Othinus has the ability to change the will of others with the power of the devil. It is not an ordinary modification of other people's memories, nor is it the possibility of tampering with history, it can be said to be the most simple "creation".

As long as the one-eyed demon **** is willing, she can construct everything in this world at will, change human civilization, and reshape the three views of human beings. It is just something that can be done by thinking.

No one can be an enemy of the Demon God, because when facing the Demon God, as long as the Demon God is willing, even the consciousness of 'hostility' cannot be born.

Demons can turn enemies into friends, and friends into enemies, and even those worlds that are only imagined by humans, the Demons can reproduce them and make them come true.

Just like when he was an enemy of Roy, in order to degenerate him, Othinus even created a world in which all the rest of the world except Roy were women and goddesses.

And in that world, everyone loved him deeply, and Othinus wanted to use this to sink Roy and immerse him in lust.

It's just that Roy, who had already mastered the Seven Sins at that time, maintained his spiritual clarity while enjoying it, which made Othinus unsuccessful.

And this time, the one-eyed demon **** did not change the thoughts of Orells, Kelissa, Daughter of the Nation, Revinia and others. While maintaining the original will of these people, she was only changing the world. direction.

She just wanted to let these people see whether in this world, where everyone's wishes were fulfilled and full of peace, was the happiness they expected.

"Is this the happy world you expect from 120?"

The one-eyed Demon God asked softly.

All the soldiers who participated in the war were resurrected, and the concept of death became so insignificant in the face of the devil.


When Marianne saw Bersey alive, she ran over in shock and excitement, grabbed Bersey's clothes and shouted tremblingly.

Kihara Kaqun was at a loss, and he didn't even know that he had just died once.

Those humans who died in the battle with Roy before also crawled out of the underworld as if they had reversed the true meaning of life, so that the previous actions of Orells and others changed like this. ridiculous.

At this moment, everyone seemed to suddenly understand why the members of Gremlin would help Othinus and look forward to her gift.

If this is the power of the Demon God, then she does have the ability to fulfill everyone's wishes.

"Resurrection of the dead... Is this the power of the Demon God?"

The daughter of the alluring country murmured, although this ability is already very terrifying, but it makes people feel that the power of the devil is not that exaggerated.

"The ability of the devil? It's a bunch of ignorant mortals. The ability of the devil is more than that."

As if to vent his unhappiness before, Othinus, who once again mastered the full power of the Demon God, suddenly showed a wicked smile.

That smile was very familiar, because Roy always had such a terrifying, terrifying smile.

Then the next moment, the world changed again.

This change is a superposition of phases, a change that occurs on a world level beyond all human perception.

No one can perceive that the Demon God is using his abilities, and their only perception is the result of the changes in the world.

Marianne, who was crying with joy because of Bercy's resurrection, suddenly widened her eyes, her face full of incredulity. Kihara Kaqun, who had a close relationship with her and had been taught magic by her, pulled out a long sword and penetrated her abdomen. .

Kihara Kaqun looked at Marion with the same expression as when he was facing Kihara's pathology.

The British and French troops, who were under the orders of Kelissa and the Daughter of the Nation, instantly turned their guns and aimed various weapons at them.

The man who was supposed to be the devil looked at Sylvia, a saint who was close to him, in shock. He took out a huge weapon and stared at him with hatred, as if Orells was her enemy who killed her father and killed her mother. Same.

The world full of goodwill has once again turned into malice. The person you love will betray you, the intimate couple will become enemies, the lovers will eventually become brothers and sisters, and all order will turn into chaos.

If the previous world was a world where everyone would be happy, the current world is a world where everyone would experience tragedy.

Othinus played with the fate of all human beings in the whole world in such a wicked way. She made all those who were her enemies fall into deep despair, crying bitterly in a world without hope.

Orells saw his incompetence and powerlessness in his own world. He couldn't save anyone. He could only watch the cry of the child in despair, and the person who reached out to him for help, and finally died tragically.

Kelissa saw the destruction of Britain, and the invasion and destruction of Britain was precisely the reason for her. She became the princess of the subjugated country, running around the world, avoiding people's pursuit.

Revinia saw that her dearest sister hated her, and launched the most violent revenge and actions in the face of her sister.

She saw the dawn that she was leading, because of her failure as the leader, all the members died tragically.

And in this endlessly changing world, Othinus and Roy appeared in front of everyone and continued to laugh at their fate.

At first, these people who were played with fate by Othinus thought that these were just hallucinations, but eventually they found out that it was not hallucinations at all, but what really happened.

It was only then that they truly understood what kind of existence the Demon God really was. It was not the ability to distort reality, but the reality and the world, which were originally moving under the will of the Demon God.

If it was Othinus in the past, she would not be interested in playing with the fate of these people in such a wicked way. What she prefers to do is to directly destroy this world and create the new world she wants.

But after getting along with Roy for a long time, the one-eyed devil gradually turned into Roy, and began to understand the joy of playing with the fate of others.

After all, not everyone is the same as Roy, who can withstand the real reincarnation and is firm-willed. Except for Orells who insisted reluctantly, almost all of them are almost collapsed under the reality that the devil has changed.

It wasn't until the dust settled and Roy saw Othinus vent his displeasure that he smiled and said, "...Let's go, Othinus! Now is the best chance!"

After the one-eyed demon **** heard Roy's words, she raised her spear of the main **** again, using the 'world reference point' as an anchor to restore the world to its original state.

And for all those who were enemies of Othinus before, all of them felt the real pain of despair in that **** world.

After doing all this, Othinus waved at any time, and a huge bone ship appeared.

"Then let's go, my understander, your abyss is ahead, you helped me build the spear of the Lord God, then it's up to me to send you to the abyss now!"

The one-eyed demon **** took the initiative to reach out, grabbed Roy's big hand, and boarded the bone ship with him.

The next moment, the world tree completely collapsed, as if the tree had never appeared in this world.

And the starry sky of the universe changed again, and the devil manipulated the phase and direction of the entire universe, just to make this bone ship move forward.

Their destination is St. George's Cathedral in Britain!


At the same time, in the far-off, absolutely hidden phase without time, space, distance, or cause and effect, a voice floated far away, with a little tender and agile voice:

"...Nephthys, Othinus has changed the phase again casually."

"Hmph, the child is just a child after all, but her demonic power has been adjusted, which also means that she can no longer stay in this world for a long time, should we inhale her into 'Gremlin'? "

"...I don't know if she has mature feet now!"

A slightly old and hoarse old voice came.

"Old man, sometimes you are just too anxious, so you will never be able to become enlightened... Niang Niang, you are right, if you let her continue to play like this, the world may really collapse completely."

"...I still have a little memory of the current world, and I don't want to create a new world again."

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