Before, Ye Xuan didn't know that the Infinite Gems would come out all at once.

After all, everyone said it.

This infinite gem is a special restoration gem, as long as it appears, it will be collected by everyone.

It will definitely not fall outside easily.

I never expected that I would encounter five infinite gem hearts at one time at this moon palace auction.

Everyone started to get excited.

One hundred thousand square meters is not a small number.

But not everyone can get it.

Only those forces with a solid foundation, and even more inherited forces, can be easily obtained.

Ye Xuan is also very wealthy.

One hundred thousand square meters is really not in sight.

After all, his gain is definitely enough to fight against the inheritance forces.

He didn't believe that he couldn't take these five infinite gems.

As long as these five infinite gems are taken down, then this infinite knife can almost be repaired seven or eight eight.

At that time, one's own strength can directly jump up.

In addition, the infinite sacred pool was also in his hands, relying on the infinite divine body, plus this infinite sword technique was really invincible.

Even if the infinite sword technique is not used at that time, even the ordinary sword technique can make these gods feel tremendous pressure.

"Now the starting price is 100,000 square meters, and each time the price increases is 1,000 square meters!"

The auctioneer was also quite excited.

After all, five infinite gems will be auctioned together, which is really rare.

In the past, they were all infinite gems.

Sometimes this one appeared after a few decades.

It will take a long time for one or two hundred years to produce an infinite gem.

Now the five infinite gems really shocked everyone.

No one knows who took out the five gems, but anyway, this is an opportunity for them.

As long as the five infinite gems are taken down, no matter if you use them yourself or use them in exchange for things.

They are definitely really good things, and they are in circulation.

"I'll pay 110,000 square meters!"

"One hundred twenty thousand square meters!"

"150,000 square meters!"

The price came up all at once.

This also allows those who are ready to give it a try to stop directly, and they simply can't afford it.

Local tyrants are local tyrants, and this increase is a start of thousands of 10,000 square meters.

It directly blocked them from the door, and allowed them to see the gap between the first-class family and the inherited family.

It's easy to see if there is money here.

Ye Xuan didn't do anything in a hurry, anyway, he took five infinite gems.

He was just guessing why these five infinite gems were taken out at once.

It is impossible to say that someone is fishing again.

This is what Ye Xuan cares most about.

If you just say that an infinite gem appears, that's normal.

After all, when everyone is in a hurry, when five infinite gems are put together, it is different.

It is not difficult to think of any conspiracy behind it.

Ye Xuan didn't think about it, and didn't ignore it.

Even if there is a conspiracy trap behind it, so what.

The five infinite gems were directly refining and repairing when they arrived in their hands.

If you want to take it back from him, then you definitely think too much.

In fact, Ye Xuan is not the only one who has such thoughts.

The five infinite gems are really very attractive.

No one wants to miss it.

In just one stick of incense, the price directly broke the price of 300,000 square meters all the way up.

This is really a terrifying number.

Many people took a breath of air secretly.

With just such a number, even the first-class forces are reluctant to give it out.

That really hurts like blood.

But the inheritance family is different.

It's been passed down from generation to generation, how can you fight it.

As the saying goes, there is a good saying, a hundred years of cultivation is worth the inheritance of others' cultivation family for thousands of years.

There are also accumulations.

This moment is shown here to the fullest.

When it reached 320,000 square meters, it also started to slow down.

Ye Xuan also observed it, and only two boxes competed fiercely.

Ye Xuan didn't know what power these two boxes were, but they were indeed rich. There was no doubt about that.

The other boxes were abandoned.

Infinite gems are precious because they can repair special weapons.

But there is also a tasteless place, that is, the price is too expensive.

At this price, you can get a top-level Celestial weapon.

Even eight stars and nine stars have a certain chance.

So between the trade-offs, everyone would rather give up.

"The third box has reached 330,000 square meters. I don't know who else is higher than this. If not, then these five infinite gems will belong to the third box. Please seize the opportunity!"

The price of 330,000 square meters is really not low.

No less than a huge number.

The other box was silent for a while and there was no sound, which proved that they gave up.

So if nothing else, these five infinite gems belong to the third box.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a cold face was sitting in the third box, and a smile flashed.

"Unexpectedly, I can still encounter such a good thing, five infinite gems, then I can repair those ancient weapons, then my strength will be greatly improved, and I can really touch it when I go out. Good thing!"

The middle-aged man laughed.

This face looked a little ugly, very cold.

"I have 340,000 square meters!"

Before the middle-aged man laughed, another voice came out.

Someone unexpectedly made another bid, a price of 340,000 square meters.

She looked over coldly, frowning involuntarily.

The young man recognized by the middle-aged man.

Wasn't it the son-in-law of the Dragon Palace who was making noise before?

It seems to be called Ye Xuan.

It's not the same thing for middle-aged men to make small troubles, they are just juniors.

But now he dared to come in front of him to grab this infinite gem.

Then this tone is a bit louder.

Originally wanted to say something, can you get 340,000 square meters of Yuanjing?

But when the words reached the lips, he swallowed again.

After all, he is the son-in-law of Long Gong Long Tian Xia.

Other forces can't come up with it, but Dragon Palace still has this financial power.

A number came out coldly in his mouth.

"Three hundred and fifty thousand square meters!"

Ye Xuan's bid also stunned everyone.

Even the auctioneer is the same. It is obvious that it will be confirmed that there is another guy in the result.

It looks like a disturbance.

The Emperor Baihe of the Tianjiao Club was even more gloating in his heart.

This Ye Xuan guy is definitely looking for death!

Even the people in the box dare to offend, and dare not give him a hundred courage.

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