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Feng Ao's blank head was taken away by the Yanhuang team!

Until they left, they did not believe that this pure and clean guy was the hot director Ye inside the Yanhuang team.

Insiders of the Yanhuang team know that they have a mysterious director in the East China Sea. Everyone knows the surname Ye, whose specific name is unclear, and he is subconsciously considered to be a 40--50 year old.

If they let them know that Ye Xuan was Director Ye, they would not dare to give them a hundred guts.

"I didn't expect this to happen!"

Li Yaoyu came over and said.

"It's okay, this kind of thing is a minority after all!" Ye Xuan smiled, "It's a pity that Feng Family, one member of the Yanhuang team is missing!"

Li Yaoya found out that this was Hong Menxuan's relentless collusion with Fengjia. She was angry that Ye Xuan didn't tell herself, otherwise the people in the team would never have the courage to come to trouble.

"What are you going to do with Feng Family?" Li Yaoya asked.

"It's very simple. Feng Ao's intention is to misbehave his superiors. I think there must be some people behind it, such as Feng Feng, the owner of Feng Family!" Ye Xuan said.

"you sure?"

"I'm Director Ye of the Yanhuang team, I should have the power to catch individuals!"

Ye Xuan doesn't plan to continue playing with Fengjia.

It's really boring!



Wind Marriott has been waiting for news.

The Yan and Huang teams were all dispatched, Ye Xuan was definitely unable to do anything. If you fight back, it would be best. Even if you were seriously injured on the spot, no one would say anything.

Feng Marriott can't help it!

"Homeowner, the big thing is not good, a group of people broke in!"

Feng Marriott's henchmen came in a hurry.

"Who's so brave!" Feng Marriott stood up and glared. "The guards outside are eating dry food!"

"They are all beaten down!" He said.

Wind Marriott was completely angry.

Here is the Feng Family. Someone dared to make trouble, definitely looking for death.

"I want to see, who is so brave!" Feng Marriott hummed, ready to go out to see, here at Feng's house, even if it is Donghai Shuji, you must be polite.

"No need to watch, I'm here!"

Several people rushed in at the door.

"Don't move, just stand honestly, don't force us to do it!"

The men who rushed out said one by one without expression.

Feng Marriott's pupil narrowed slightly, "You are the Yanhuang team!"

"I have good eyesight, and I know the Yanhuang team!" Ye Xuan and Li Yaoyao walked in.

"It's you!" Feng Marriott looked at the young man and knew who it was. It was Ye Xuan who was going to deal with it.

"Introduce yourself, I am Ye Xuan you want to deal with!" Ye Xuan smiled, "At the same time, I am also the director of the Yanhuang team!"

Feng Marriott is still wondering why the Yanhuang team will break in, and why Ye Xuan will be with the Yanhuang team. Ye Xuan said with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"How is it possible, how could you be the director Ye of the Yanhuang team, this is impossible!" Feng Marriott's face became very ugly, if the other party is really the director Ye of the team, the trouble is really big!

"Master Feng, this is indeed the director Ye of our Yanhuang team!" Li Yaoyao said, "If you doubt, you can call the captain of the iron, I believe he will tell you!"

Wind Marriott is as good as being on the spot.

Ye Xuan, who was able to deal with it, became Director Ye in a blink of an eye. This change was too great.

"Miss Li, I know it. Since you said that, it must be true!" Feng Marriott smiled a little, "Then I can know why Director Ye took someone to hit our Fengjia, if you don't give me one I will explain it if I explain it! "

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Master Feng, we made no mistake, because not long ago, I was assassinated, because the person who assassinated me was an outstanding disciple of your Feng family, so I suspect that someone instructed him to do so. For example, Your Excellency! "

Feng Marriott suddenly felt that he had underestimated this Ye Xuan, and it was clearly arresting people, but was actually ashamed to say assassination.

"Director Ye, have you made a mistake!" Feng Marriott said coldly, "This is definitely a misunderstanding."

Li Yaoyu said coldly, "There is no misunderstanding, Master Feng, you should follow us. If you are innocent, everything is easy to say, but if you are targeting our Director Ye ~~~"

Seeing members of the Yanhuang team coming to catch themselves.

Feng Marriott's face sank, "I am the owner of the Feng family, you dare, believe it or not, I called you over and let you leave the Yanhuang team!"

This remark really scared the members of the Yanhuang team.

Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes and kicked his feet on Feng Marriott's chest, kicking him a few meters away.

"Homeowner, hum, take me away!"

When this foot went down, Feng Marriott was blinded by Venus, unable to move, and his whole body seemed to fall apart.

Li Yaoyao glanced at Ye Xuan, "You cattle!"

For Xuanfeng Marriott, Ye Xuan didn't take it seriously at all, even if it was the owner of the Feng family.

"Ye Xuan, you dare to catch me today, and you will regret it. Our Feng Family is not something you can offend!" Feng Wanhao bleeds at the corner of his mouth, staring at Ye Xuan with hatred eyes.

"I'm waiting for your revenge!" Ye Xuanman didn't care.

Without giving you a lesson, I really thought I was a sick cat, again and again.


This time, Ye Xuan said nothing. But it spread to the upper levels.

"What, Master Feng was captured by the Yanhuang team?"

"What happened!"

"Who is so brave!"

"The genius of the Feng family, but he went to the master's door, and the Yanhuang team ate stools. Dare to catch people at this time!"


Feng Family is also a mess!

Their owner was taken away!

This is definitely a big deal.

The Feng family immediately contacted Yanjing's teachers and teachers, and explained the situation in detail.

Leave a sentence over there, "The Yanhuang team will be released soon!"

The folks of the Feng family were relieved. There was a word from the major and the young, what the Yan and Huang teams could be regarded as, but the situation was still a branch.


Feng Marriott was taken to the Yanhuang team base.

The Chief of the Iron Army received a variety of calls for the first time. When he heard that the Master Feng had been arrested, he didn't come back for a while. After he calmed down, he quickly arranged someone to investigate.

"Ye Xuan, what are you doing!"

Tie Jun soon knew that Ye Xuan did it, and he didn't know what to say.

"How did he catch the head of the wind family? Didn't he know that all the ten big families were connected by the same air, and grabbing one was equivalent to stimulating the remaining nine, which really shouldn't be." The iron army hated immediately Just go to Ye Xuan.

When thinking of Ye Xuan's strength, Tie Jun could only smile bitterly.

Ten of them are not Ye Xuan's opponents.

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