This power is extremely powerful, Linna just did a simple research.

If this power is released, it will be enough for the entire Emperor Profound City to use for ten years!

Is this a new weapon developed by the Salvation Army?

With this weapon, the Salvation Army can dominate the world.

"Can you investigate it?" Linna asked.

At this time, Benjamin stood up: "Well, I need to investigate this."

Potter's expression expressed dissatisfaction: "Really, do you only want to go out to play?"

Linna smiled, don't these two people know how dangerous it is?

"No one is allowed to go, now is the most urgent matter to take down our own base!"

Then he clicked the button. Under his base, he promised that Ye Xuan's passage had been repaired, and he also used the funds of Emperor Xuancheng to repair one for himself.

This one leads to the "mechanical library" belonging to their own Salvation Army

Underground, although the scale here is not as large as the cloning base underground in Xuanwu City, but from a distance, rows of clones have already begun to pour out the culture solution and conduct the first breathing experiment.

Their fighting awareness has been added, and this is a group of fighters who are born to shoot people!

"Miss Linna, these clones can finally join the battle!"

The scientific researcher in white coat said with an excited expression.

"Yes, we have added some personal consciousness in this batch. If successful, they will be a group of more powerful fighters!"

The more the researchers talked, the more excited they became.

However, Shili's expression was worried and said: "They are clones, if they join their personal consciousness..."

"Moreover, they all looked in the mirror and saw that they were all the same, what would they think?"

Benjamin glanced at the warriors who were "baked out", then looked at Linna and said:

"Could it be that they are all twins?"

"Miss Linna already thought of it in advance." The scientific researcher stepped forward to explain.

Pushing his glasses, he easily manipulated the computer. On the huge display screen, there are rows of different faces.

"They will be implanted with artificial faces. They won't think they are weird. Moreover, their consciousness has been corrected. They will think that they are all fighters...grow up in a military camp..."

Linna nodded in satisfaction, Gong Zang smiled and couldn't help but said in her heart: "It turns out that she has already thought of it."

But then I was a little puzzled: the previous fighters had no consciousness and did not know about life or death. Linna had to give them personal consciousness. Why on earth?

Linna is because, after experiencing the Qishan World War, she saw Ye Xuan’s troops. They are all ordinary people, but it is because ordinary people have feelings that they can react on the battlefield because they have personal consciousness. The combat effectiveness is stronger.

However, human cloning itself is a hidden danger. Now that some awareness has been added, this hidden danger is actually increased. Although emergency plans have been added, some special functions will be activated when special events occur, but technology and technology Compared with the human heart, which is stronger?

The clone itself, he is a person!

"This army has 50,000 people, so we have 30,000 people. To win a small Griffin City, maybe it has become very easy now!"

Linna smiled: "Perhaps it is like this!"

Now they will soon have their own bases.

At the same time, Ye Xuan and several people were so successful that they got into the camp of the evil force.

Without causing any suspicion and danger, he lined up to the portal.

This team is a bit special, and it feels weird. They all seem to never communicate, saying nothing.

The four people stood on the same line, Ye Xuan fought the first battle, Gong Ming was behind the palace, Long Zhan and Long Aotian in the middle.

"Why don't you speak, is the discipline so strict?" Long Aotian said.

Gong Ming in the back also heard it, and whispered: "Small your voice, our language is different, don't show it!"

Long Aotian quickly closed his mouth.

The portal is not so easy. Looking at the long line, the passage is very slow, and every demon who is going to pass seems to have to roar to strengthen himself.

When the team got closer, Long Zhan felt something was wrong.

"Isn't this a portal? Why does it seem like going to the guillotine and still shouting..."

Ye Xuan walked in the forefront, and he was also the first time the eldest girl went to her feet. Haven't seen anything like this before, is it mobilization before the war?

Or is this a kind of ritual for him?

Just thinking about it, suddenly the guy holding the whip suddenly came over. He seemed to have discovered something wrong and rushed over to Ye Xuan.

Long Zhan became tense in an instant. Ye Xuan was also clenched with his fists. Now he was not far away from the portal. It seemed that he might be able to get in directly with just a little effort. See Gong Ming at the back. Shaking his head with him, it's good that the guards have also come here. If they are caught now, they will be exposed directly.

Gong Ming was observing the guy with the whip, Ye Xuan was also paying attention to him. He didn't find them at all, but from Ye Xuan's previous one, he wanted to follow him to another place. It seemed that something happened. .

Ye Xuan looked at it, and there was something like a power tower on the side. It was flashing light, and it seemed to be broken. It should be repaired!

But now the guards have already come over, and if the present passes, it happens to be where they are going.

Now it is on the cusp of the storm.

Don’t stop and suffer the chaos, instead of waiting here to die, it’s better...

Ye Xuan suddenly took out the unicorn sword in his hand, and rushed to the demon with the whip.

Ye Xuan moved, so he must move. Long Aotian saw that all the demons were already looking here, and his hands were directly on the ground, and the whole ground was suddenly lifted up with a loud bang. The ground was lifted up to a thickness of one meter, and it suddenly blocked the demon in front of it.

Ye Xuan's sword was really fast and ruthless, didn't the demon holding the whip react at all, and it pierced his chest directly at that time.

The devil didn't show the slightest expression, and Ye Xuan was shocked. Such a sudden attack worked, but why was the effect not obvious? Then the big whip was pulled off.

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