That was Britain's last defense, a great barrier built from the Kabbalah Tree of Life to cover the British Isles.

Even if it is an angelic spell, this barrier can block it.

"It's too late, Your Highness, we don't have time to activate the three-layer four-color Great Barrier!!"

Another terrified voice came over the intercom.


Kelissa scolded and smashed the equipment in her hand.

Just when she was still thinking about how to deal with this angelic technique, Archangel Gabriel's wings were waving down!


The wings that covered the sky and the sun swept across the city with enough power to sever the city of London. If this shot was allowed to fall, the capital of Britain would instantly turn to dust.

"Aaaaaah, Roy, I won't let you go!!!!"

Kelissa tried her best and shouted Roy's name loudly.

She used Katina to mobilize the power from Michael. Although she couldn't compare to the Archangel Mi 787 Caleb in terms of quantity, she could also use Katina to temporarily manipulate the power of angels.

"I won't let you do what you want, and I won't let you ruin the glory of Britain!"

Katina, the most powerful spiritual outfit that embodies the great British state-level art, cut a huge crack in mid-air under Kelissa's swing.

The full-dimensional cut-off technique, with Kelissa's best efforts, opened the sky over the city of London, leaving a blank void between Gabriel's wings and the city.

Gabriel's wings swept through the cracks cut by the dimension, his power was swallowed up by the cut eleven dimensions, and disappeared without a sound.

Just to block this sweeping force, Kelissa had already exhausted her physical strength. She was bent over and panting, and all her strength seemed to be drained.

After all, even if she possesses Katina, she is only a human being.

With the strength of Michael, she is naturally invincible against ordinary magicians, but in the face of Gabriel, who is also an archangel and a real angel, Kelisa is beyond her power.

But Roy won't give Kelissa more breathing room. He stood high in the sky, the power of God guarded behind him, and Roy also recited the spirit of words in his mouth:

"...Your sinful voice is heard by the Lord, and the brimstone and the fire of the sky will burn everything!!"

"This city of sin, stand trial!"

This is the torrential rain of angelic rockets that is enough to wipe out human civilization on the surface, and Roy defines the city of London as Gomorrah, the capital of sin! ! .

Chapter 235 "Nordic Throne"

The wizards of the Knights and Puritans in London looked up at the sky, and the ordinary residents ran to the windows, pressing their hands against the edge of the window and staring at the sky with wide eyes.

The Russian army in Eastern Europe, which was commanded by the fire of the right, stopped its invasion and looked at the rolling clouds in the sky in turmoil.

On the Atlantic Ocean, the naval officers and soldiers of the United States stepped onto the deck and watched silently as the blue water turned into a bright blood red under the reflection of the light.

On the Europa continent, the residents of various European countries stopped what they were doing and stared at the miracle.

Above the dome, the blue moonlight was completely covered by the endlessly tumbling cloud of flames, which was like a river of magma reversed upwards, flowing in the interstellar galaxy.

It was nearly ten minutes in the morning, but the sun had not risen in the east.

The fiery cloud in the sky replaced the function of the sun, dispelling the haze and darkness of the earth, and reflecting the entire Europa and the Atlantic Ocean in a fiery red.

Under this cloud of fire, the blue-colored archangel sang songs of prayer to God and the sternness of cursing sin.

Layers of overlapping clouds began to spin, turning into a giant vortex.

Then, under the gaze of hundreds of millions of people, the arrows of fire like the sand of the Ganges rushed out of the vortex and scattered in all directions.

The targets of these flames were Britain, France, Germany, the cities of Europe, the United States fleet in the Atlantic, the Russian army in Eastern Europe.

It is like thousands of stars from the universe are penetrating the atmosphere, vowing to wipe out all human beings and civilizations on the entire surface.

Everyone is desperate.

This is a completely unfolded angelic technique, and it is a magic that human beings are absolutely unable to resist. Even if less than twenty saints from all over the world gather here, they will not be able to block all the countless rocket rains.

Kelissa's face was pale, and she clenched the hilt of the Katina sword in her hand. At this time, Her Royal Highness, the second princess, finally regretted it.

If it wasn't for her insisting on going to find Katina, if it wasn't for her being bewitched by the devil in her heart and doing such a treacherous thing, Britain would not have perished.

I don't know if I should be lucky or unfortunate, but the entire European continent was buried with Britain.

It's just that, except for Europa, other regions are not within the scope of this spell.

But Kelissa knows that, as one of the most important economies in the world, when the whole of Europe is uprooted, other regions and countries will definitely not be able to bear it.

Because modern times are no better than ancient times, the connections between countries are extremely far-reaching, affecting the whole body.

Even the largest country in the world today will experience economic collapse under the collapse of Europe.

This is the catastrophe of the whole world, this is the catastrophe of human history, and it is enough to be written into the new "Bible", God's punishment for sinners.

Kelissa smiled miserably, she had completely given up her resistance.

What's the use of resisting, even if she has Katina, she can't do anything about the fully activated angelic spell.

What kind of sword is this sword of protecting the country, it is simply the sword of destroying the country, and it is still his own country.

It is no wonder that 200 years ago, the kings of Britain stopped looking for this sword.

"His Royal Highness, now is not the time to despair 〃々!"

At this moment, Kelissa heard a familiar voice, it was the former maid of the royal family, Sylvia, one of the less than twenty saints in the world!

Kelissa looked to her side in amazement, and saw a burly woman in denim and jeans, with strange goggles on her head, appearing in her field of vision.

But compared to this saint, the man beside her was more conspicuous.

Orells stared grimly at the rocket that descended from the vortex of flames in the sky and was sweeping the entire Europa and the Atlantic Ocean.

Now he will fight to save hundreds of millions of people in Europa!

This man who was supposed to be a demon **** narrowed his eyes, and an unknown power suddenly appeared in the sky.

In an instant, Orells attacked hundreds of millions of times, and countless billions were superimposed together to form a Ganges sand number.

Undetectable, unseen, unintelligible force slammed into the air.

The heavy rain of rockets collided with the Nordic throne of Orells, and the explosion sounded like the roar of hundreds of millions of shells in the air.

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