It is magnificent, holy, vast, solemn and majestic, especially Roy's expressionless face, if he sees God, that divine aura, as if he is... the Son of God bound on the cross, the one with the highest The gods cannot be... Divide the only.

That is righteous, holy, and supreme enough for the followers of the Cross to bow down and salute.

Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl were stunned when faced with such a Roy, and for a while they didn't even know what to do.

It's just that when Roy said let Kamijou be the mahjong Index to him, no matter what...

Whether it was Stiyl or Kanzaki Kaori, they both showed hostility.

Although the supreme bishop once told them that if they met this… Mathers in Academy City in this island country, they would obey his orders and commands.

But when the matter involved Index, Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl discovered that they could even disobey the supreme bishop's orders for Index's sake.

They would never have followed Mathers' orders and really handed Index to him.

This man who is suspected to be golden is too dangerous! Kamijou Touma is also a little confused at this time. This is the first time he has seen Roy dressed like this, and it is different from the one he usually sees... He has a mild personality and always wears With a hearty smile, Mr. Roy who gave Kamijou Touma a sense of justice was completely different.

The current Roy in Kamijou Touma's eyes even made him tremble inexplicably, feeling that he was not a person at all, that was too indifferent, as if looking down at everything, making Kamijou Touma's heart tremble.

He is like a god, like an existence far superior to human beings, who is laughing at the lowliness and cowardice of human beings.

But why did those two call Mr. Roy Mathers? After hesitating for a while, Kamijou listened to Roy's words and didn't touch the nun who fell to the ground with his right hand.

Regardless of....

How, just from the perspective of past behavior, Mr. Roy should be right, and he can't do those things that he didn't do because of the external changes of the other party, because of his strange feelings... Kind deeds .

For a time, the three parties were deadlocked in place.

Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl didn't dare to move, Kamijou Touma, who was closest to Index, didn't know what was going on, and Roy, who was standing on the roof of the apartment building, was the most calm, as if everything was under his control. mastery.


The little nun who was lying on the ground reluctantly got up from the ground at this time, she patted the nun clothes on her body with her hand, and said seriously to Kamijou Touma: "...My name is 'Magic Forbidden Book Catalog' , Affiliated to the British Puritan Church, this gentleman, I can perceive that you are an ordinary person, and I can perceive your kindness to me, and I am very grateful for your desire to help me."

"But this... sir, please get out of here, the faster you run, the better! That... over there... the priest who looks like a delinquent boy, and that... the woman dressed as a debauchee has been chasing and killing me for a long time."

"...I don't know which magical association they belong to, but I have all gone to Academy City, and they still haven't let me go, and now an unknown new magician has appeared, he I'm afraid it's also for the '103,000, the book of magic' in my mind!"

The nun with long silver hair looked very serious at this time. Compared with Roy and Kanzaki Kaori's endlessly flowing magical powers, Kamijou Touma, an ordinary person, obviously gained her more trust.

At this time, the kind-hearted nun advised Kamijou Touma to leave quickly, for fear that for a while... the war that took place here would hurt him.

Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori, who were called bad boys by Index, and dissolutely dressed up, both had unsightly expressions, and at the same time a faint sadness rose in their hearts.

Index has forgotten us, but it's not her fault.

Instead, Index's words aroused their determination to protect her and bring her back to Puritanism.

"Wait, wait a minute! What a strange name Index is, and what is a magician? Are you saying that Mr. Roy over there is a magician? Although the superpower does look like magic, but that is It's definitely not magic if it's based on science and principles!"

Not only did Index's inexplicable words prevent Kamijou Touma from running away.

On the contrary, the words she said...the words that she was being hunted down, the sad tone and the worry about Kamijou Touma's safety made this high school boy like a bad guy feel a sense of thought. to protect her heart.

He wanted to save others, even if it was beyond his ability, Kamijou Touma would not be deterred by it.

There is no need for benefits, no purpose, no interests, and no need for those reasons, do you need reasons to save others? "You mean that... the man who stood on the roof and exuded the breath of the Christian religion? Although I don't understand what you mean. Ability is something, but the knowledge in my head tells me that he is definitely a magician."

"...Only from the temperament and magic power fluctuations emanating from his body, the power of his magic does not even belong to the human world. It is a technique that only angels can use."

"He is probably a killer from the Roman Orthodox Church or a Russian Orthodox Church, and he must be the kind of... the most terrible secret weapon, the purpose is to get the magic book in my mind!"

"...Even if I'm wearing the 'Mobile Church', I don't think I can escape the clutches this time. Oh, this... kind gentleman, don't stand still here, hurry up, if I really If you can get away with it, can you treat me to a meal, I'm really starving to death now!"

Index urged Kamijou Touma anxiously, but her pitiful and hungry expression made Kamijou Touma's desire to protect him even stronger.

He looked at Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl with vigilance.

Kamijou Touma instinctively regarded Roy as a good person, so the two men and women dressed in strange clothes must be the ones who were chasing Index.

"Mr. Roy, can you understand what this nun said? Can you explain it to me?"

When Kamijou Touma was wary of Kanzaki Kaori and the others, he shouted to Roy who was standing on the roof of the apartment.

"Isn't that little girl made it very clear that I am a magician, but not a magician of the Roman Orthodox Church or the Russian Orthodox Church."

Roy said in a gentle tone, his eyes moved away from Index and looked at Kamijou Touma.

"Magic, magician ha...ha... can Mr. Roy stop joking at this time, magic or something, it's too magical."

Kamijou Touma laughed twice.

"Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, do you know why I didn't let you touch the little nun's clothes with your right hand? Because that dress is... the 'mobile church' in the little nun's mouth, it protects her spirit If your right hand accidentally touches it, then this spiritual outfit will be destroyed, and the little nun will also be in danger."

Roy explained to Kamijou Touma unhurriedly. Kamijou Touma scratched his head. Although he still didn't believe in magic or something, Roy said so, and he didn't pursue it. It was a big deal. Ability is...

He just asked nervously: "... those two people are Mr. Roy who came to hunt down this girl, you must want to protect her?"

"Although saying that may make you sad, Kamijou-san, but I still want to tell you."

"...On the contrary, those two people are probably the ones who want to protect this little nun, and my purpose, as the little nun said, is to get the '103,000, the book of magic' in her mind. Book!"

The corner of Roy's mouth twitched, and he said something that made Kamijou feel terrified.

Kamijou Touma stiffened and turned around and said with a trembling smile, "...That...Mr. Roy's joke isn't funny at all."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 181: The Strongest Combat Skill of the Crusaders

"It's not a joke, Kamijou-san... Although it may make you feel a little angry and a little sad, this is the world of adults."

"...The world of adults is full of lies, and what you see is not true, what you believe, or from the very beginning... is deceiving you."

"You may have always thought that I was a good person, Kamijou-san...I would stand up for girls who were being harassed by punks, and I would adopt babies abandoned on the side of the road when I saw them. "

"...But unfortunately, all of this is false, everything you see is a false impression of deception, of course you don't need to be angry, let alone get angry, because although I am not a good person, but Not a villain either."

"If there are angels and demons in this world, then I am neither an angel nor a demon, but above all - God!"

Roy's words are magnificent and sacred, like the prayers of the gods, and they are giving the world a spirit of words. His words are holy, his words are true, and his words are truth! There is no evil or killing in those holy words. It means to soothe people's hearts as God loves the world.

Even when Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl heard Roy's words, they put down their vigilance and listened to his holy words with warmth and tenderness.

But in the next moment, Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl just... their faces changed drastically, and they felt guilty for their loss just now.

"'', which means 'I will transcend the evil of mankind'!"

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