The Great Demon, which symbolizes '33', does not exist in the Bible, and the Roman Orthodox Church turned it into a spell because it discovered the power of the number '33'.

Because the power of '33' comes from the tree of life, the Roman Orthodox Church mistaken it for the power of angels.

There are billions of angels in heaven, so it is normal to use their names, as long as the power of angels can be borrowed.

Therefore, the Roman Orthodox Church does not know that the so-called 33' is actually a demon located on the tree of life. They have used the power of... demons from the beginning.

St. George's Cathedral, the British Puritan, was as amazed as the Roman Orthodox Pope, as well as the Supreme Bishop of the Puritan Laura.


This...has more than 2.

The beautiful girl with 5 times the golden hair, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she felt that part of her power was separated, and then it was borrowed by others to turn it into an attacking art.

"Who is borrowing my power is Roy or Aleister"

Laura bit her moist lips, the big devil itself is a kind of symbolic spirit, an existence belonging to the 'Temple Leader', naturally mortals can communicate with her through psychics and borrow her power.

This is something that Lola herself can't stop, and it's actually a different kind of 'idolatry'.

There are not many people in this world who know that the number '33' is actually a devil, not an angel, but there are always a few.

For example, Aleister, Mathers is...the people who know this secret, so they are the ones who tried to summon the great demon.

In fact, the first time Coronzon had contact with reality was five hundred years ago.

The two genius magicians at that time saw the mystery hidden behind it from the Book of Enoch, and discovered the magic of Enoch. They used the power of angels to exercise the mystery through psychic angels.

At that time, Coronzon pretended to be 'Raphael' and responded to the call of the two magicians, but in the end, the two magicians saw the clue and beat her back to the tree of life.

It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that Mathers found the "Magic Book" written by the two magicians, and discovered Coronzon's secret from it.

Coincidentally, one of the people who summoned Coronzon 500 years ago was named Edward.

Crowley, the name, really implies an unknown destiny.

Laura is not worried about his power being borrowed, because it is already one of magic, but he is worried about whether anyone has seen Laura, the Supreme Bishop of Puritanism.

Stuart, is... the big devil on the tree of life.

Before all preparations have been completed, before she is freed, if her true identity is revealed, she will be attacked by a group and beat her back to the tree of life.

After finally having a body, she can appear in the material world, and thus have the opportunity to complete the essence of diffusion. Laura is reluctant to leave like this.

"I hope my true identity has not been discovered, Aleister.

Crowley, where the **** are you..."


Stuart was pacing on the ground,,, in fact, she was 90% sure that Aleister, the chairman of Academy City, was... that magician Aleister.

But no matter how high the probability is, as long as it is not 100%, Laura will not dare to act rashly.

Because it only has one chance, and if it fails, all previous efforts will be forfeited.

... After destroying the Gregorian Choir with the power of the great demon, and giving the Roman Orthodox Church a dismount, Roy looked at the thirteen Templars around him again.

With a wave of his hand, the forty-nine angels who were summoned were... swarming up.

These angels are no longer imaginary bodies of so-called power, but are given real angelic personalities and names by Rainor magic, and they are already angels on the tree of life in terms of personalities.

The only disadvantage is... these angels are only in the state of spirit, and their influence on the material world is very low, but this does not prevent these angels from exercising Enochian magic within their own authority.

The power of the "Secret of the Seven Kingdoms" is still there: in the blink of an eye, the thirteen Templars were slaughtered by the angels under the angry gaze and the roar of the blasphemers who would surely enter the Hellfire. exhausted.

With the disappearance of the magic circle, the angels also returned to the sky.

Roy has completed the greatest act of blasphemy, and at the same time completed the identification and symbolization of God, that is, giving angels their real names and personalities, and manipulating the position and order of the tree of life.

'Very good, all the preparations are completed, now as long as you go to Britain, you can use the big devil to cross the abyss!''... But before that, I have to remake the gun for Othinus: Rebuild Come out and let it restore the power of the Demon God, so that you can be foolproof!' Come to think of it, the man who was supposed to be the Demon God should have also entered Academy City.

But with that man's power, if he wanted to hide, even Othinus wouldn't be able to find it.

Roy glanced at Index floating in front of him, and the corner of his mouth twitched... slightly.

Then I will lure you out with the magical forbidden book catalogue, you will definitely think that the knowledge in the forbidden book catalogue is the important raw material for making Gun:.

But in fact, the real raw materials have already been captured by me. For you, it's just a little kid's play, so you don't care at all.

Roy's eyes are deep, and he is strategizing. Everything is invisible under his wisdom, and everything is under his control.

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Chapter 200 Half-step Demon God

A blond young man wearing an aqua blue shirt and a beige vest is walking in Academy City.

He was tall and had a strange gloom in his face.

In those sympathetic eyes, there is reluctance and disappointment, as if feeling grief and anger towards the whole world and the whole life.

Orells, the man who was supposed to be the devil.

After learning about the conspiracy of Othinus and Gremlin, he also sneaked into Academy City secretly, trying to stop Othinus from creating the 'Gun:'.

Behind Orells, there was a sturdy woman who looked a bit like a Slav.

Its name is Sylvia, she is the maid of the British royal family, and she is also one of the less than twenty saints in the world'.

"Ah, Sylvia, can you not get so close to me, it will scare me a lot."

Looking at the saintess who followed him closely and kept staring at him, as if she was afraid that she would do something inappropriate, Orells just... said helplessly.

"If I don't stare at you, I'm afraid you'll go around like a wild horse and be your bad guy."

"...The current situation between the Roman Orthodox Church and Academy City is a war, do you understand that this is no longer something you can stop alone!"

Sylvia was not angry, she admired and respected Orells' character like a good person, and would lend a helping hand to anyone who asked for help.

But at the same time, his character will bring a lot of troubles.

As his partner in both public and private, sometimes Sylvia has to do her part to stop this man from doing something stupid.

Although Orells is extremely paranoid, he can even kill an army of millions in order to save a child.

But when facing Sylvia, he had nothing to do, and he would do whatever the other party said.

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