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Xiao Minghai's husband and wife, the most sorry is the eldest daughter.

If it was n’t taken out for travel, it would n’t have happened. In those years, they took their eldest daughter to various places around the world, and had seen various famous doctors. .

As the eldest daughter grew up, they dared not mention it.

Every time they are full of hope, in the end they will only hit the eldest daughter once again. At the Xiao family, no matter who it is, they will not mention this matter.

Now this guy with the surname Ye dare to say such words in a large audience. Xiao Minghai is very angry. This person is too incapable of speaking, and has not prevented his wife from calling the security guard.

Li Haoran knew that Ye Xuan had made a mistake.

What is the situation of Miss Xiao's family? They are all clear. What kind of doctor is a doctor. I don't know how many have seen it. No one can cure the disease of Miss.

Ye Xuan said this in person, Li Haoran almost clapped his hands.

Famous doctors have no confidence to say heal, what do you think you are.


"Hahaha, Xiao Bailian finally said the wrong thing and offended Xiao Minghai. It's really popular!"

Lei Aojun's heart rushed across with pleasure.

"I really thought that my eldest brother was cured, and he treated himself as a magician, pretend, continue to pretend, offended the Xiao family, and see how you will mix in the East China Sea in the future!"

This scene is what Lei Aojun wants to see most.


The security guard rushed in from outside.

The beautiful woman pointed to Ye Xuan, "Take him out, I don't want to see him here!"

In the East China Sea, the Xiao family is qualified to say this.

Two powerful security guards of Kong Wu came up and were ready to take the young man down.

"Mom, he is my friend!" Xiao Yuxuan was anxious, Ye Xuan was finally invited by him.

The beautiful woman stared, full of disgust at Ye Xuan, "Friend? You know your elder sister's situation, and you say this, at a young age, I really think I am a magician."

Xiao Yuxin heard such words across the black yarn on this occasion.

If it is usual, Xiao Yuxin must turn around and leave. The wound on her face is the last thing she wants to hear in her life. Even if she slowly accepts the irrecoverable reality, every time I hear it, there are still bursts of tingling in my heart. .

"Go away!"

Ye Xuan glanced at the two security guards, and the two security guards shuddered at once. This was the most terrifying glance they had ever seen, and it was chilling to the bottom of their hearts.

"You are Xiao Yuxuan's sister. I don't know if you want to accept this gift from me. It doesn't take too long, at most an hour." Ye Xuan looked at Xiao Yuxin and said.

"Security, security, what do you stunned, do not chase him out!" The beautiful woman screamed at the security and did not notice Ye Xuan's flashing eyes.

Xiao Yuxin's mood fluctuated.

"Sister, my friend is very powerful, maybe it can really help you recover!" Xiao Yuxuan had seen Brother Ye Xuan catching ghosts, if he hadn't, he would have died.

"Is it really possible!" Xiao Yuxin inexplicably saw a kind of trust from the other party.

"You can believe it!" Ye Xuan smiled.

"Yu Xin, he was clearly lying to you. You can see that he is young. What can he do? He was bullshit!" The beautiful woman was killed and she didn't believe this young man of Ye Xuan.

Xiao Yuxin suddenly gritted his teeth, "You are my sister's friend, my sister's temper, I also know that as a sister, you are the one she invited to the birthday party, surely a trustworthy person, then I will believe you once!"

"Yu Xin!" The beautiful woman didn't expect the eldest daughter to agree, and was anxious.

"Mom, just one hour, it doesn't matter anyway!" Xiao Yuxin said to his mother. "This is a gift he gave to his sister. I'm a sister. If I don't look at it, it's not that I'm incompetent as a sister. , My sister is missing a gift! "

The beautiful woman didn't know what to do for a while, and the eldest daughter rarely said so much, she could only look at her husband Xiao Minghai, hoping he could stand up and say a few words.

Xiao Minghai looked at this young Ye Xuan young man, and it was difficult to imagine his eldest daughter having the courage to say this.

"Dad and sister have said, don't you want to try it!"

Li Haoran did not expect that the disfigured Xiao Yuxin would say such a thing, and he opened his mouth and said, "Uncle Xiao, I think I can give it a try. Maybe someone else has a way, what if it succeeds?"

"This is a rare gift from others!"

"It's a pity not to try it!"

Li Haoran's friends also roared, it sounded like Xiao Yuxin was good.

But in fact, everyone is holding Ye Xuan up.

Who is Xiao Minghai? Once Ye Xuan didn't come up with a reason, it must be bad.

"Yu Xin, are you sure?" In front of so many people, especially the eldest daughter still spoke, Xiao Minghai was embarrassed to do so thoroughly.

Xiao Yuxin nodded slightly, "Dad, I am willing to try it, anyway, there is no loss, in case, okay?"

Listening to the relaxed tone of the eldest daughter, Xiao Minghai glanced at Ye Xuan again, "For Yuxin's sake, I will give you a chance, well, I am grateful, once ~~~ you know what will end ! "

As a member of the Xiao family, Xiao Minghai has the ability to clean up a young man.

"Uncle Xiao, Ye Xuan has the ability, I can guarantee this!" Lei Aocheng stood up to say good things for Ye Xuan, "What happened, I will guarantee for him!"

When Lei Aocheng stood up, everyone was surprised.

How could the Lei family know this young man Ye Xuan, and also take the initiative to speak good words, which is incredible.

Who didn't know that the young Master Lei found a powerful doctor some time ago, who was originally ill, and would stay in bed all his life. As a result, he can get out of bed now, just like ordinary people.

This is something many people could not believe before.

Xiao Minghai was shocked when he saw Lei Aocheng stand up to speak for Ye Xuan. Although he didn't know what the reason was, this face had to be given to Lei's family.

Others say gifts, if you do n’t give it a try, it ’s unavoidable, and Kuangda ’s daughter agrees, which is also relatively rare.


Sister Ye Xuan and Xiao Yuxin walked together into a small room beside them.

"Brother Ye Xuan, you must cure the disease on my sister's face!" Xiao Yuxuan followed Ye Xuan, pleading with expectation.

"Speaking of giving you a satisfactory gift will definitely make you satisfied!" Ye Xuan said with a smile, "I am a person of faith, as long as you believe me."

Xiao Yuxin rarely saw his sister's honest look. It wasn't popular this time. Was it because of this young Ye Xuan?

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