The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2315: A good news for Starbucks

Ye Xuan was also dumbfounded.

It seems that this kind of situation really doesn't happen once or twice.

But when you think about Long Sihai's identity, it may be normal to really know some incredible news.

Long Sihai is the son of the Dragon Clan.

Some secrets are secrets in everyone's eyes, but they are really not secrets in front of them.

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Forget it, I don't have much interest in this, it's still a trouble if I know it, it's better to just kill you."

Long Sihai was lost, and he never thought that Ye Xuan would not care about this big secret.

This is the real top secret.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, this is the real big secret, don't you want to know the Tower of Reincarnation?"

Ye Xuan didn't know much about anything else.

But he knows this tower of reincarnation.

He was just chased by the bloodthirsty ancestor not long ago.

That guy just went to the Tongtian Reincarnation Tower, and it seems that the news has never been heard.

How could the Dragon Race know the Tower of Reincarnation in the Sky?

Ye Xuan was a little interested.

For a moment, Long Sihai felt that he was really going to die, and he threw the Tongtian Reincarnation Tower out regardless of the three or seventy-one.

It seems to be useful now.

"Tongtian Reincarnation Tower is coming out. We dragons have a map that we can enter from the Tongtian Reincarnation Tower. We also know that there is a good thing in the Tongtian Reincarnation Tower, which is the corpse of the eight-star demon beast."

At this time, Long Sihai said it in one breath, and he didn't dare to stay, because he was afraid that the other party's knife would fall.

He was afraid he could not hold it anymore.

Suffered twice in a row.

He knew that the opponent's sword technique was really terrifying.

Even one's own defenses can't be held at all, the other party may want to kill oneself with a single blow.

If there is any concealment at this time, it would be dead.

Long Sihai couldn't even cry.

Ye Xuan is indeed interested in this tower of the Great Reincarnation.

Also know that this place is not so easy to visit.

But I never expected that the Dragon Clan still had such an identity map.

It's really rare, and I also know that the corpse of an eight-star demon beast was placed in the Tower of Transmigration.

The five- or six-star heavenly gods are powerful, not to mention the corpses of the eight-star heavenly gods and monsters.

This is definitely the overbearing master.

Any strong **** is not an opponent.

Ye Xuan also thought of Starbucks for the first time.

This guy has to practice if he wants to grow.

Of course, there is another way to swallow all kinds of flesh and blood.

In this way, the strength will increase quickly.

If you let Starbucks eat the corpse of this eight-star monster, Tianshen.

At that time, the strength of Starbucks will definitely advance by leaps and bounds.

At that time, he became a **** of several stars, then it is unknown.

How can one become a four-star five-star god?

"Does the news about the Tower of Tongtian Reincarnation know a lot of forces? Even your dragons know about it, let alone other forces."

Long Sihai hurriedly said, "Not many people know this news, that is, so few top strengths. Of course, I want to know that there are eight-star heavenly gods and monsters inside, and only our dragon clan knows, because we had masters from it. I came out alive and saw the eight-star corpse of the gods and monsters, and left a map."

"You can get this map."

Long Sihai nodded again and again, "I can get it very easily. Even if I don't get it, I can help you draw it now, because I already remember it clearly."

Ye Xuan released Starbucks with a wave of his hand.

As soon as this guy came out, he released a black hole and swallowed Long Sihai in one bite.

For such goods, killing it will indeed be a lot of trouble.

In that case, it's better to control it directly.

Also leave a foundation on the dragon side.

It's a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

The important thing is that Ye Xuan became interested in the corpse of the eight-star demon beast.

After a while, Starbucks vomited Long Sihai.

At this time, Long Sihai became respectful.

"Starbucks, if I let you eat the corpse of the Eight-Star God, how far do you think you can grow?"

Ye Xuan asked directly.

Starbucks was also very excited when he heard this, and his eyes went wide.

"Eight-star gods, my goodness, if I can really eat the corpses of the eight-star gods and monsters, then I can grow very fast, at least I can grow to the five-star gods, if I'm lucky, I can reach With the six-star god, plus my original ability, I will be able to explode the fighting power of the seven-star **** by then."

The current Starbucks is not bad at speed, and the strength is only the limit emperor.

But if you become a six-star deity mount, it really won't work.

This time is also quite excited.

After all, he had already controlled Long Sihai and knew all his information.

Naturally, he also knew the corpse of the eight-star demon beast.

"I'll try my luck. By the way, this tower of the Sky Reincarnation Tower is really open. When will I have to wait?"

Ye Xuan's words were directed at Long Sihai.

Long Sihai thought for a while.

"It should be another year before the Tongtian Reincarnation Tower will enter the weakest moment. This is also the message left by our Dragon Race!"

Ye Xuan also understood.

Know that I still have a lot of time.

Dismissed Long Sihai.

Let him go to Heaven to cancel this killer mission.

In this way, I don't have to worry about things on the way of heaven.

After all, it is very troublesome to be targeted by the killer and cannot be defended.

Who made Ye Xuan a person afraid of trouble?

At the same time, Ye Xuan shook his head to the bloodthirsty ancestor.

It is estimated that this guy is still busy breaking through this tower of transmigration.

Who can imagine that the Tower of Reincarnation will be opened by itself in half a year.

At that time, the bloodthirsty ancestor would be very annoyed.

Ye Xuan didn't believe that in this year's time, the bloodthirsty ancestor could open the tower of transcendent reincarnation.

That's definitely thinking a little too much.

Ye Xuan returned to the Dragon Palace.

No one cares about going out in such a short time.

In this way, Long Sihai was controlled by Ye Xuan.

At the same time, he was sent to the dragon clan to be the eyeliner.

As long as there is something going on there, Starbucks will know.

Even the dragon masters can't see it, this is the supernatural power of Starbucks.

Ye Xuan didn't idle either. He wanted to get the corpse of this Eight-Star Heavenly God and Monster Beast, naturally he wanted to improve his strength.

But now although his strength is improving very quickly.

Can also be beaten by the gods.

This did not make Ye Xuan feel satisfied, it was still a big difference.

"You participate in dealing with Infinite Gate, knowing that you know what the Infinite Gate left behind, especially in terms of strength improvement, I think you should understand more or less!"

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