As soon as Roy's voice fell, Yu Cai Haimei almost... shouted in a roaring way, "...Do you know what consequences this will cause?"

"Of course I know, Emperor Kakine will definitely go crazy and want to kill you."

Roy replied with a chuckle.

"You know that you want me to do this, so the so-called final task is... let me die?"

Prison Cai Haimei shouted like crazy.

Because she found that she did not have the right to refuse, Roy deeply grasped her weakness, and she had a deep affection for her sister and sister.

If it is for her sister and sister, she is really willing to sacrifice herself.

"Ha, I can't bear to let you die, Haimei-chan, you are my beloved little toy, such a beautiful and beautiful toy, how could I let you be killed like this..."

"Don't worry, someone will stop Emperor Kakine so that he can't kill you."

"...Even you don't have to worry about Emperor Kakine's revenge in the future, because his role has come to an end."

Roy's tone was extremely gentle, like a boy who was coaxing a girl in love, beguiling him.

Yu Cai Haimei's voice was still trembling: "...I hope what you said is true, ha, anyway...if you are lying to me, I can't go to you again. It's settled."

"...Since this is the last task you gave me, can you tell me what you are doing to stimulate the Emperor Kakigen so much, even if I want to die, I want to understand people."

Roy pondered for a while, then... slowly said: "...It's okay to tell you, there are only two situations in which a person will explode his unprecedented potential, and thus gain power far beyond the present. "

"...One is that when a person has the object he wants to protect and has a deep bond, in order to protect that person, he will make himself stronger..."

"The first person has already found the person he wants to protect, but unfortunately, the second person doesn't have such an idea. Otherwise, I just need to stimulate him with the people who Kakine Emperor cares about, there is no need for this at all. trouble."

"If that's the case, then I'll have to use another way."

"...When a person finds that he has been deceived and that he is being tricked by others from beginning to end, he will inevitably fall into extreme anger, and in extreme anger, people will also greatly overdraw the human body. potential, even if it's just an overdraft of irrational stupidity."

"...What I need is that Emperor Kakine can break through his own limits and ego once, so that his body can become what I need, and the current 'weiyuan matter' does not qualify as a raw material ."

Roy's words could not be fully understood by Yu Cai Haimei, but she could also understand part of it.

For example, Emperor Kakine, the second student in the city, is in Roy's heart, and his role is only as a raw material.

Prison Cai Haimei doesn't know what Roy is going to make, it may be a weapon or something else, but no matter...

What, this will only make Yu Cai Haimei more desperate.

She even took pity on Emperor Kakine, just because he had the qualification to become a raw material, he would be played with by others from beginning to end, and he didn't know it.

Who would have thought that the phrase 'Ignorance is... a blessing' was actually prepared for the second person in Academy City.

At the same time, Yu Cai Haimei knew that she couldn't escape from Roy's clutches. Even the second person in Academy City was toyed by him. In the palm of her hand, what qualifications did she have? Fight or negotiate with him.

"If you understand the task I gave you, then do it. After this task is completed, your sisters will have the right to live happily and freely in this city. This is my Roy.

Crowley's promise to you."

After speaking, Roy hung up the phone.

Then he said to the empty corridor: "...This is the base of Chaoan, lead the way."

"Yes, Mr. Crowley!"

As soon as Roy finished speaking, he saw a high school girl appeared in the empty corridor. The girl looked at Roy with fear, and there was a sense of disgust on her face that was only after motion sickness.

She hates it.

Perform a 'coordinate movement on herself, but in front of Roy, she has to do it again.

Because the general chairman of Academy City had long ago sent her, the...leader, to the man in front of him, named Roy.

Crowley's man.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 177 Roy's Purpose

Tie Biao Danxi, a student of Misty Hills Women's College, rare.

A person with great ability in the space system, the ability is coordinate movement, and only from the practicality of the ability, the ability of the knot is much stronger than that of the Shirai Kuroko.

In the past, Jiubiao Danxi has always acted as a "leader", responsible for leading people into the building without doors and windows to meet Aleister.

For some reason, she accidentally stuck herself in the wall while using an ability, so she had a psychological and traumatic experience, which made her have a huge fear of... teleporting herself.

It's just that no matter how traumatized she was, she didn't dare to disobey Aleister's orders.

Each time he could only endure the fear and teleport himself and others together, and now although there is no order from Aleister, his son Roy.

Crowley also unceremoniously ordered her to use her abilities, and she didn't care what her so-called psychological trauma was.

For.. this father and son, she is deeply helpless in fear, and can only let it be.

Endmark Danxi has... red hair, which she has tied into two bundles like double ponytails.

The upper body is naked, with only a simple pale pink cloth-like bandage wrapped around it, and the lower body is wearing a highly revealing miniskirt, which makes her look quite sexy, as if she is going to attract a crime.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is... the pair of perfectly rounded ones that are tied up, look quite large, and they don't look like high school students at all.

Yubiao Danxi's ability is only spatial movement, not invisibility, but she and Roy have a microphone connection, so she can appear in front of Roy at any time at his command.

Seeing Roy, he ignored him, and just took that... woman dressed strangely, with a witch hat on her head, and walked forward, and she was just... exhaled and followed Roy quietly. behind.

Since Roy did not have an order, she naturally did not dare to leave voluntarily.

"Why did you choose that... The so-called non-elemental matter, according to intelligence records, was recorded in the Crusades, the undead girl Flora.

Chloedu, should have been hidden by Aleister by now in that building without doors and windows."

"...She should be the best material. As long as she is taken away, her body can be used to forge the spear of the Lord God."

Othinus, who was beside Roy, asked suspiciously, she didn't mean to blame Roy, but just asked her own confusion.


Cloini is indeed a good material to use, but her immortality is only relatively speaking, Othinus, do you think Orells can kill Florlan?

What about Chloe Duney?"

Roy asked back with a smile.

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