Vasilisa looked at Revinia when she heard the words. She stroked her white cheeks with her hands, her eyes narrowed, and she hummed:

"...No matter who ordered it, it's always better than a little girl who calls someone else's 'Dad', isn't it?"

Revinia's complexion immediately changed, and she stood up directly from the chair and glared at Vasilisa.

Some things on the magic side spread very quickly. For example, the leader of Dawn Morning Light, Revinia Berdewei, called a man who pretended to be Mathers called 'Dad'. It was already known to everyone. .

This is an absolute shame for Revinia!

But for this kind of deceived thing, magic is quite understandable, because they pursue the mystery, since it is a mystery, there will always be something that they don't understand.

After all, even the leaders of the Golden Dawn that year were deceived by a liar who called himself Anna Sprenger. .

Chapter 241 The old **** returns, and the new **** is born!

"Okay, please stop arguing."

Pope Matthew Lis of the Roman Orthodox Church said in his kind voice.

Although this old man was an Orthodox believer, he was kind, gentle and compassionate. Even Vasilisa, the leader of the annihilation of the white book, and Revinia, who was in the morning light, gave the old man enough face.

The two looked at each other, Revinia snorted and sat back, continuing to wrap her arms around her chest and tilted her slender jade legs in black stockings.

On the other hand, Vasilisa was smiling, her expression did not change, and the city looked deeper.

"I would like to apologize for the trouble the Right Fire has brought to Chengjiao. If I knew that the Right Fire would do these things rebelliously, I would not have let him leave the Vatican at that time."

The Pope of Rome spoke calmly and apologized to Vasilisa with a smile.

And as soon as the Pope spoke up, the tense atmosphere in the conference room became calm.

"Now, what we should be discussing is about the world tree in the Atlantic Ocean, and the purpose of that man named Roy."

"...But judging from Mr. Orells' words, he should be helping the Demon God Othinus. Although I have doubts about the power of the Demon God, I think Mr. Orells may be exaggerating."

"But now the world is indeed facing danger. In the battle between Academy City and that man, the Roman Orthodox Church suffered heavy losses. Everyone present must be very aware of his danger."

The Pope of Rome spoke out about the loss of the Orthodox Church without hesitation, and his cheerfulness and sincerity made union possible.

"For this reason, I propose that the three major sects of Britain, France, and Crusades, as well as the United States from North America, and other magical associations, we should form a coalition to uproot the world tree that suddenly appeared in the Atlantic Ocean. "

"...We are going to stop it, to destroy the demon gods, and to save the world like our Lord Christ!"

The Pope's words silenced the people present. The reason why they held the meeting was to form a joint armed force.

After all, with Roy's strength, it is difficult for any country or organization to compete with him. Only by uniting together can he solve this unstable factor.

"His Holiness the Pope, your suggestion is of course very good, but since that man will provoke wars all over the world, he will gather all the malice on himself."

"...If we do this, it's likely that his wish will come true."

Queen Eliza considered her tone and said cautiously.

The Pope of Rome shook his head and said helplessly: "...even if we know this, we have to do it."

"...If we don't form a combined armed group to attack him, and if that man divides us, the final result is probably something we don't want to see."

"He is just a person, acting alone, and we all have our own believers and our own people. These people and believers are absolutely not to be abandoned."

"...So for the sake of the people and believers, all we can do now is to act according to his wishes."

The Pope's words made the atmosphere even more heavy.

Revinia looked irritable, one slender leg swayed back and forth, and her contact with Roy made her understand the horror of that man better than many people.

She was a little uneasy. After knowing that she was bound by the contract, the only way Revinia thought of breaking the game was to use others to defeat Roy.

That's why she joined this discussion meeting.

As the leader of Dawn Morning Light, she would never be willing to be controlled by Roy and become his plaything and be unable to resist.

"And you members of the original Gremlin, why did you defect?"

Her Majesty the Queen looked at Thor and the others with a serious look, and asked solemnly.

For a time, Thor and Marion became the focus of everyone.

The beautiful young man with long blond hair said with a hearty smile: "...Simply put, our leader and deputy leader abandoned us and deceived us!"

"...We wanted to take revenge because of anger. That tree is 'Uktrahir', which is the world tree in Norse mythology."

"And the original members of our Gremlin are the experts who are best at Nordic magic."

"...Let's decipher the tree's secret and lead you to Othinus and Roy. This will save you a lot of effort, won't it?"

Hearing Thor's words, Queen Eliza and the Pope of Rome looked at each other. They didn't use any magic. Just from their own political experience, they could see that Thor didn't lie.

"Then, that's the last thing left. What is the plan of the United States?"

Finally, Her Majesty looked to the Commander of the Atlantic Fleet of the United States.

The United States is not a big magic country, but it does not mean that there is no magic there. On the contrary, many golden magic associations are rooted in the North American continent.

After all, the other magical powers there are weak and free enough. In order to escape the traditional sphere of influence of the Crusaders, many magical societies have their headquarters in North America.

And in terms of conventional military power, the United States is still the strongest.

The commander of the United States Atlantic Fleet was still in a daze at this time, and he always felt as if he had participated in some very strange middle school meeting.

After hearing Her Majesty's question, he just stood up and said, "...Your Excellency said that the entire Atlantic fleet of the United States will obey the command of the ally Britain!"

"...for Your Majesty's order, my soldiers and I will resolutely implement it!"

Having said this, the commander gave a military salute, and at the same time decided in his heart that after returning to the country, he must go to the president to ask, what the **** is this magic!

At this moment, the city of London suddenly trembled, and everyone present changed their expressions and immediately looked out the window.

I saw that the famous churches in the entire London city began to shake and rupture, and countless stone bricks, crosses and other objects that made up the church spontaneously floated up and flew further north.

Seeing this scene, the Pope of Rome took a deep breath and said: "...This should be the work of the fire on the right, it seems that he wants to tell us in this way that he is ready! "


On the world tree Uktrahir, the sunlight shot from the distant cosmic starry sky, through a leafy branch, and fell on Roy's body, casting a mottled shadow on his face.

Roy strolled among the lush jungles on this world tree, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and he said softly:

"...The beginning, the last nourishment, the will of war has come, I feel it... mortals, witness the return of the old gods and the birth of the new gods here!"

"The grass will wither, the flowers will wither, only my words will stand forever!"

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