But now his daughter has come alive again, and has gained the spark that the body no longer needs to fight the phase friction, and his son has come alive and is standing at the same height as him.

Today's Aleister can be said to have lost the meaning of life, but at the same time, he has found a more noble meaning of life that makes him more reluctant to give up his life and want to continue to struggle.

That is the great fatherly love of a father who wants to create the fairy tale world they love for his children.

Therefore, Aleister completely abandoned the low-key, and even gave up the development of the academy city, and did his best to cooperate with Roy to create a world-scale war and chaos.

Humans can decide when the war will start, but when the war starts, no one can decide when the war will end. There are too many elements involved in the war.

Even taking another country entirely does not mean the war is over, because the resistance will always be there.

Making a war is easy, but ending a war is so difficult.

Academy City's bombers flew over the continent of Europa, and dropped bombs on the British Isles and Italia.

At the same time, Lola, the inner ghost, is also leaving as much evidence as possible, and Anbu from Academy City, who was sent by Roy to all over the world, is also destroying as much as possible and leaving traces of Britain.

Not long ago, there was a civil strife in Britain. The second princess imprisoned the queen. The combination of many factors makes people believe that Britain is the source of today's war.

There are smart people in this world, and the high-level officials of some countries know that these are just Roy's tricks, but seeing through this does not mean that they can let things go according to their own ideas.

Politicians don't care if there is any conspiracy involved, they only care about their status.

When the country is invaded, but does not resist at all, it will inevitably disappoint the people and make the people angry.

Politicians will do everything in their power to start the war in order to keep their positions, and to remain in high positions in the next election.

Moreover, there are many arms groups behind this, especially the Tsarist country in the north, which is controlled by the fire of the right, and it does not give anyone a chance.

In order to gather the malice from all over the world, Right Fire can be said to be Roy's biggest supporter at this point. He doesn't care about the casting of any guns, and arrogantly, he doesn't believe in any demons destroying the world.

He only believed in his right hand, and believed that the savior was himself.

In cooperation with the once invincible tsarist army, Russian adult religion began to advance in Europe. The appeasement policy during World War II has clearly told others that this policy was wrong.

In a short period of time, the Kingdom of the Tsar once again regained the territory of the alliance in its heyday, leaving only the last Alliance of Elizalina Independent States still stubbornly resisting.

Consecutive victories have brought about a surge in morale, and the atmosphere of war has become more intense.

And because of the lessons learned from the appeasement policy, this time the major powers scrambled to start the war in advance, and as long as the resistance begins, the war will be difficult to stop.

In order to make the malice reach the greatest in the world, the Fire of the Right, after weighing the pros and cons, launched the most daring attack.

He ordered the tsar's troops, along with the star of Bethlehem he was driving, to launch a surprise attack on the United States of North America.

When the world's largest country was also caught up in the gloom, all conditions reached their peak as expected.

This is exactly Roy's purpose, using human psychology with countless tiny preparations to induce the greatest malice and war to appear.

Whether it is the reaction of various countries or the reaction of the fire on the right, it is all in Roy's expectation, and the development of things perfectly conforms to his presupposition.

If people in this world are divided into two categories, one is smart and the other is stupid, then Roy's plan is to treat the two differently.

Like the Pope of the Roman Orthodox Church, the upper echelons of the magical side of Britain and France are undoubtedly smart people, so Roy used himself as a bait to lead them into the range of the World Tree.

At the same time set fires all over the place and let the fools fight each other.

The battle with Roy as a single individual is for war, because he is the initiator of all wars, and the infighting among human beings is even more war, because that is the nature of human beings.

The great demon Coronzon had to call Roy an expert when he saw this. He perfectly brought out the destruction and diffusion between the individual and the whole, and between the whole and the whole.

In fact, this has always been what Cologne 847 wanted to do, so that human beings, the greatest threat to the natural environment, would annihilate themselves in separation and disintegration.

Naturally, Lola was the one who matched Roy's behavior the most.

And Roy also used the pride of the fire on the right to let him spread the war completely to the whole world.

It has to be said that the fire of the right side is indeed a person standing on the right side of God. He perfectly understood the will of the **** Roy. Because of the contract, Lola couldn't do many things.

But the fire on the right really pulled the whole world into this maliciousness. If there was no fire on the right, Roy's plan would be greatly reduced.

Humans always like to divide camps, just like the alliance and axis of the year.

In today's world, any country must choose to stand in the team.

Also because of geopolitics and the benefits that can be obtained, the ancient country in the East finally chose Academy City, and a war that spread to the whole world started like this.

This is the will of war in the whole world, and it is the gathering of all wars in this world. For Odin, the **** of war, the **** of magic, and the **** of wisdom, when the fire that burns the world is ignited, all the materials have been gathered. .


The Kilauea volcano, which was captured from Hawaii, erupted completely, lava rolled up, ash covered the sky, and in the crater, a 'gun' was slowly taking shape.

Othinus' Demon God's power began to be quickly adjusted, moving in one direction from a fifty percent state.

Regardless of whether this direction is a 100% success rate or a 100% failure rate, it is the complete power of the devil! .

Chapter 255 Old God, come back!

"What is this?!"

"Run, run, this thing will explode!"

"Ah, ah, help... I-I don't want to die yet!"


All over the world, on the sporadic battlefield, both sides of the war were screaming.

Some were lying on the ground, covering their throats with pain on their faces, while others were mutilated in the explosion and let out a piercing wailing.

There are pure white arms that look like twisted pieces of meat drilled out of the ground. These arms look very strange, and when these arms are drilled out, they will have a huge explosion.

In the wreckage of the explosion, there is a mysterious energy that cannot be detected by human technology, and the human beings in this explosion area will be gradually corrupted by this energy as if they have lost oxygen.

These mysterious powers are the powers of angels, the poison that the Fire of the Right spreads in order to collect malice all over the world.

Such scenes have occurred all over the world, and with the appearance and slaughter of these arms, the maliciousness of human beings has become more intense. When these maliciousness has accumulated to a limit, it is the moment that the fire on the right is looking forward to.

At an altitude of thousands of meters at the junction of the Atlantic Ocean and Northern Europe, a huge air fortress composed of the wreckage of churches all over the world is slowly floating.

Right Fire stood on the edge of the fortress, a chicken-claw-like arm sticking out from his right shoulder.

This arm looks abnormally twisted, and as the malice from all over the world pours into this right hand, the chicken-claw-like right arm gradually seems to give birth to nerves, bones and flesh.

These flesh and nerves are completely covered with this right hand, and it finally looks no longer as dry as chicken feet, but almost human right arm.

"Haha...hahahaha!! This uncle has finally collected all the elements. I am now standing at the highest peak of life, the apex and pinnacle of this world!"

The fire on the right made a wild laugh.

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