After speaking, that is to activate his ability to leave.

Misaka Mikoto was a little worried in her heart, but after going through the Absolute Ability Program, she has matured a lot. She did not help Shirai Kuroko recklessly in the past, but had confidence in Shirai Kuroko.

Of course, there is also a reason - "Sister, Misaka Misaka wants to eat that..., Misaka Misaka wants that bitch!"

The last work suddenly pointed to a booth next to it, and when Misaka Mikoto looked over, she immediately.

The eyes are just...straight.

Buy a crepe and get a mobile phone chain on a first-come-first-served basis, while stocks last...! She grabbed the last creation's hand and ran to the booth quickly, and she just asked for two copies.

"Sorry, we only have this one left in our phone chain!"

The waiter handed Misaka Mikoto two crepes and a mobile phone chain, and said apologetically, but she didn't care about what happened not far away, as if she was used to it.

Misaka Mikoto stared stiffly at the only one in her hand, and then lowered her head to look at the last work with a face full of longing. She could only hand over the phone chain and crepe with a frustrated face.

"Isn't this Mikoto? Do you want this?"

A hand stretched out and swayed in front of Misaka Mikoto's eyes. Misaka Mikoto's eyeballs followed that hand left and right: moving sideways, like a teased kitten, because that hand was holding A quack phone chain.

At the same time, the voice made her very happy, and she quickly turned her head to look at the person who came, "...Roy!"

She called out Roy's name in surprise, and then looked at Roy in amazement.

There was a petite girl with a strange costume and a witch hat eating a crepe. Her skin was astonishingly pale, and her facial features were exquisite and three-dimensional. She looked like a foreigner.

"Uh...this is"

Misaka Mikoto looked at Othinus suspiciously and asked.

She and Roy's friends are quite reconciled, but this strangely dressed girl is the first time she has met.

"Her name is Othinus, a demon friend of mine!"

Roy introduced with a smile.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 173 The Shirai Kuroko Who Is Always Played


Misaka Mikoto was stunned for a moment. Roy's introduction and name were a bit strange. This name sounded too magical.

For Misaka Mikoto, who likes to read comics, the name even reminds her of some words in the chuuni comics.

Thinking like this, she subconsciously looked at the foreigner named Othinus in front of her.

She has long, smooth and flowing golden hair and a petite figure. She is wearing a black leather jacket with the same exposure, revealing a large piece of enviable jade skin that looks like snow.

This young lady known as the Demon God has beautiful facial features and is lovable like a delicate doll. Her appearance is not as graceful as an oriental person, but has a three-dimensional sense of a western race. Surprised beautiful teenage girl looking back.

At this time, Othinus was nibbling on the crepe in his hand. He didn't seem to care about the taste of the crepe. He had no expression on his face. When facing Roy, she seemed to have a sudden humanity, showing a touch of warm happiness.

Misaka Mikoto inexplicably gave birth to the illusion of happiness because Roy bought her this crepe.

Aware of Misaka Mikoto's gaze, Othinus just... glanced at her, and in an instant, Misaka Mikoto felt her body begin to tremble, and a burst of fear appeared from the deepest part, as if something terrible had happened to her. 's natural enemy.

That's right, it's... that kind of... encountering a natural enemy that makes it hard to move a finger, which makes Misaka Mikoto quite surprised. As a terrifying erect ape, is there any natural enemy in this world? Just when Misaka Mikoto's body stiffened due to Othinus' gaze, Saten Ruiko came over at this time, she seemed to be looking at some rare doll, almost sticking her face to Othinus. On his face, there was a particularly excited smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Wow, Demon God! It's such a good name, shouldn't the Demon God be... that kind of... As long as you snap your fingers, you'll end up destroying the world behind the scenes!"

Saying this, Satian Leiko also snapped her fingers in a pose, which made people laugh at the funny gesture.

Roy looked at Saten's tears in surprise, looking a little surprised.

Girl, you seem to know too much.

Even Othinus put down the crepe in her hand, only doubts flashed in her eyes, she stared at Saten Leiko for a while, then shook her head and lost interest in her.

Just... an ordinary human being, there is no refined magic power in the body, and even the so-called super power field is very weak.

"Leizi, the kind you said... The big one behind the scenes is actually Thanos."

Roy quipped.

He met Saten Leiko when he was having dinner with Shokuhou Caoqi in that common man's restaurant before, and since then Roy has been wandering around in Academy City doing nothing, and he has also met Saten Leiko a few times.

This girl always did some inexplicable behaviors, such as learning to look for things in the alley with a dog. Roy encountered that situation several times, and the two of them became familiar with it after going back and forth.

"Haha, I'm just joking, Othinus, don't be angry, but yours is really good, and you dare to wear it on the street like this."

Othinus's dress is indeed very strange, and she has been told to modern-day Personality Roy several times, but Miss Demon God still does her own way and does not change at all.

Othinus is a cold and arrogant type. She is not interested in taking care of Saten Leiko and the others and eating the last bite of the crepe in her hand. She does not have the habit of modern people. The finished paper was thrown to the ground.

"Found littering, fines..."

At this time, a cleaning robot came over, swept the piece of paper clean, and said the words of the fine, but only half of the words were said, the robot just... set it up, turned its head and left, as if it had never seen Austrian. Like Tinus.

Roy said that it had nothing to do with him, that the robot was not under his control, maybe Aleister, who had been watching here with the stagnation loop, was afraid of having an impulse with the devil because of a robot, so he controlled it.

Othinus didn't care about this episode at all. She pulled the brim of her hat and asked Roy: "...Human, these people are your friends"

"Well, it's my friend in this city."

Roy responded with a smile.

Hearing this, Othinus just... nodded, still indifferent and expressionless, since he is a friend of the understander, just ignore it. As for making her smile, it is absolutely impossible, nodding already. is the limit.

Since Roy got to know Othinus, this... Demon God seems to have only smiled at him alone. When facing anyone else, he has that kind of expression of... indifference or interest, and he doesn't even show that kind of expression. ... the contempt of taking you as an ant.

Ignoring is the greatest contempt. In the eyes of Othinus, I am afraid that other life can not be called life, just a moving thing.

Misaka Mikoto and the others were not surprised by Othinus's second-class speech. Since she was regarded as a severe two-dimensional patient, it was normal for her to speak a little "radio wave".

"Tears beware!"

At this moment, there was the exclamation of Kuroko Shirai, and a violent explosion. The pedestrians who were watching the lively bank robbery finally screamed and ran away. A criminal was running here with a fierce face. , seems to be preparing to take people as hostages.

That... The criminal wanted to catch the last work at first, this child looked the youngest, but there were several people between the last work and him, he could only target Satian Leiko, but he ran too close. , He just noticed that the girl closest to him was actually Othinus, so that claw actually grabbed Othinus.

Misaka Mikoto's face changed, and she just... took out a coin from her pocket, Roy sighed, and expressed her respect for this... brave man, and even wanted to take the demon as a hostage, this kind of thing Even Roy didn't dare to think about it.

Without Othinus' shot, the demon **** of the province was a little inattentive and said that he blew up the city. Roy kicked out directly, kicking the criminal who ran over, and he was seriously injured. Still dead, then it's none of Roy's business, and the other party 'just' fell in front of Kuroko Shirai.

After seeing Roy, Shirai Kuroko was stunned for a moment, then jumped and said, "'s a humanoid like you..."

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