The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1940: Destroyed the Flowing Cloud Demon

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Liuyun Shenmo is actually a bit worried, but he feels that Ye Xuan should not destroy himself.

After all, I promised to give up my net worth and the 70% of the wealth. Seeing each other as gods and demons, I will always treat myself as light.

As long as Ye Xuan can forgive himself, then Liuyun Shenmo feels that he can withdraw from the whole body, isn't it some net worth?

What a pity this is, when the time goes out to search for a lap, and it will return properly. As long as it stays alive, I am not afraid of the fact that there is no firewood. Liuyun Shenmo still understands it very well.

Ye Xuan did not look at the storage rings. With a light wave, the storage rings flew aside and piled together.

I have to say that these rings are quite spectacular when stacked together.

"Liuyun, you are still quite obedient, knowing to bring all these things, I thought you would choose to take away 70% of the wealth, and find a place to hide, after all, the demon world is still quite big."

Liu Yun Shen Mo laughed, "Ye Gongzhu, you laughed, even if you gave me 100 guts, I wouldn't dare. After all, this thing was indeed something I did wrong, and my Liu Yun Shen Mo was very credible. , Promised things will definitely be done well. "

I was sullied in my heart. If it weren't for your strength, why didn't I run, and I'm not a fool.

Ye Xuan couldn't hear it. This was that Liuyun Shenmo was using words to help himself, so that he could spare him.

Will Ye Xuan be fooled?

Of course not. From the moment when Liuyun Shenmo came, he was destined to leave here.

"Once you sent these things, I did intend to spare you, but some of you did not do well, knowing that the president of the Heavenly Devil Chamber of Commerce is my father-in-law, you dare to do it, you let me take it Where to put this face! "Ye Xuan said lightly.

Liuyun God demon choked, this situation is a bit bad, isn't you urging me to deal with the Tianmo Chamber of Commerce? How did North Thunder turn into your father-in-law?

Ye Xuan certainly needs an excuse to kill Liuyun Shenmo.

For an exorcist, the excuse is not an excuse. In fact, it doesn't matter, but Ye Xuan just wants to use a justified excuse to kill Liuyun Shenmo.

Ye Xuan needed power, and he had to come in the right way to kill the gods and demons, otherwise he would become indiscriminate.

This is easily angered by the gods and demons.

If there is an excuse for justification, it will be a little different.

At least I'm not afraid that they will cause public outrage. I haven't seen the Liuyun God Demon bullying my father-in-law, and even robbed them of the wealth of the Heavenly Devil Chamber of Commerce. If my son-in-law did not take some action, wouldn't it be because of your jokes.

When these gods and gods heard such a reason, they dared to say more, knowing that this was a pit, but they really did not do well.

You can go to rob other chambers of commerce. Why not go to the Heavenly Chamber of Devil Chamber of Commerce?

Liuyun Shenmo also panicked at once.

Although he knew that Ye Xuan and Tianmo Merchant would be a bit wrong, he did not expect that Ye Xuan actually turned around and used it for the same reason.

Liuyun Shenmo really grabbed the wealth of the Heavenly Demon Chamber of Commerce and also injured Bei Leiting. The important thing is that Bei Leiting is indeed Ye Xuan ’s father-in-law.

I jumped into a big pit all at once.

An idea appeared instantly.

"No, Ye Xuan wants to kill himself."

As a divine demon, the response is quite fast.

"Ye Xuan, you are shameless, since I want to kill me, then I will destroy your woman first." Liuyun Shenmo came over.

Immediately, he flew to Beiqianqian, and then took the hostage to his hands first.

As for the Thunder, it still counts, and the strength of others is also strong. It won't be possible to win the opponent in a short time.

Beiqianqian is better to deal with.

The strength is not strong, as long as it is held in his hand, Ye Xuan will have something to fear, maybe he can leave this city of Aden alive.

Liuyun Shenmo really wanted to give himself a slap.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xuan was also a very cunning thing. He actually used this trick to deal with himself. When the news spread, no one would say that Ye Xuan was shameless.

On the contrary, he will say that he hasn't done things well with Liuyun Shenmo, who is not good at robbing, and actually go to the Tianmo Chamber of Commerce. This is not to give Ye Xuan a straightforward reason to deal with him.

When Liuyun Shenmo sneered to the north and flourished, he saw a darkness emerge.

As soon as the darkness came out, there was a moment of stun in the heart of Liuyun God. He didn't know that this was one of the tricks of the Taixu Sword Array, and the whole heart sank.

"Ye Xuan Rao's life, I will never dare again." Liuyun God Demon screamed.

The night disappeared.

Only one body fell and fell to the ground.

It was n’t the Liuyun God Demon or who, but he was dead, he did n’t believe that he could n’t even carry a single move, and died in front of the night.

"My good father-in-law, the Liuyun God Demon bullied you, and the Heavenly Devil Chamber of Commerce fight again. This kind of person really doesn't need to be alive. I don't know how about this gift from my son-in-law?" Ye Xuan looked lightly. North Thunder.

North Thunder had scared a cold sweat long ago.

A mighty **** and demon was awe-inspiring in the Devil Chamber of Commerce, but he was killed with a sword in front of Ye Xuan. He could not even feel how the flow cloud **** demon was killed, but this terrifying breath of death was Has been caged with him.

Terrible, it's really terrible.

North Thunder has never thought of Ye Xuan's strength, to such an extent.

It is so easy to kill the gods and monsters. Doesn't this mean that those false gods and ordinary gods are vulnerable to Ye Xuan.

Bei Qian Qian was not surprised at Ye Xuan's shot. From the moment when Liu Yun Shenmo came in, it was already doomed to live.

"Thank you Ye Xuan for breathing out for me. The Devil Chamber of Commerce is really damn. The robbery has come to the Heavenly Chamber of Commerce. I am willing to merge the Heavenly Chamber of Commerce into the Palace of the Heavenly Chamber. Go further. "

Bei Leiting said as soon as his thoughts moved, although he handed this Heavenly Devil Chamber of Commerce to Bei Qian Qian. The news has not yet spread.

If this day's Devil Chamber of Commerce is merged under the Devil's Palace, then everything becomes justified.

Who should take the post of chairman, is it still unclear to the discerning person?

Ye Xuan did not expect this North Thunder to be so clever, actually said this at this time.

It is quite normal that the Heavenly Demon Merchant will fall on Beiqianqian's hands.

If there is a divine palace, the influence will become very different.

Ye Xuan smiled and waved his hand. The storage rings all flew to Beiqianqian.

"Qianqian, I don't have much time to manage the Devil Chamber of Commerce. It's better to leave it to you. Anyway, you are also idle." Ye Xuan laughed.

"Okay!" Beiqianqian accepted it bluntly.

At this point, the Tianmo Chamber of Commerce has changed ownership.

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