
Accompanied by Kelissa's vigorously waving arm, missiles flew into the air, and their flames evaporated, bombarding the World Tree.

In space, the weapon system of the United States disguised as a satellite also showed its fangs.

When the magazine was opened, the tungsten bullet of the space-based weapon "Rod of God" fell towards the Atlantic Ocean at a speed of 39,000 kilometers per hour!

Ten thousand bullets were fired, and the target was Uktrahir, the world tree where Othinus and Roy were located!

Chapter 243 He has become a 'temple leader'

From the destroyers and frigates, thousands of missiles were launched at the same time, and hundreds of fighter jets hovering in the air also launched hundreds of air-to-surface missiles from the missile racks.

Countless flames pierced the sky, and if the solar flare erupted, it would bombard the World Tree with a long trailing tail.

The instant light irritated people's eyes and tears flowed, but everyone's eyes were fixed on the direction these missiles were blasting into.


Like a magnitude 12 earthquake in the Atlantic Ocean.

The terrifying roar shook the heaven and the earth, and the sea water poured back to form a huge vortex.

The sea set off huge waves of more than 10 meters, and even made the combined fleet like a flat boat, swaying in the sea and possibly capsizing at any time.

Even experienced naval officers and soldiers fell on the deck in this huge wave, or grabbed the fence beside them with their hands, watching the magnificent scene caused by the human weapon.

The fire was blazing into the sky, and the smoke and dust were everywhere. It was a missile cluster that was enough to instantly raze all buildings within a radius of several kilometers to the ground.

And this terrifying missile swarm bombarded the huge tree, but there were only bursts of smoke, and even a layer of the skin of the huge tree was not scraped off.

As ordinary people, the navy officers and soldiers were stunned to see all this, their hearts tightened, and they were shocked by this incredible scene.

And those magicians who understand magic are calm, as if they had expected this result.

"Magic troops, continue shelling!"

Kelissa stared at the World Tree with a serious expression. She took out a communicator from her chest and gave the order again.

At the same time, she looked at Index and said, "...that woman Laura has lifted the restrictions on you, the list of forbidden books, give me a good analysis of the composition of this spell!"

Index couldn't answer her at this time, just like being controlled by Roy at that time, Index's eyes lost their lustre and just floated in mid-air.

Her eyes were like the screens of a high-speed computer, with countless magical patterns and bizarre portraits flashing through them.

When the first missile bombarded World Tree's protective magic, she had already begun to analyze it.

In the sky, the magical troops controlled by the British royal family were also ready. Hundreds of witches riding brooms and wearing witch costumes joined together to sing the incantation of witch hunting in the Middle Ages.

In an instant, on the flying ship, one after another magic array unfolded, and the brilliant beams of light like the guardianship of stars crossed the distance of the sea and bombarded the protective array outside the World Tree.

And if it's not enough, there are several meteors falling down in the distant space at a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per hour, which is the space-based weapon "God's Rod" activated by the United States.

The kinetic energy brought by the shells of each space-based weapon is equivalent to a strategic nuclear weapon. It can be said that a space-based weapon is a nuclear weapon without pollution.


The terrifying shell that was enough to sink a city hit the top of the World Tree. With the World Tree as the center, a huge hole appeared in the entire Atlantic Ocean.

Hundreds of millions of tons of seawater were repelled, and after condensing for an instant, it spread overwhelmingly in all directions.

How terrifying is the turbulence of the whole sea?

It was as if God had once again set off a great flood of world destruction. If the waves were allowed to take pictures, the combined fleet would be killed by their own weapons.

However, the coalition had already anticipated and prepared for this situation.

The water behind held his spiritual outfit 'Ascalon', and stood alone in front of the huge wave that swept hundreds of millions of tons and was almost connected to the distant starry sky.

This member of the right seat of God has the dual constitution of the Son and the Virgin, and has enough knowledge of the Archangel Gabriel, and Gabriel is in charge of the 'water' of the four elements!


The water behind him shouted loudly, and he jumped up and stood on the roaring sea. The spiritual outfit 'Ascalon' in his hand slammed into the sea.

In an instant, a huge shining magic circle was formed.

This magic circle records many mysterious knowledge of Archangel Gabriel, and with the appearance of this magic circle, the monstrous waves gradually calmed down.

The Atlantic Ocean is the most violent ocean, but under the spell of the water behind, this sea area has become even more docile than the Pacific Ocean.

Kelissa didn't pay attention to the water behind, she just looked at Index nervously and asked loudly, "...How is the analysis of the World Tree's spells?"

The Magical Forbidden Book Catalog did not answer, Index just slowly raised her hands and said in a mechanical voice:

"...According to the knowledge of 103,000 magic books, it is determined that the opponent's spell is based on the Kabbalah Tree of Life and a magical ritual shaped by twenty-two paths."

"Now perform a forced chant to break it!"

After hearing the words from Index's mouth, the second princess, Kelly, was stunned.

Isn't this world tree a product of Norse mythology? Why did the Kabbalah of ancient Judaism suddenly appear?

And Revinia, who has more knowledge of mysticism, reacted faster, she exclaimed: "...Stop, don't break that spell!!"

But her reminder was still a step behind. At this time, Index had already opened her mouth and sang a chant!

"Holy is life, Lord, I am fully dedicated now, my mind and body belong to you!"

With the opening of the mandatory chanting of the Magical Forbidden Book Catalogue, the protective magic on the outer layer of the Tree of Heaven was instantly suppressed and then disappeared, and the true face of this World Tree appeared in front of everyone.

Different from what I saw before, the shape of this World Tree seems to have changed slightly!

The change was wonderful, strange, and indescribable.

At this time, everyone realized that something was wrong.

The Daughter of Allure looked at Revinia and asked nervously, "...What the **** is going on? That tree doesn't seem to be a simple world tree 'Uktrahir'!"

Revinia's face was gloomy, she clenched the spiritual costume symbolized by the four elements in her hand, and said word by word: "...This is 'Mighty Confusion'!"

"Just as the Greek gods eventually became Roman gods and even Egyptian gods over time, this technology is to connect two mythological techniques with connections, thus breaking through the flaws of one mythology. !"

"...But that man went too far. He even forcibly merged two completely unrelated 'Divine Might' together!"

"He forcibly merged the world tree 'Uktrahir' and the Kabbalah Tree of Life into one!

"... This kind of fusion itself is impossible to succeed, but he has long expected that we will use the magical forbidden book catalog to crack..."

"So he laid out the game ahead of time and was waiting for us to use the power of the forbidden book catalog. All this was already calculated by him."

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