The ground on the left revealed fervent hatred, his eyes were bloodshot, and his fists were clenched, hating the golden hand.

The wind in the front and the water in the back are all inevitable. One of them hates the city, and the other has no real purpose at all. The two are not particularly devout believers in essence, and everything they do is for personal gain.

On the contrary, the left side of the land gives people the feeling of a fanatical believer in his usual performance. For example, in order to develop his own spell, the people he secretly killed were all unbelievers, but faced the devout. He was very kind.

"Then the Blasphemer will be handed over to you, and I will paralyze all defenses of this city with the wind ahead."

The water in the back nodded, carrying the giant sword behind him...walking into the depths of Academy City, while the wind in the front followed behind the water without saying a word.

Neither of them likes the left side very much, and they rarely communicate even when they meet him in normal times.

When the wind in the front and the water in the back are far away, the land on the left is the one who restrained his expression and laughed: "...Hmph, two idiots who only know how to use brute force, the reason why you can To be the right seat of God is just to meet the requirements of the spell to eliminate the original sin."

"You haven't discovered the secret between that right hand and that dragon head at all!"

"...Ah, it's really beautiful, with such splendor and splendor, I didn't expect Shenjing to seek the devil here, and that right hand, even the right fire can't compare with it."

"No, to say that it is comparable to the fire on the right is a bit high. His right hand is compared with the sacred one in front of him, it is simply... Yinghuo and Haoyue compete for brilliance, it is the one who can only hide under the sun A dark shadow in the corner."

The land on the left opened his arms and let out an aria-like exclamation.

If, if I can get the power of the gods to purify the devil, and if I can get the mystery of the holy hand, then I... think of this, the place on the left is... moving.

But he is not a fool, his reason is still there, knowing that he doesn't care...

Whether it is facing Shenjing's demon or that incredible right hand, he is not an opponent at all.

If he rushed into the opponent's battlefield like this, it would be equivalent to suicide, so he had to think long-term.

Thinking like this, the land on the left took a step and walked slowly towards the place where Roy and Kamijou Touma fought.

... the flash of light like a solar flare erupted again, and the incomprehensible, incomprehensible, and even unimaginable force struck again.

Kamijou Toang Mahjong's right hand was in front of him, but just like before, his body was like a stone thrown out, and the whole body was blown away again.

Boom——"Ao Ao Ao————"

Under the eruption of the flare, a dragon head in the right hand turned into powder in a whimper.


"What the **** is that right hand..."

Shaking, Kamijou Touma's rag-like body crawled out of the rubble again.

The blood on his forehead slowly flowed down, causing him to close his right eye, the retina was already filled with bright red, and the whole world seemed to turn blood red.

He didn't know how he got up. For a normal person, such an injury should have caused his brain to faint long ago.

But Kamijou Touma relied on his tenacious will to overcome the mechanism of his brain's coma. Even though his brain was so numb that he couldn't think, his body's instinct was still: to resist.

No, this is not resistance, this is for salvation! As long as the unsung hero still breathes, he will never give up.

Once upon a time, in order to help others, Kamijou Touma had fought with many capable people, and every capable person who fought with him was amazed by the mysterious power of his right hand. This is why he left behind in Academy City that can be eliminated. The right hand of all powers is an urban legend.

But I didn't expect that one day, Kamijou Touma would also need to amaze another person's right hand, shocked by the incredible power, bewildered, and even feel a powerless fear .

"But, it's not over yet... my body can still move, so it's not over!!"

"Ah ah ah, Mr. Roy, come again ------"

With the last strength in his body, Kamijou Touma swung his right hand vigorously again, and the giant dragon with only four dragon heads roared again and strangled to where Roy was.


The terrifying dragon roar shattered all the glass of the building within a radius of one kilometer, and even the shock wave brought by the sound caused the walls of the surrounding buildings to crack.

One dragon head is from the top, one is from the left, the other is from the right, and the last one is from behind. The sharp teeth in his mouth seemed to bite him completely.

Facing this scene, Roy just tilted his head, his "Holy Right" was...with a light wave.


With Roy as the center, a terrifying hurricane that cannot be measured or described by humans was produced. This hurricane connected the sky and the earth like a tornado, and the golden brilliance instantly shone throughout the entire Academy City.

It was like the rising sun, which once again shone this darkened city under the warm sunlight.

Just as the four dragon heads approached Roy, they encountered a wall of golden storms that could not be broken through, and the evil dragon immediately.

Losing control of his body, he was ejected from the spot at a faster speed than the impact.


The dragon heads slammed into the tall buildings in all directions, and every building made of reinforced concrete was smashed by these... The dragons smashed into pieces, leaving a bleak ruin .

Bricks, steel bars, shards of glass, broken furniture and office supplies fell from the sky like a rain of garbage.

In an instant, all high-rise buildings within two thousand meters were turned into ruins.

Kamijou Touma, who struck again with no effect, finally knelt on the ground a little unable to hold on, blood dripping on the dirty ground full of mud under his feet.

Only then did he realize that Roy hadn't even moved his footsteps from start to finish.

He just stood on the spot, as long as the five fingers of that incredible right hand were slightly opened, Kamijou Touma would be seriously injured.

And even if he tried his best to attack, he just waved his right hand lightly, and all the attacks would be invisible.

It was a blow that seemed to transcend time, space, cause and effect, fate, speed, power, etc... concepts, and did not belong to this world or this level.

His right hand seemed to be holding victory, and as long as it danced gently, the miracle of victory would come! It was the real right hand of God! Roy suddenly opened his left hand, on the palm of his hand A spiritual outfit that manipulates the catalog of forbidden books has appeared.

Immediately, a finger of his "Holy Right" waved at Index, and all the backhands that Lola might have left were all ashes.

At the same time, the spiritual outfit like a prayer wheel began to operate! "Just give me all your knowledge of the 103,000 books, the forbidden book catalog!"

Roy's sacred, indifferent, and magnificent voice sounded slowly.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 193 The Puritan's strongest spiritual outfit is activated!

As Roy took out the remote control spiritual equipment belonging to the Puritan sect' and activated it, Index, who was crying and praying on the ground, suddenly trembled slightly.

Immediately, this devout nun lost her sense of self, her eyes that were filled with various emotions gradually dimmed, revealing nothingness.

The nun wearing the 'Mobile Church', her petite body seemed to sense the call of God, she was slowly but firmly floating from kneeling on the ground.

And in those eyes that gradually lost their will, a reddish brilliance also flashed.

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