"...I will help you build a 'gun:' now, and you will protect me from now on. Isn't that what we are like? You have me, and I have your relationship."

"We are the "understanders" of each other!"

Roy smiled and stretched out his hand, holding the cold and petite jade hand of the one-eyed demon beside him.

Othinus bit his lips lightly, and there was a pink shyness on his white face.

"Hmph, human, you are so outrageous! Then give me a good job and help me build the 'gun, and after this—"

"...I will protect you, give you the protection of the gods, give you the glory and pride of the gods, and swear in the name of my Othinus!"

The one-eyed demon said firmly.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 205 You stole Michael's power

In Academy City, a tragic war is still going on.

Mercenaries from the Roman Orthodox Church and private soldiers trained by the Roman Orthodox Church gathered together.

Most of the 30,000 people attacked from all directions of Academy City.

There are not many guards in Academy City, and their tasks are more like the police in normal times, and only some of the guards have the status of soldiers.

After all, Academy City is just a city, not a country.

On the bright side, he did not dare to let his army be too numerous, so as to make other great powers jealous, and even give an excuse to attack.

Even those...unmanned weapons in Academy City are mostly hidden, and only a few are sold to the outside world.

Where is only a thousand guards nearly as high as: the opponent of an army of 30,000 people.

Especially these... The soldiers of the Roman Orthodox Church are all experienced in combat, and the outer areas of Academy City were invaded almost in the blink of an eye.

The core area of ​​Academy City was closely guarded by these thousands of guards.

The weapons of these guards are all conventional weapons that are very common in the outside world, and they do not have the high-tech weapons that Academy City has studied, so it is very difficult to defend.



Tracer bullets and the roar of individual weapons exploded in different areas of Academy City, attacking the defense facilities of the guards.

"Everyone hold on, our reinforcements will be here soon!"

Huang Quanchuan Aisui gritted his teeth and roared, and shot fiercely with the enemy across the street.


When a gunshot rang out, a teammate beside Huang Quanchuan Aisui was shot in the head. She was shocked, and she quickly retracted the trench and shouted: "... Be careful, there are snipers!"

Huang Quanchuan Aisui warned his comrades.

This... high school physical education teacher, a detachment leader of the Central Guard Executive Office, was covered in dirt, his face was full of dust, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was fighting the enemy with all his might.

She didn't know where these enemies came from or why they invaded Academy City.

But Huang Quanchuan Aisui, who swore to protect the city, would never take a step back, even if he sacrificed his life, and would definitely defend the front.

She knows about those in Academy City...the weapons of war have been approved by the chairman of the board to activate.

As long as these weapons are used in the war, when fighting in the streets, this mere 30,000 troops can never be the opponents of those... unmanned weapons.

However, Academy City's weapons have too many protective measures, and it takes a certain amount of time to activate them.

During this time, they must hold their ground.

Just as Huang Quanchuan Aisui observed the sniper's position through the narrow gap, she suddenly saw a strangely dressed woman walking on the road.

The woman was wearing a pure yellow Victorian gown.

The cheeks, the nose, the ears are full of strange steel studs.

Like those...heavy metal band musicians, and like those...punk girls.

In short, after seeing this woman's dress, it is easy to make normal people feel bad about her.

In particular, the other party's smile is also very distorted and disgusting, and the other party looks like... an enemy, immediately Huang Quanchuan Aisui is... hostile to her.

This thought had just occurred, and the next moment Huang Quanchuan Aisui was... Feeling that her brain was dizzy, she passed out completely uncontrollably.

At the same time, because of the development of modern technology, many people saw this woman through the monitor.

And all the people who saw this woman, as long as they had a bad feeling for her in their hearts, they were hostile to her.

Either you lose your consciousness, or you can't control your body, or you even lose your breathing ability, and you all lose your mobility.

This is the spell that exists in front of the right seat of the gods, "Divine Retribution"! As long as the spell is activated, anyone who is hostile to her will have self-control.

Until the wind in front ends, the enemy will become a doll without any threat.

"Hahaha...hahahahaha!! This is the weakness of science. Usually, I have to launch the 『Sacred Retribution Technique』, and I need to face others face to face.”

"...but with those so-called video monitors, I can use these things to cast spells on anyone who sees me!"

The wind in front said with a loud laugh, his tone was full of pleasure, full of pleasure in revenge for science.

There is no need to launch any attacks at all, as long as she stands on the battlefield, the enemy will lose all resistance.

As long as she appeared in Academy City, the entire Academy City would be paralyzed.

This is the angelic art of the right seat of God! When the wind in front was laughing, a man's low voice suddenly came from above it, "...Be careful, the wind in front!"

A crisp slashing sound came, followed by... the harsh sound of steel being cut.

Just above the wind in front of me, I don't know when a steel cast mecha appeared, and now this mecha has been cut in two.

The one who slashed this slash was the water behind carrying a long sword that was bigger than his body.

"Um...what's going on, why are these things still moving?"

The wind in front, who doesn't know much about science, saw these... Unmanned weapons, that is... asked in amazement.

The water in the rear was sullen, he looked at the surrounding Academy City guards who had long since passed out, and said solemnly: "...This should be some kind of weapon on the science side."

"...It's like a puppet that can move freely by weaving some spells in magic."

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