraid such good things will spill out.

The mentality didn't know what to say, as if it was a roller coaster.

"Master Ye, this is a little bit of my own taste. Without you, my little son would dare not think about it!"

Wang Zhongzheng took out a check and placed it in front of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan glanced, "Mr. Wang is so big!"

A large list of zeros on the cheque is exactly ten million.

"Without Master Ye's shot, even if 10 million people go to find someone, it may not be found!" Wang Zhongzheng said, "Master Master Ye is not to quit, this is a little bit of my interest!"

Ye Xuan glanced at Wang Zhongzheng, "This is the first time I have received such a large cheque. I won't take it in vain. By the way, I will send you a sentence, I believe you will be worth the money!"

It ’s one thing for Wang Zhongzheng to thank, but he really wants Master Ye to tell his fortune.

This is also the reason why Director Bai will come forward.

"Your family's affairs will not be resolved. Such things will happen in the future. Well, I'm going to cook!" Ye Xuan stood up squinting and took away the check.

Wang Zhongzheng's entire body was as if he had been electrocuted, and his face was erratic, and Director Bai was also a man with vision. "Master Ye, where is the bathroom!"

In the pavilion, Wang Zhongzheng and his wife were left.

"I knew it was them!"

At this moment, Wang Zhongzheng was very angry.

"Zhongzheng, you really believe Master Ye's words!" The beautiful woman beside asked.

"Do you think Master Ye is an ordinary person?" Wang Zhongzheng said, "He is not an ordinary person, this place, this tea, he is a hidden master, a real master, I believe what he said!"


One morning, when 10 million Huaxia coins arrived, Ye Xuan was not in a good mood.

"Try it!"

Ye Xuan burned six dishes and one soup at noon, beckoning everyone to eat.

"Mom, my uncle's cooking is so delicious!" After the child took a sip, his eyes lighted up, and he kept chopping vegetables as if he had discovered a treasure.

After taking a sip, Wang Zhongzheng and his wife were also welcome.

"good to eat!"

"Master Ye's craft is absolutely amazing!"


"Master Ye, you must inform us when you come to Hong Kong, so I can catch up with you!"

At noon, Wang Zhongzheng was eating very cool.

The trouble in his heart seemed to disappear with the meal, and when he left, he was a little reluctant to leave.

"Will do!"

Ye Xuan sent Wang Zhongzheng and his wife away.

Director Bai also followed.

"A sentence of 10 million Huaxia coins should be very cost-effective!"

From seeing Wang Zhongzheng at first glance, he knew that there was something wrong with their family. What was the problem? In fact, there were just a few things. If he said, can he avoid the disaster of blood, then it is up to him. It's boring to say this too clearly.

"Ten million Chinese coins, what should I do!"

Ye Xuan came up with an idea.


Two days later.

The two good-looking couples came with an eleven-two-year-old boy.

"Master Ye!"

Seeing Ye Xuan again, both were respectful.

The potion brought back is amazing.

Originally, their son was pale all year round and his body muscles were atrophy, but after taking the potion, he recovered in a short time and his face became rosy.

If it is not seen with their own eyes, they can't believe it is true, and the uninformed people think that the children are sleeping.

This magical change, they immediately brought the children.

"Put it on the bed, let me check it first!"

Ye Xuan took them to the next room.

"The soul is still there, no harm, now I will let him wake up!" Ye Xuan checked it and said to them.

"wake up!"

Ye Xuan's void symbol, a dazzling Fulu turned into a ball of light, and penetrated into the eyebrow of the other party.

The little boy frowned.

"Wake up in half an hour at most!"

Ye Xuan went out.


Half an hour later, a cry of joy came from the room.

"Master Ye, from now on, our couple will be the servants here. Let's talk!" The middle-aged man is full of determination. For years, he has never been so excited.

"The daily life of the villa is yours!"

With them in Xiaoyao Mountain Villa, Ye Xuan can also leave with confidence.

This year I can go home for the New Year with peace of mind.

Although, this seems like an ordinary thing.

"Boss, the last auto show last year, there are many luxury cars, I believe that the boss will be satisfied!" Zhang Xuedong came early in the morning and ate a breakfast in a polite way.

Breakfast was made by Lin Bai's wife Li Mei.

With that kind of ‘fairy flavor’ added to it, and his good craftsmanship, Ye Xuan also saved the trouble of making breakfast.

After the Lin Bais had tasted it once, they did not need Ye Xuan to tell them to take over the cooking. How could the famous owner do this kind of thing.

"There was a car show last year?" Ye Xuan had never heard of it.

"Hey, boss, this is not the official kind, but the auto show in the circle. It is said that it is a second-generation. The company's capital chain seems to have a problem. It sells a batch of luxury cars in hand!" Zhang Xuedong said while eating. "Boss, there is someone in the villa, your Mercedes can also be used as a grocery cart!"

Zhang Xuedong said that Ye Xuan still made a lot of sense.

What if there is no car in the villa?


Ye Xuan sat on Zhang Xuedong's Ferrari and left the villa.

"This is it!"

After driving for twenty minutes in the downtown area, Zhang Xuedong drove a Ferrari to a luxury conference hall.

"Today's auto show is held here!" Zhang Xuedong introduced.

Although it was only ten o'clock in the morning, the car park in the clubhouse was full of luxury cars, and Zhang Xuedong's Ferrari was ordinary in it.

This club is very big.

The auto show is held directly in the lobby on the negative floor.

The whole hall is full of people.

This is not the point. The most striking thing is that the luxury car, which is not normally seen, has appeared here today.

There were many people in the hall.

"Did you see that the seven luxury cars were super-running!"

Zhang Xuedong pointed to the seven luxury cars in the middle position, the best in the hall, "All are limited editions, almost impossible to find on the market!"

Ye Xuan has a vision.

The seven luxury cars are indeed very beautiful and at the same time very domineering. It is like a beast of flood water in that place, which makes people shine.

Impulsive thoughts came to Ye Xuan's heart.

Buy it!

This is the idea that Ye Xuan hasn't come out in a long time.

"It's not bad to collect. One set a day, no duplicates, and I'm in a good mood!"

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