"Since Indy, who is a human, is infested by her own memory, it is enough to turn Index into a non-human... For this reason, I found the descendants of the legendary Cain, those who ......Vampires, as long as Index can be turned into a vampire with an infinite lifespan, she will surely be free from this sad fate!"

Isard opened his arms and shouted excitedly.

"You want Index to become a vampire"

In an instant, Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl's expressions changed greatly, and they were extremely angry.

As believers, they naturally hated heretics like vampires from the bottom of their hearts, and Index was an extremely devout believer.

If she knew that she had become a vampire, even if she really didn't need to erase her memory in the future, she would not be happy, and she would even do everything possible to commit suicide.

Index's beliefs do not allow herself to become a heretic! And what Isard did is to murder Index at all.

Besides, Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl also know from Roy that the reason why Index needs to clear her memory every year is not because of Index at all, but because of Lola.

Stuart's hands and feet! And now that they know that this is related to the Supreme Bishop, then they have other ways to solve Index's problem.

The two wanted to explain to Isard, but obviously this... alchemist didn't listen to anything at this time, he was just immersed in the joy that he had found a way to save Index, and was immersed in the joy of himself .

"I'm here, Index! I'm here to save you!"

Isard continued to shout at Index, but he soon realized that something was wrong, and Index ignored him.

It was definitely not because of the loss of memory, Isard only realized at this time that there was a problem with Index's state.

"Index was manipulated by the magician who coveted the 103,000, the book of magic books in her mind."

This... alchemist is extremely knowledgeable about magic, otherwise he would not have been the secret recorder of the Roman Orthodox Church in the past, with the power to extract the original text of magic.

He quickly looked at Roy, and at the one on Roy's left hand... 'The prayer wheel.

Although Isard didn't know the existence of the 'automatic scribe', he could see at a glance that it was this thing that was manipulating Index.

"You dirty bastard, get out of Index's side!"

He scolded Roy angrily, then turned around suddenly, and whispered resentment: "...Damn, those **** are still chasing me, it's too late!"

Quickly, Isard made up his mind, he waved his hand vigorously, and under his feet... an alchemy formation appeared.

In an instant, the ground between Roy and him boiled and turned into golden water, and the whole earth became soft. These... The golden water is like magma , rolling endlessly, dragging Roy into the huge furnace.

Refining other substances into gold is where the name of alchemy comes from.

And gold has proved in modern science that it is not the product of the earth, but comes from the mysterious universe.

The earth cannot produce gold, it is an element that can only be born when the stars die. It can be called the death song of the stars.

Therefore, gold has an extremely powerful mystery, which represents the power of the destruction of countless stars in the boundless universe, and also represents the new life of all things! If it was just pure gold, alchemists would not do this at all. Pursue.

"Ha, you little nun is really popular. There are so many people who will jump out to protect you. What's so good about you? You are so eye-catching."

Roy looked at Index floating in the air in front of him, just... laughing dumbly.

This is the heroine who is loved by the world, although in Roy's view, Index's attraction to him is definitely the bottom of all the women she meets.

But this 'Magic Forbidden Book Catalog' did attract other people's care and love for her.

Roy stretched out his left hand, and the... prayer wheel just... spun.

At the same time, the spiritual outfit of the catalog of forbidden magical books also said: "...According to the analysis of one hundred and three thousand books of magic, the other party's technique is the "instant alchemy" of the Zurich alchemy school, Mandatory chant now!"

The catalog of forbidden books opened her mouth, and a sacred voice like a choir poured out from her throat. With this sacred song chanting, Isard's "Instant Alchemy" technique was just... cracked, The ground beneath his feet returned to its original appearance.

This is how to use the Magical Forbidden Book Catalog, as long as it is properly manipulated, any spell will not work in front of it.

Even if all the members of the Golden Dawn were resurrected, they would not be able to use their magic in front of Index.

Because the spells of the Golden Dawn and the original book of magic have long been recorded by Index! To say that the only magic book in the Golden Dawn that escaped her record is only Aleister's "Totter Tarot" "Book"! Of course, the premise of all this is to use it properly. If the person who uses the magic forbidden book catalog is not capable enough, it is not impossible to be defeated by magic. Please download Feilu Xiao.

Chapter 196 The Miracle of the Son of God

The technique of "Instant Tempering" was broken, and Isard was quite astonished.

Alchemists who have worked with Index for a while know that Index has the ability to suppress enemy magic by singing.

It's just that when Index is used by herself, the effect of forced chant is not so strong, and Index herself needs a period of brewing to bring this effect into play.

But under Roy's control, the magical power of the magical forbidden book catalog was used to its true level, almost completely controlling all the magic recorded in the library.

It can be said that the ability of the Magical Forbidden Book Catalogue is... a prototype control of magic! "Bastard **** bastard... I thought I only needed to take Index away, and then attract vampires to come and turn her into a vampire. That's it..."

"...Why did those people from the Roman Orthodox Church suddenly launch a general attack on Academy City, which ruined all my plans to sneak into Academy City."

Isard's expression was a little anxious, and he looked back from time to time, as if to observe whether those chasing troops were coming.

He knew that he didn't have much time, and he didn't have time to argue and confront Roy here. He came here only to save Index, and the other Isards didn't care.

As a former Roman Orthodox secret secretary, Isard clearly knew the details of the Roman Orthodox Church, as well as the energy and power possessed by the world's largest religion.

Even if he completed a theoretical great magic formula in order to save Index, he knew that it was absolutely impossible to face those spiritual items hidden in the Roman Orthodox Church... opponent.

"It doesn't matter, it must be resolved quickly! Index, please wait a moment, I will come to rescue you, free you from the hands of that magician, and free you from that tragic fate!"

Isard's heart was ruthless, and suddenly he took out a steel needle as thin as hair, stabbed it into his neck, and shouted: "...Order, this person will be shelled. And die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Roy's ears... heard the sound of cannonballs, but no real cannonballs appeared in all directions.


In the next moment, Roy was in front of... There was a violent explosion of explosives, the fire splashed, and the shock wave oscillated, as if a 1 mortar shell really exploded here.

It's just that Roy is protected by the 'St. George's Domain' in all directions, and it is naturally impossible for a single shell to break this defense.

"Exploration, this is the "Golden Evolution" in alchemy, which can change reality according to the operator's thoughts. manipulation..."

"..."Golden Evolution Technique" requires the caster to sing one or two hundred years to complete the activation of the technique. In theory, humans with limited lifespans cannot use it. The way the opponent uses this technique is unknown for the time being."

A magic circle appeared again in Index's eyes, and in an instant, she analyzed the spell in front of her through her knowledge search.

"'Golden Evolution Technique' is interesting..."

Roy looked at the alchemist in front of him with interest, and said thoughtfully: "...this guy really has fantastic ideas, this should be a big magic ceremony, let the caster in The imagination will be realized within a specific range.”

"...He should have implanted this magic ritual into his body, so that he can use this technique after leaving the ceremony venue. Looking at this, this ability is really like It is the "inherent enchantment"."

With Roy's knowledge and wisdom, even without Index's search, he can see through the opponent's spell composition in the shortest time.

Isard uses this alchemy.

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