Index herself is very cute, and with her nun clothes, she looks like a quiet princess at this time.

"What I have always criticized is... religious clothing. Although some clothing can give people a sense of majesty, there are also some clothing that always hide people's beauty."

"...For example, this little nun, who was so cute, was completely ruined by this turban."

Roy threw the turban in his hand, just... shook his head and sighed.

"As priests, our bodies need to exist in order to communicate with God."

"...Appearance beauty has no meaning, true beauty is in conformity with the teachings of the Lord and in the purity of the soul."

"Index is... such a person with a pure soul, she no longer needs appearances to bloom her beauty."

Hearing Roy's words, Kanzaki Kaori subconsciously retorted.

With a smile in Roy's eyes, he stared at the female saint in front of him, and said with a chuckle, "...It's unbelievable that these words came out of your mouth."

"If the beauty of your appearance is not important, why do you wear such a color, it is to seduce men"

"...I still feel that my lower abdomen is flat and has no fat, or I am proud of my slender thighs, so as to show my good figure"

Roy's slightly teasing words made Kanzaki Kaori utterly ashamed and angry, and she said angrily: "...These are all requirements of the spell, you can't not know this!"

Roy spread his hands noncommittally, shook his head and said, "Well, the Amakusa-style cross sect is indeed the use of the technique in daily behavior, style and clothing."

"...After all, in order to avoid the pursuit of the authorities, you have been hiding in the market for hundreds of years."

"I also know the founder of your sect, Toshiro Amakusa, who has worked for me for decades."

"...I have a thorough understanding of...the teachings of your sect."

"Although that is not the Amakusa Shirou of this world, but he is the same person after all."

Back then, the "Shimabara Rebellion" greatly shocked and threatened the shogunate's rule.

Coupled with the influence of indigenous Buddhism in the island country, since then, Cross religion has been attacked in this land, and the shogunate has also implemented a policy of seclusion and isolation.

The sect of the cross, founded by Toshiro Amakusa, is... living in such a background and struggling to survive.

As the female pope of this sect, many of the spells that Kanzaki Kaori knows are all related to daily behavior.

It was also because of the difficulties of this sect that she joined Puritanism as a thug to seek asylum.

Hearing Roy's words, Kanzaki Kaori wrinkled, not knowing what Roy was talking about.

After all, Amakusa Shiro was a character from hundreds of years ago, and as for the words, he couldn't understand it.

Naturally, Roy would not give a detailed explanation to Kanzaki Kaori.

He just looked at the saint with a playful look and said, "...Since your body exists to communicate with God, then protect it."

"...after all, God loves pure children, doesn't he?"

Roy laughed, Kanzaki Kaori was not stupid, how could he not hear the ridicule in Roy's words.

He completely regards himself as a god, and regards Kanzaki Kaori as a priest who serves God.

"The Blasphemer!"

The female saint glared at Roy with gritted teeth and cursed in a low voice, but in the face of this blasphemer, she, the female saint, was helpless.

"The British Puritans put a collar on her in order to control the list of forbidden books, so that this little nun needs to clear her memory every year."

"...You treat this child as your friend. I can help you break this spell."

"If Laura asks, you say I did it, and she won't blame you."

"...So, are you willing to get such a result? It's just that equivalent exchange is the most basic principle in this world. What price do you have to pay to save your friend?"

Roy smiled and looked at the female saint in front of him. He walked slowly to her, looking down at Kanzaki Kaori's cold and beautiful young girl's face.

"You...what do you want me to do"

When Kanzaki Kaori heard Roy's words, she first looked happy, and then... became nervous.

"Let's talk about it first, if it's against morality, if it's against the teachings, I won't do it."

She said stumblingly, trying to find a way to set a limit.

"Does this little nun only have such a position in your eyes? It seems that your relationship is not as good as I imagined."

"...If you are really good friends, in order to save her, shouldn't you say that you are willing to do anything!"

"Your magical name is wailing, saintess! This is 'helping the unsaved'"

Roy said with a sneer.

His words were like nails, ferociously pierced into Kanzaki Kaori's heart, piercing her heart with many holes, shaking the saint's firm spirit.

Although this is the easiest way to provoke, but Kanzaki Kaori found that he knew this but couldn't find the words and reasons to resist.

"You... what do you need me to do, tell me quickly! Don't bully me here, in order to save Index, no matter what...

Whatever it is, I am willing to do it!"

Kanzaki Kaori gritted his teeth and shouted in self-sacrificing.

Roy's words were almost denying the meaning of her life. When her magic name was denied, she could no longer even be called a magician.

"That's right, female saint... You should learn from the Son of God. In order to redeem everyone in this world, you are willing to sacrifice yourself to the world at the price of death."

"...I won't ask you anything too outrageous, why don't we play a role-playing game."

"How about you play the fallen angel?"

Kanzaki Kaori was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't believe it. This request is too simple, isn't it? Just play a fallen angel Kaori reacted, and Stiyl over there had already shouted loudly: "...Big sister, promise him!"

"...It's just such a trivial matter. Promise him that you will satisfy this bastard's bad taste!"

Stiyl, who had a crush on Index, did not hesitate to... sell her big sister's head.

Isn't it just to play a fallen angel, what's the big deal, anyway... it's not for him to wear women's clothes, even if he wears women's clothes, Index Steele will recognize it! Tyr glanced at him, this **** sold himself too fast.

However, she did not deny Roy's request, but said solemnly: "...if you can save Index so that she no longer has to obey such a pitiful fate, I will agree to your request. now!"

After speaking, Kanzaki Kaori felt relieved for a while, but also a little nervous, always feeling as if he had been fooled.

"Very well, I have heard your promise. I can pay first, and your promise, let's delay it first."

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