For example, the devil just happened to be watching this world, so what are they going to do?

In a short period of time, they came up with countless solutions and found all the loopholes and countermeasures.

"Then let's begin, the 'gun:' ritual!"

In Roy's heavy declaration, Othinus looked back at him, that is... flew into the volcano.

Othinus must be present at the last step of the 'gun:' ceremony.

Because only she has the formula and blueprint to create 'Gun:', which no one else can do.

As long as all the materials are put together, the gun: causally done.

Last Shot: When taking shape, Othinus' demonic power will be automatically adjusted, making her a demon that is 100% successful no matter what she does.

That is, she will master the ability to manipulate phases again! The fire of the volcano rises up.

At the same time, the fire of the right came to Russia, manipulated the religion, took control of the entire country, and ordered the army to swept across the countries of Eastern Europe.

The civil unrest in Britain caused tension in France.

The two great powers have hated each other for thousands of years, and now one believes in Roman Orthodoxy and the other believes in Puritanism, and there is an opposition in belief.

It's just that the French army wanted to take advantage of the civil strife in Britain, but they didn't expect that the second princess, Kelissa, had already anticipated France's actions.

A surprise attacking force just outside the country's gate... devastated France.

Just when Kelissa tried to capture their capital before France's surrender, the real ruler of France, the claustrophobic daughter of Versailles, stepped out of it.

She reorganized the remnants of France and attacked Britain again.

And this time, the troops of the second princess of the United Kingdom, Kelissa, who possessed the "Wu Virtue", did not block the offensive of the French troops, which seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

crossed the English Channel by them.

After all, France can only win wars under the leadership of women and foreigners.

In the United States as far away as the North American continent, under the leadership of the professional spy Tsuchimikado Motoharu, assassinations were carried out in the entire United States like a usurper, and the blame was placed on the British Puritans.

Although the smart minds of the United States can see that there is something wrong with this.

However, due to public grievances, it has become difficult to ride a tiger, so I can only bite the bullet and let my huge aircraft carrier fleet also rush to the Atlantic Ocean.

For a time, the entire east coast of the Atlantic Ocean was turbulent, the malice of human beings all over the world, and the true meaning of war filled this sea area.


Chapter 224 The Supreme Bishop Caught

In Academy City, a petite, dark-skinned girl was looking into the distance. When she saw Othinus unfold the 'boat' and leave with Roy, her complexion changed drastically.

"How could this be? It's totally against our plan."

"...The chief and deputy chiefs did not say that we cast 'Gun:' in Tokyo Bay, but we prepared a lot of equipment there, and made Gremlin pay a huge price!"


Slingerne, a rare black dwarf in the world, she looked at the direction Roy and Othinus left and shouted angrily.

According to Gremlin's plan, they should build a ceremony of 'Gun:' near the abandoned shipyard in Tokyo Bay, and she, the black dwarf, will preside over the ceremony.

All the other Gremlin members are guarding the shipyard from all directions, and when the gun: 'casting is completed, and Othinus regains the power of the devil, he will help them fulfill their wishes.

This is the meaning of Gremlin's existence, and the purpose of these magicians following Othinus.

But now, everything seems to have gone wrong.

As the leader and deputy leader of Gremlin, they left like this, and the destination was not the Tokyo Bay they had planned.

Marian is not stupid, but she has an understanding of the current situation in an instant. Simply put...they all of Gremlin were deceived by Othinus and Roy! After adjusting the power of the devil Just to fulfill their wishes, it's all false, from the beginning... deceived them.

Those of them...the members of the Golemlin are just abandoned sons, the tools used by Othinus and Roy to distract others.

Othinus and Roy never trusted them, so they never told the Gremlin members what the real plan was from the beginning.

Now that everything is ready, these...the abandoned sons have completed their tasks, so they are naturally abandoned by those two people.

"We got scammed, we got scammed, Bersey!!"

Marian gritted her teeth and shouted at Kihara Kakun, who was standing beside her, silent and gloomy.

Kihara Kaqun didn't say a word, he just looked at a woman lying in a pool of blood not far in front of him with a silent expression.

It was a gentle-looking woman, but her face was distorted when she died. Behind the woman, there was a collapsed wheelchair.

This woman is called Kihara Pathology, one of the members of the Kihara family, and the enemy of Kihara Kaqun.

The reason why Kihara Kaqun joined Gremlin was to seek revenge for Kihara's pathology.

Because only magic can remove... prototype control, which can give him the ability to take revenge.

Now seeing the enemy die in front of him, this gloomy-faced man gave birth to a sense of disappointment that his own life no longer mattered.

"Well, if you are deceived, you are deceived... I have fulfilled my wish, and this is enough."

Kihara Kaqun whispered to Marion next to him, his face was expressionless, his muscles were stiff, like a living corpse.

Marianne opened her mouth, and in the end it was Di.

"...well, at least your wish has been fulfilled."

She shook her head, also feeling lost.

Kihara Kaqun's wish has been fulfilled, but Ma'an's wish will never be fulfilled from now on.

Her wish is to restore the glory of the past and recreate the legendary artifact.

According to the normal situation, as long as she does it step by step, she can achieve her wish.

But who would have thought that Othinus and Roy would abandon all the members of Gremlin, the two ignored everyone's efforts, and ignored everyone's loyalty and desire.

It was their ruthlessness that was the source of Marianne's anger.

Those two people lived together, but they abandoned everyone who was looking forward to them! "Aha, let me just say, the leader and the deputy leader were like liars from the beginning, completely deceiving our feelings."

At this moment, a boy's voice came from beside Marianne and Kihara Kaqun.

The two looked back and saw a beautiful young man with long blond hair walking towards them, who was the Thor of Gremlin.

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