At this moment, the power he thought could save the world flowed from the body of Right Fire.

This is the power of the right fire, the source of his self-proclaimed savior, the starting point of all his self-confidence.

But after this power appeared, it did not strengthen his 'miracle right hand'.

Instead, she returned to her nest like a swallow, and joined the "Holy Right" with joy.

In an instant, the fire on the right, which was barely able to stalemate with Roy's right hand, was betrayed by his own power, and the pressure suddenly increased.

His four-fingered 'right hand' was like chicken feet.

Finally, unable to withstand this huge pressure, it shattered in the dazzling flash and turned into a powder that floated like fireflies.

And the fire on the right is like a spinning top, rolling rapidly in the air at a 360-degree posture.

His body was instantly shot dozens of nautical miles, and crashed into the sea, splashing a hundred-meter-high water column.

With just a wave of his right hand, Roy knocked down all the mysteries accumulated by the Roman Orthodox Church, a church with a history of two thousand years.

Regardless of....

It's magic that's increased by a factor of two billion, no matter what...

It is the fleet that is enough to destroy the city and the country, or the right seat of God itself, which is vulnerable under Roy's right hand.

Because his right hand, that is, all the miracles of cross religion, is the majesty and mercy of God!

Chapter 219 You should be standing on my right!


The fire on the right crawled out of the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean.

His body slowly lifted into the sky and came to the top of the sea level, and his mouth was... spit out the salty sea water.

At this time, the fire on the right was extremely pale, bright red liquid was flowing from the corners of his mouth, and even his nostrils were dripping blood uncontrollably.

The clothes on his body were torn and shattered, looking like a sloppy beggar's outfit, and his... red short ear-length hair was also distorted after being burned.

The most tragic thing is his right hand.

His own right hand had been folded back from behind the elbow: overturned, the severe pain made his forehead sweat.

And the third hand on his right shoulder was even more sluggish, and the mosaic flickered, as if it might be extinguished at any time, causing him to lose this miraculous wrist.

"How is this...why is this!"

Right Fang Zhihuo had a frightened look on his face, and the scene just now made him extremely horrified.

The power of the fire on the right side has never been "original sin", so it has no original sin, so it is called the right seat of God.

But the fire on the right was born strong and possessed the power to save the world. It can be said that he is a greater existence than the saints of the Crusades to some extent.

He is a prophet and a righteous man! The Roman Orthodox art to eliminate original sin only allows him to make this right hand appear, and to exert part of the power that belonged to him from birth.

But just like a computer, no matter how powerful the hardware is, it needs the cooperation of software.

The fire on the right was born with the 'power to save the world', but he himself was unable to exert this power.

It's like his own power has been sealed.

For this, he needed Index's 13,000, the knowledge of the book of magic, to mobilize the ability of his right hand.

He needs Fantasy Killer as a medium of output, so that the power of his right hand can be used perfectly.

He needs the malice of the whole world to push the power of this right hand to its limit.

As long as these three three conditions are met, the fire on the right thinks that it can save the world.

The reason why he came to Academy City this time was for the catalogue of forbidden magic books.

But he never thought that he would see another right hand here.

A majestic one, like the holiness of the Lord, like the sublime of the endless starry sky.

Compared with Roy's right hand, his right hand is like Yinghuo and Haoyue fighting for glory, and there is no comparison between the two at all.

And what frightened the fire on the right the most was that his power would flow to Roy's right hand.

It was as if his so-called power to save the world was just the outflow of Roy's right hand in this world.

If you want to describe it, then Roy's right hand is... the brilliant sun that illuminates thousands of universes.

And the hand of the fire on the right is just the shadow of the big sun, the shadow of Roy's hand.

Therefore, his right hand will move with Roy's hand, and his power will flow towards Roy's right hand.

But the fire on the right, this arrogant man will never admit it.

but the shadow of others.

"It must be the reason why I didn't fully exert my power... That's right, it must be so! Because the only one who can save this world is Ben!"

"...Otherwise, why was Uncle Ben born in this world, and why should Uncle Ben be born with such power."

"This is...that is...the will of the Lord!"

He didn't believe in God himself, but only believed in the fire on his right side. After seeing Roy's right hand, he was already shaken and turned into a believer in a trance.

Even Right Fire didn't notice the change in his spirit and will.

"The spiritual equipment in that person's hand is temporarily unavailable, but it doesn't matter, there should be another spiritual equipment in the hands of the British royal family."

"...As long as this uncle gets that... spiritual item, he can gain knowledge of the catalog of forbidden books, and he can use the power of this right hand!"

"When the time comes, my uncle will definitely be able to... definitely be able to..."

The fire of the right side works hard to hypnotize himself, giving himself courage.

Let yourself believe that as long as he has the knowledge of the forbidden book catalog and can use the power of his right hand, he will definitely be able to defeat Roy.

But the fire on the right side is so unconfident, his confidence has long been shaken, after seeing Roy's holy right side, he is already desperate.

Maybe...that man is the real savior, the real Son of God.

But in that case, who am I, and what is the meaning of my birth? Under the philosophical and exhausted thinking, the fire on the right, holding a heavy body, started to move at a speed of tens of kilometers per second on the horizontal plane.

He is still unwilling, and wants to obtain the spiritual equipment of the British royal family to prove his ability!...Academy City's seventh school district, Roy's "Holy Right" connects the sky and the earth like this , The panic and pressure made everyone present tense, and they couldn't even breathe.

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